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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Yipes. Doesn't sound good, Syren. Though I think I'm having sympathy pains fo' ye. Tired, miserable, miss my Magellan, mild headache, sad, testy, exhausted. And that's just the half of it. ~Lady B
  2. What color is the silk velvet and how much in yardage? ~Lady B
  3. Ghost Forge has better fitting items than Jas. Townsend. Townsend is great for the items, the clothes I have heard from a couple other people are of mild quality/just ok. Ghost Forge be better. Otherwise, G. Gedney Godwin has some 17th c clothing, too. Check it out though. I'm not sure of the quality, I've not seen it nor have I heard reviews of it. ~Lady B
  4. Well, bring in the rum and various spirits and enjoy a virtual round of celebration in honor of th' good man known as Mission. For it be his Birthday. Many blessin's for ye, Mission. Hope ye obtain what treasures ye desire an' enjoy yo'r joyous day of arrival oh so long ago. ~Lady B
  5. LOL... Happy Bday, Matt Hope ye had a fantastic one. Plunderin' what treasure ye wanted, enjoyed thyself greatly. :::Has a couple barrels of rum rolled in::: Lady B
  6. Aye, ahoy an' welcome to th' Pub. Enjoy thyself here. Hehe, I'm sure ye will. And as per tradition, ye buy th' first drink fo' us. So, I'll be havin' Captain Morgan Tattoo, please. Lady B
  7. Oh, wicked outfits, Grey. Hehehe... very wicked. Love the Star Wars ones. Bloody hell, forgot about the Jedi outfit I had for Halloween one year. I'll have to search for that one. Lady B
  8. ::::whimpers::: damnit. Wish I had pictures of my Star Trek uniforms. Tis a bummer I don't have them at all. Lady B
  9. Awesome image, everyone. Can't wait t' see more. Awesome mourning mantuas Cheeky and Mary. Absolutely lovely.. Lady B
  10. Interesting stuff, mates. I'm intregued. Sorry, after watching the "Ghost Hunter" series, it's pretty good at distinguishing what's what. But I have to say, they use a lot of video, EVPs, EMFs, temp detector, etc. But aye, I think ye guess have something there. Especially those mists. Anyone see those wit the naked eye? How about shadows? Hear footsteps other than those with ya? sounds like tapping? possible disembodied voice? Or better yet, someone touching ye? Or sudden cold air to the point ye can see yo'r breath? Sounds awesome, mates. Hahaha... figured ye say that, Dogge. Hehehe. bad dogge, bad dogge. Lady B
  11. ROTDLMAO OMG, hilarious Michael, I would have offered a shilling t' see that. LOL Dogge...::: shakes head::: still fancy that one tumblin' down th' stairs moreso. But at least there is proof he's been caught. Well, at least caught with th' ladies. Dear God, Sterling... what th' devil is yo'r crew doin'? They be rampant buggers. Oh, do keep these comin'... Hehehe. Lady B
  12. Welcome to th' Pub, Nicholas. Glad ye made it here like the other lass. And as I told her, glad someone forwarded ye to the Pub. So, come now an' sit. Bedazzle us with stories of what happened at PiP from yo'r point o' view. And ye buy th' first round o' drinks. Tequila Rose fo' me, thank ye. Not no damn shot of it, th' bleedin' bottle...::: grabs the whole bottle::: Thank ye most kindly. Hehehe Lady B
  13. Welcome to th' Pub, lass Glad ye had fun down at PiP. Hell, glad someone forwarded ye to th' Pub. I'm sure ye'll enjoy it here. And as per tradition, ye buy us all the first round of drinks. Hehehe... sweet red wine fo' me if ye please. Lady B
  14. Hehehe.... aye! Like the one of that supposed boy? I think it was a young lad. Apparently there are possibly 3 ghosts aboard the Star of India. Could be wrong on that though. Eventually there will be a rerun of this one, folks. Unless someone has it up on YouTube already. Or somewhere at least. ~Lady B
  15. Apparently there is a limit to who to befriend, cause apparently not everyone who I befriended and vice versa is not on my list. Pity. All in all, it's not too bad of a feature. Those who wish to will use it. Otherwise, others won't use it. ~Lady B
  16. ROTDLMAO!!!!! Did anyone get ANY video of MA d'Dogge doing ANY of this!?!?!?? LMAO! Oh, I love that walk the plank bit, Dogge. That's hilarious! Glad ye all had a wonderful time. Looking forward to the pictures from the event. Oh, and sorry guys.... for those of ye returning to the north to cold temps and better yet... a snow storm! :) ~Lady B
  17. Hehehehe.... TAPS debunked paranormal stuff on the Berkeley though they don't usually say "Yes it's haunted" or "No, it's not haunted" except in a couple of cases ( I religiously watch Ghost Hunters:) ) But they did find quite a bit and have some personal experiences on the Star of India. Especially that voice that was recorded upon the EVP or something like that said "get off my ship". There was mention on "Dirty Jobs" that the Star of India was haunted as well. Be interesting to see what ya get next time yo'r on the Star of India, Rumba. :) ~Lady B
  18. LOL.. amazing and fun stories. :) Thank ye. And thank ye for th' salad mixin's. Aye, Bo. Been thinking that myself. Pending the availability and the coinage to do so. Better yet, good transportation. ~Lady B
  19. Welcome back! Aye, ye've been missed. :) No fun being denied to yo'r fav place. LOL... at the mention of minions, the song "Night on Bald Mountain" came to mind. LOL ~Lady B
  20. ::: sung to Will Tell Overture or something like that:::: Hap-py An-ni-ver-saryyyy! Hap-py An-ni-ver-saryyyy! Hap-py An-ni-ver-saryyyy! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-py An-ni-ver-saryyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Indeed that is an accomplishment. Praying for another 12 years and more for th' both of ye. ~Lady B
  21. Not sure if this should be here or not. Oh, well. Kept forgetting to post this. I enjoy watching Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi channel Wednesday nights and this past week's episode was the group of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) out in California where they did a Paranormal Investigation on the ferry Berkeley and then the Star of India. I have to say, it was an awesome episode! They didn't catch much but a couple disembodied voice apparisions and a possible movement they believed was NOT caused by the movement of the ship. I've heard of stories of the Star of India being haunted. Apparently, those of TAPS believe it, too. T'was some good stuff they found. Anyone been to the Star of India? If so, did you have any experiences there? What other Tall Ships out there are haunted? ~Lady B
  22. Ahoy, Chantelle. Glad t' have ye on th' Pub. Fine establishment it is as well as th' Tavern. Frequent both places if ye can. UK says ye? I believe there be a few off yo'r direction who be on th' Pub. :) So come, sit. Enjoy some drinks after ye purchase th' first one for us all... and we shall enjoy stories from ye. Make m' drink a Tequila Rose please. Thank ye. ~Lady B
  23. Can't wait t' see pictures of these shoes, gents. :) ~Lady B
  24. This season is gonna be a tough one. My Grandma passed away at the end of September. Thanksgiving was rough and obviously felt strange which her not being there in the flesh. But we know she was there in spirit. I've attended a couple memorials in her honor. M' tears are difficult to be restrained as she lived a long life, filled with memories and she's no longer suffering from her lung issues. But we all cannot help but miss her utterly and terribly. All in all, have SO many memories of the Holidays. Especially when I was younger, when all my grandparents and my great Grandma were still alive. Baking the Christmas cookies, decorating inside and outside, etc. I do remember the year my parents divorced, the winter of '90, no one felt like decorating so I was designated to decorate. And a smashing job I did of it, too. The giant wreath on the garage, the paper sack luminares (?), etc. Took dedication to go out every night to light them and put them out as well as watch them to replace one when it burned (rarely happened). T'was the time gave m' mom a good Birthday (as her Bday is in December), Dinner, something else, and a horse-drawn carriage ride around the town which I had arranged during the town festival of lights. It was something mom says is one of her favorite memories. (all despite we get on each other's nerves). My sister and I use to sleep "under" - generally next to - the Christmas tree when we were younger. T'was so innocent and pure, to go to sleep with all the lights flickering and glittering. The light, barely audible Christmas music playing. Oh, how we loved the Chipmunk Christmas Album. LOL. Love Christmas songs! Transiberian Orchestra "Christmas in Sarejavo (?)" is one of my favs, along with "Believe" sung by Josh Groban, Oh and that "Train" song, I can't recall who narrates it, but it's not really a song, but more a story about a guy on a train, recalling his Christmas memories. Again, love the Christmas songs. Speaking of songs, last weekend was with my parents, my aunt, cousin and my nieces as we watch the Christmas parade in Washington, IA. They greatly enjoyed themselves, getting lots of candy. Afterwards we went on a horse-drawn hayrack ride, where an elderly lady was hoping to sing songs. So, what did we do? Start singing Christmas songs the whole type while on the hayrack ride. Oh, what fun it was. After that, went to a local restuarant and had supper. Each year, if there is time and the weather is fair, we'd get into the van and go look at the lights. Don't know what it is about the lights, but they are fascinating. Especially when kids are with ya, then the moment is all the more innocent and pure. Lots of creative people out there. I just hope to inspire memories with others, my sister's kids (since I care for them while she works), and hopefully in the future, if God and the Fates are so willing to allow... my own family to create, share and inspire memories with. All in all, it's the Holidays that have the most pure and sweet memories. Of family who are now too far away whom I barely seeand of those who are no longer with us. All in all, I love the Holidays. Merry Christmas! ~Lady B
  25. RECIPE!!! Obtain th' recipe for th' Salad, Mission! Would LOVE to make it whether at an event or not. :) I know folks usually have their various ways of making a Salmagundi. I'm always curious to try the various tastes. And the salad dressing, too. Please? :::down on knees and begs::: Pretty please? Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top with sprinkles? ~Lady B
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