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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. That is VERY awesome, Michael! Brilliant work there, mate. So... which regiment will you be portraying then? Curious as I didn't see it (or overlooked it)... did the early 18th c uniforms have lacing, or special buttons, or incorporate certain colored lapels or cuffs just as they did in the mid and late 18th c? I know the the Rev War, lots of Brit Regiments were identified by the type of lace, buttons and colored cuffs, lapels or even different colored uniforms. I haven't dove deep into pre- Rev War military much. ~Lady B
  2. Sterling has a point there. From the one image I had, the pockets were way different than the images of the late 18t c coats. Even the waistcoats. Or even the breeches. ~Lady B
  3. LOL... Poor Sterling. Mission! This is fantastic info! A couple of those "plagues" being caused by a poor immune system from lack of Vitamin C or something else! Would make sense if someone wasn't getting enough food or sun or something we today take for granted. I admit, been there, done that and can relate to some of those in a manner of speaking. One may go to great lengths to find a way to cover that troubled part of the body. Thank ye for the info though. ~Lady B
  4. Awww... missed another party. Well, happy b'lated Bday to ye, Greydog. Hope ye have a good time an' grand day filled with plenty o' drink, treasure an' whatever ye can conjure up in that devilish piratical head of yo'rs. ~Lady B
  5. I'll wait to see what Bess 'll tell us when she's allowed t' tell us. But there are still some elements of the original PotC that can still be used. Who knows... maybe they'll start at or after they found the Fountain of Youth. Considering both Jack AND Barbossa are at WDW now. I guess we shall see, mates. ~Lady B
  6. Thanks, QM. It's more of what I have now to get rid of now rather than what I can make for someone. I can still make but that will take a little time as I have other orders I'm working on (plus working but not getting paid), etc. So... {the rest has been erased and edited by the Lady} Please keep scrolling down.... ~Lady B
  7. Mmm... PC rum... I have to obtain a few bottles unfortunately. ::le sigh:: Somehow without money since I'm tired of spending money and not getting reembursed or people taking off with my stuff. Isn't the idea of being a pirate is to steal not to be stolen from? Trying to work on this gown still. And hoping that I can make it for RF5. My current situation has to look better though. ~Lady B
  8. {content erased and edited by the Lady} Please keep scrolling down.... ~Lady B
  9. Ooo.. how interesting. A change in looks. :) Thank ye, Cheeky for the Advanced Ticket info. :) Shall get mine soon enough as soon as everything settles down at least. ~Lady B
  10. A very interesting image, sir. Well artistically done. M' compliments. An' th' outfits not all that bad either. Can't see thy face but I'm sure there be reason t' that. Yo'r eyes be almost reddish mate. Oooo, fearsome t' thy prey. ~Lady B
  11. Oh, bloody hell I'm gonna be drunk in two dozen drinks if the welcomes continue! :) Welcome to th' Pub, Shrew. Shan't ask much but can help with pickin' off th' rodents. M' cat don't really chase 'em but I could use some target practice. I'll have some sweet red wine thank ye. ~Lady B
  12. Happy Bday to ye, Blackbead! Hope ye had a fantastic time huntin' down some plunder and gettin' some booty, etc. :) Here's to ye, mate! ~Lady B
  13. Welcome to th' Pub, Bob! Glad t' have another Midwesterner! I'm firin' off a shout to ye from th' not so tropical waters of Iowa. From the flooded city actually. :::grumbles about the place::: How's 'bout some sweet red wine, mate. ~Lady B
  14. Well, well..... a Quartermaster. :) Welcome to th' Pub, Quartermaster. I'm sure ye'll find th' carousin' to thy likin'. Shhh, don't listen to whate'er any one says about we ladies. And, I shall have nothin' more than sweet red wine, thank ye kindly. ~Lady B
  15. Good lord, so many Bdays! That's what happens when a pirate is away from brethren too long. Anyways... happy belated Bday to ye, Kate! Now, did ye have a grand time? Get what ye wanted? If not, we'll have t' go raidin' an' plunderin' soon, how that sound? Here's to ye, lass! :::hoists tankard high::: ~Lady B
  16. Bloody hell, gone a week and look what happens! Well here's to ye, Pete Straw! Granted it's belated... but hope it was a grand old fun time. huzzah to ye, I raise my glass to one of the best shipmates! BTW, how is Quint doing? Still has all his teeth? ~Lady B
  17. A Happy belated Bday to ye, Dorian. Hope it was a grand event for ye. ~Lady B
  18. Ahhh... a fellow Dragoon. Welcome, mate, to th' Pub. :) Tis a grand place indeed. Shall look forward t' some of yo'r stories. An' since th' newcomer purchases drinks for all, I'll have some sweet red wine thank ye. ~Lady B
  19. Yikes about the boots. But I will still keep them in mind as they look nice. As to the heeled buckle shoes... Yes, please. :) just curious which styles and what colors. Not sure if you have more than one style or not. I do fancy a cheaper shoe so I don't have to wear my $100 pair shoes all the time and worry about getting them utterly dirty. So, looking for cheaper pairs and each time I look for the ones I want, they are sold out just when I am ready to buy. I may be interested in black but I am most definitely interested in white. Pure white and not the bone color like what I got from Fugawee. Thanks Mary. :) hehehe... Mary D, the shoe pirate! ~Lady B
  20. The waistcoat you can obtain from a Simplicity pattern that Silkie mentioned. Shirt is not too bad but not perfect. The slops though... well, hopefully Sterling helped ye out there. :) Check with local fabric stores. It's Halloween time, so that means LOTS of fabric on sale. Sometimes even the 100% stuff like linen, silk, cotton and wool. I've been able to get quite a bit of linen, cotton and silk rather cheap (like around $5 a yard). ~Lady B
  21. Ooooo.... very nice, Bess. Very nice. :) Well decorated and unique. Welp, mates, here be my small armoury: ~Lady B
  22. A Captain Blood remake, huh? Coolies. Hmm... tis a toughy who could be as good as Mr Flynn. Bloom? Naw. Bashing my head just ever so slightly on possibilities. But I can't seem to think of anyone. Perhaps this may require some unknown Actor. NOT Shia LeBeouf! PLEASE not Shia. ~Lady B
  23. Ooooh, that looked like so much fun. :) :::le sigh::: wish I could have been there with the lot of ye. But thank ye most kindly for sportin' the pictures! :) They are fantastic! Here's to more future engagements! ~Lady B
  24. LMAO! Sterling... :::Shakes head::: Updated! The Pirates and Buccaneers of the Resurrection, a historical fiction crew based in the upper midwest. The website has a forum, calender, links to other crews, events, sutlers and more. Plus, if you want and are able to, you can join the crew; register on the site and send a message to the Captain. No fee required for joining; I only ask that you have the desire and black heart to be active when able to. We are recruiting gents and ladies of various status to join this new adventuresome crew. Plenty events to attend. Have you the black heart and the gullet to be a pirate or buccaneer? ~Lady B
  25. Right nice, Roy. Kudos to ye. :) ~Lady B
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