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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. At this rate, my Pirate's Choice 'll be gone and I'll need more bottles of it. Damnable, if we have another tornado let alone storm... I suppose we desginate Pete's Room as the official Midwestern Hurricane Party location and HQ! Shall be lookin' forward to this fun event. ~Lady B
  2. hahaha... indeed ye have. Glad t' be of service to ye. There always be groups rising up. And events all over. I'm sure ye'll notice in Raids the list of upcomin' events. Even a couple around this far out into the "Northwest Territories" of old. Hope t' cross paths with ye at upcomin' events, Sweeney. ~Lady B
  3. :::eyes bug out::: There be hotels at that price?!? Tis a bleedin' miracle! Gotcha. Well, will see how it goes. I do so miss th' campin' though. Enjoyed doing that with the reenactments I attended. Easy enough to remain there, save gas rather than roaming all over. Have a good communal group, etc... Honestly need t' have more pirate events like that. Hmm... tis a grand idea for future events bein' conjured in m' head. ~Lady B
  4. Here be one group I know in yo'r waters - the Lake Erie Pirates http://www.lakeeriepirates.com/ This one easy enough to conjure. Shall see about gettin' ahold of a couple other pirates who be in the area. I know a couple be more upon th' western side o' that state. ~Lady B
  5. Huzzah to ye, good man. Welp,m'dear Sweeney, I shall see 'bout connecting ye with a few Ohio Pirates. Aye, events are few but there be many pirates off yo'r direction. I be over here in the not so tropial waters o' Iowa, mate. An' I thank ye for th' wine. ~Lady B
  6. :::huggles for MadL::: There there, now, MadL. Tis a terrible thought, mate. A pirate values their drinking utensil as they value their piratical rights. Tis a terrible loss indeed. ~Lady B
  7. Tis a fine shirt there, roy! Ye look spiffy an terrifyin' at th' same time! ~Lady B
  8. Bo, tis no use, mate! Somehow we gain a "good" reputation. Glad ye gents had a grand time. Aye, I'll be awaitin' patiently fo' Rats' pictures. ~Lady B
  9. Ahoy, Master Sweeney. Welcome to th' Pub. Grand t' have ye with us. Do come an' sit a spell. Regale us with yo'r sea o' lake farin' tales, mate. Now, I be curious. Be ye a part of any pirate group? Jus' curious. Or be ye interested in bein' involved in a group? I know a good many pirates off in the Ohio waters. I'll be havin' a glass o' sweet red wine if ye'd be so kind. ~Lady B
  10. Many heart congradulations to ye both for such a lovely wee lass. Here's to ye both for the vigor to keep up with her as time goes on and the patience, too. May she be blessed with the loveliness of yer mum. Again, many blessings to ye both. Huzzah! ~Lady B
  11. The Acetone is working but apparently I'm not using the right utensil to take off the finish. Ideas on what I can use that won't damage the leather? I used a soft bristle brush, wash rag, cotton balls, Qtips(to get into those hard to reach places).... but the finish is not wanting to come off so easily. ~Lady B
  12. Now... Bo, Blackfoot.... I know this be a bit childish... but even helped me out since I'm no major fan of heights but... flying in a plane ye can play games if ye sit near a window or not. I did this with m' nephew when he was young and he flew with me down to Arkansas to visit my dad when he lived there. Again, helped my nerves to where I LOVE to fly when being childlike with the big jets, gawking at the landscape below, pretending you were an eagle or some angel... or even like you were in some movie or like in my favorite childhood animated series The Mysterious Cities of Gold where they flew in a great Golden Condor... or pretend something else. Make a game out of it. Take something with you like music or a book. Pretend it's a long lasting roller coaster. Hugs fo' ye both, flying is a bit hair raising but still a decent way to travel to get to one point to the other quickly if driving is not an option. ~Lady B
  13. It's all on my MySpace page, Sterling. The gent goes by a persona name of Captain Bishop Aldridge. Charming fellow and not without his knowledge. He's managed to impress me and I likewise impress him. Funny how a Pirate can impress an Officer in His Majesty's Royal Navy, eh? Tis a pity he doesn't come out of the woodwork to play. Or so he says. Stating he's incredibly busy with real life, business and traveling for business all the time, etc. Poor thing. He'd SOOOO love to get involved in these historical portrayals. Perhaps sometime he might be able to. Or... perhaps he does so already. :::Shrugs::: All the more, Sterling, just someone else for ye to side with. Right now... I'm EXHAUSTED! These past few days have been a whirlwind of whatever the heck was going on! Sister's birthday, dad being here, cousin's wedding yesterday on top of the usual stuff... OY! I'm stuffed, too. Decided to cook myself a feast this evening of a baked roast, steamed zuccini and squash, mashed potatoes and gravy, boiled cabbage. No... I didn't have wine with it... I drank that bottle a couple nights ago when I REALLY needed it. But I have to be thankful for my Stepmom Linda. She rocks! She's standing with my sister and I in defense against my dad. Well, he's shooting himself in the head for his stupidity and just wrongful actions of bigotry and offending remarks. I think the only reason being around dad, is Linda now. At least she's a good head on her shoulders. ~Lady B
  14. ROTDLMAO! Oh, God now THAT is hilarious!!!! Not just take it, but it's more HOW they take the bag of booty! Tis honestly tough 'round here. Some guys who would pass off great on a pirate ship, hell times I wished I had a ship I'd offer them a "job" as a pirate on a pirate ship! They have that look like today saw a tall, lanky gent with dirty blonde hair in dreadlocks! He just had that look. Now, did he put off that pirate vibe? Nope. Not at all. Many here that just can't pull off the pirate vibe at all. They try... but just can't. Actually, I shouldn't say they try at all... they just don't! Sparce and slim pickin's here for Pirates. I've come to find out. Now... good Colonial citizens... or the sort... even Beckett wanna-be's.... yeah, plenty of those. More than enough actually. Suffercating this poor Pirate Lady !!! Again, some can or possibly pull off the look but... :::Shrugs::: And no. I don't think it's possible to really spot a pirate so easily. Especially we pirates unless in our pirate attire and the person has no clue we are pirates. ~Lady B
  15. Saw this one when it was on TV. Ironically enough I was over at my sister's and they watch this show... and this chase scene was happening. I laughed! ~Lady B
  16. A very merry Happy Birthday to ye, RumbaRue. Hope ye had a grand one with lots of booty galore. Gets what ye wanted? I think this calls for a celebration with lots of rum, carousing, cabana boys for Rumba... and well, whatever else she can conjure up in her piratical mind. And a cannon salute to ye, lass! To a grand piratess! Huzzah to ye! ~Lady B
  17. I already mentioned it a couple months ago, posted it in Plunder. Cheeky stated they be not correct for late 17th/early 18th. Which she's right, cause they be more in a mid-late 18th such as around the Rev War. But they be fine shoes nonetheless. Now... Sterling... if ye were a pirate, ye'd not have t' worry 'bout debtors prison. Granted, ye'd have t' worry about th' gallows... but then ye'd come into goods without so much as payin' a shilling! An' ye can sell what ye don't want to make a pretty shilling or guinea! ~Lady B
  18. He's here cause of my cousin's wedding. I damn near refused to go to her wedding but felt that would be absolutely wrong of me to not attend her wedding. Generally, I'm just riding out my dad being around like a nasty storm. This, too, shall pass. But all the while, this Gentleman whom is mighty well knowledgeable and loves portrayals of His Majesty's Naval men... He's done mighty well at putting a smile upon my face. Oh, what a Gentleman he be. Well, at least the fantasy aspect to stay the least. I shan't shatter the delusion that he at least put that smile upon my face, thus making me quite happy. Twisted, aye? That a Gentleman in His Majesty's Navy could fancy and flatter a Pirate Lady to cause a glorious smile and happiness? Oh, this makes for a grad story, does it not? Again, elated I still be. ~Lady B
  19. Still nothin' at m' local Barnes an' Noble. Blighters. At least I was able t' purchase some black ink from them finally! Damnables had every color possible but black! So, ye say that Pirates Magazine should already be in stores? ~Lady B
  20. Fine work, sir! And this comin' from a Lady who be none too fond of skeletons! ~Lady B
  21. I'm with Ransom on the loss of voice part. Good Lord! Aye, Ransom. True enough. I don't wish for my heart to hurt again. But, one never knows what will be tossed towards us. He's being mighty charming indeed. Don't expect anything as such in that manner yet, m'dear Ransom. But at least he is keeping my mind off my dad, who will be here this weekend. Ugh! NOT looking forward to it at all! I'd rather have my heart broken several times than to have to deal with my dad. I can't honestly tolerate a man who has no or ill respect of me or others to say the least. But hey, as ye stated... this gent is a nice wee fantasy. For the time being. And at least he's able to put a smile upon my face when I am in the dumps. I be elated with at least conversing with this fine Gentleman. Again, thoughts and prayers be with ye, Blackfoot. ~Lady B
  22. Blackfoot... all ye need is blinders and a poster dangled b'fore ye of Mermaid and we ladies of the Pub t' help ye through such a perilous travel. Surely we can be a distraction for ya so as to keep yo'r mind off the fact ye be flyin'. I do hope though, all be well with yo'r trip to California, mate. ~Lady B
  23. M' heart goes out t' ye, Blackfoot. Ye've m' wishes an' prayers. If worse comes t' worse, at least, Aye, I'll agree with Jenny an' Silkie. Whe be here fo' ye. :::hugs to Blackfoot::: Jill... I've not the pleasure of such, But I shall ask a gent this when next I cross paths with him. :) For he does such in the band Wylde Nept! How all ye in California feelin'? Hopefully the aftershocks be gentle as they can be. And hopefully no larger one be coming. Slept well. In the middle of cleaning now. Again, not lookin' forward t' m' dad's visit. Oh, I likes my step mom, she's a decent woman. But m' dad... ehh. At least m' step mom has kept him in line most of the time. I hate cleaning. I'm trying to clean. I can't clean worth to save my life. Oh, and I be mighty curious t' know of this gent I've been conversing with fo' nigh 2 weeks on MySpace. He seem very charming. But, dare we wish to break this fantasy to face reality? States he lives out of the DC area and apparently travels a lot. Will find out in due time I suppose. ~Lady B
  24. :::Pats MA d'Dogge on the back::: 'ere now... perhaps a tankard o' rum 'll help with that. ::: Offers rum to Dogge:::: BLACKFOOT!!! Again, welcome back, mate! Aye ye have been sorely missed. Both of ye. Ya know... when that wee lass grow older, she'll be a visitin' the ranks here eventually too. Or maybe not. But welcome back and I says we have a GRAND piratical party now in yo'r honor! Another Pub Beach Party perhaps? Hahaha Thumpity thump, hmm? Yo'r a Gentleman Scoundrel. And aye, I dare say a gent in uniform... does make this Lady swoon. Now, Hornblower, eh, pity fo' him I suppose. Now Kennedy... mmmmm, th' man be mighty dashing and handsome AND he's blue eyes! M' greatest weakness. Either way, mate.... a heart welcome back to ye... again. And we shall welcome ye back to port as many times as ye sail off t' sea, mate! ~Lady B
  25. :::Gasp::: :::pulls out pistols point them at Mission:::: DRINKS!!!! Deprivin' us pirates of our drinks.. ye should know better!! only one thousand? Why not go higher? Tis a strange man ye be... but... We likes ye nonetheless, mate. Tis up t' ye to tell. I'm sure we'll all learn of th' secret eventually. Tattoo an' Dr Pepper please. ~Lady B
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