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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Now now, Gentlemen. French o' English, Colonist o' not... as long as ye don't be sendin' we who seek but a sweet opportunities of this ripe world to dance th' hemp jig wearin' th' hangman's necklace as we dangle from th' gallows... then I shan't care where 'bouts ye cometh. Oh and this English Captain is much like ye, good sir. For his French is fine as well as his manners. He says th' same about Frenchies as ye say th' same about English Dogs. Yet, I dare say, sir, that either of ye wouldn't dare so as much harm a hair upon either's head if I t'were there in the presense of ye both as ye glare eye to eye. Hmmm? All in all, it's the charming Gentlemen who indeed impress the Ladies as well as peers. Ye are a breath o' fresh air, Silken Jack. Despite what some may say otherwise. Do, please, regale us with more of thy charmin' tongue an' wit with intreguin' stories about thee. And then perhaps I shall buy thee a drink for thy charming disposition. ~Lady B
  2. Awww... there there now MadL :::Pats him on th' back::: Ye shall. It will end soon 'nough. ::: hands him a bottle of rum to enjoy til then:::: ~Lady B
  3. Hope to attend, mate. Not sure though. But shall see. ~Lady B
  4. Ahoy! Hey, figured would start something like this again, I think we has something like this sometime back and is not longer part of the Pub archives. Anyway, I know some folks have found some good finds at some of the most oddest of places that would be period enough places. Heck, Kate found some wooden spoons at JoAnn Fabrics. :) Check this yo'r local Target in the candle aisle for a period style lantern! It's a BIG lantern & looks similiar to what most sutlers sell. It's wood and metal and sqaure with a nice handle. Looks like something sold from Jas. Townsend (since they are famous for their period lanterns). Only issue is it has no cover of any sort. Perhaps some people prefer it without a cover. Anyways, this sells for $49.99. So, if ye have th' coinage... GRAB IT! Or however many ye can afford before they are all gone and no longer carried by the store. Heck, I found my small lantern and the fabric for my one Rev War dress at Goodwill. Oh, the shock and surprise there when I told people that. :) If ye have a Michaels craft store around ye, look back in the woodworking area. They have a couple of premade wood chests that are fantastic to store clothing, dishes, and all sorts of small and medium sized items in. I suppose one MIGHT be able to fit a 6 by 7 by 6 tent in one, I never tried. Hmmm, will have to check that out. Price last I saw was around $30 - $40 at most. Wal Mart! Hehehe, believe it or not, has had a couple of fabric bolts that could be possible for the 18th c. Depending upon the era. I've actually had better luck at Hancock Fabrics where I spotted in the calicos a blue and white calico in the large floral pattern of the mid and late 18th c. But that is one of many I have spotted. Most are of 100% cotton base. So, look about! This store is even carrying more silks, too. So anyone handy with painting on fabric? Ye can make yo'r own period patterned fabric for a fine outfit! Price per yardage ranged from $4 per yard to $30 per yard. But then again, Hancock has sales A LOT! So, guaranteed ye can get them cheaper. And especially if ye find it in the piling mound of remenants table. Whether it's purely period or close enough, great deals there! Oh, and I've had fantastic luck finding some fine plumes at local Antique shops, too. Hehehe, where else did ye think I got all m' plumes fo' m' hats? Every one of them are from an antique store. As much as we LOVE to stick with our fav Sutlers because of authenticity standards... sometimes ye miss a little something out there from non-period places. Keep yo'r eyes wide open, mates. So, tell folks what ye've found and where plus price if possible. ~Lady B
  5. I checked with my stepdad and he's not seen anything like that before. He's a ton of antiques but never seen anything like that before. Honestly, nor have I. But he doesn't think it's a match box or container of sorts. Checked with any antique dealers around there to see what they know? It's an incredibly lovely piece, MadL. ~Lady B
  6. Sterling... found this site via googling.. had a couple images of period jackets (two that survived from the era do it sounds. maybe). http://www.marariley.net/jackets/jackets.htm Or even this place which has a couple surviving mantuas. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hi/axn_costume.htm ~Lady B
  7. Oy! Is anyone goin' to How to Be A Street Performer by Emmett Miller at 1pm in Room B on Saturday? I'm torn between them but I think I'm going to the Persona 101 at that time on Room A though. So, if someone's goin' to that, ye think ye can obtain a taping of that somehow fo' me? If not, tis ok. I don't think I'll be disappointed with the Persona 101. Friday looks like a great day to wander about. Hmm... should finish my Habit in time for that day, aye? OR just wear th' habit for Saturday. Most likely 'll go in m' civvies on Sunday. See, QM.. ye are encouraged to wear period attire if ye have it or wish to.. but also encouraged to wear civvies if he feel ye don't want to dress up at all and just wish to enjoy the event. I'd say from RF2 there was a good amount of those who wore civvies (modern attire) that attended and greatly enjoyed themselves. Lookin' forward to the sushi! Sterling, I haven't a clue where to cook if I would cook, Captain. I haven't a braiser and I doubt th' hotel would fancy the idea of m' cookin' inside somewhere. How's about at some event where one can cook. Aye? ~Lady B
  8. Couldn't even have a good bottle of wine with t roasted lamb Christmas Eve. Oh, well. I'm still attempting to hang in there. I guess. I've determined I DESPERATELY need to get away - far away - from my family. How the hell I will do it, I haven't a clue. Guess it's all my fault for letting myself be used like that. Now it's put me in such a financial hell hole it's gonna be a hell of a battle to get back out of it. I fetch the kids, I have to get another job but still had to watch the kids which makes it impossible. I get a job and still annoyed cause I didn't start soon enough! HELLO?!?!! It's CHRISTMAS!!! Need a car of my own would LOVE to get one with the 5 months of money owed to me (like I'll ever see that money). I appreciate what some have done. And I thank ye for it. However, I think right now what I need done... is either a tornado to come through and whisk them all away, or the earth to swallow them all up... or some hitmen. :::Shrugs::: I know that sound mean and disturbing, but this family has screwed my life up horrible. And I'm the damn fool to let them. Oh, now I be terrible after I spoke with my aunt who chewed my sister out for the possibility of losing her sister (my mom) since she got all pissing and angry and crying when Dalton was stuck here with all the weather and poor plans no followed through. So, mom all pissed off, decided to take Dalton back up to Cedar Rapids last night in the middle of a freakin' ice storm! Didn't make it halfway and had to attempt to turn around. So, my aunt calls me to get the low down my mom was leaving, I told her. Apparently my aunt called my sister and they had it out on the phone. Now, everyone is pissed, all emotional bitches (and that's putting it lightly) cause apparently I didn't take Dalton back up on Thursday evening or Friday morning like he wanted. Umm, hello? WEATHER WAS BAD! :: rolls eyes::: Besides, I can't just take the van without consulting others on plans, and everyone generally hasn't woke up til nigh noon! Ugh. Yeah, it's my fault when it's out of my hands. If there ever is a time for a lady to be rescued by her chivalrous pirate.... it would be now!!! Nay, but I don't have a gent who dares to take a second glance. Why? Hell if I know. Too damn fat I suppose. Oh, no. Nothin' like m' whore of a sister (and I not be jokin' on that, mates. Sickening)... who be as thin as Keira Knightley and the gents follow her faster than ye can say "she's usin' ye". Oh, aye. I have issues now with m' sister. She's the center of my current troubles, along with m' mother circling about all too close. And th' rest of m' family who cannot have a sliver of civility, decency and manners through any of them. Sounds nasty of me sayin' all this but tis true. I see things how they are, I tell what truth there is. And I tell ye, everything all around sickens the hell out of me! All I wanted, all I want... is that good hubby whom we'd have some interests, I let him have his seperate hobbies and friends as long as he allows me to have mine among other equal rights... a family to equally care for, a decent home, good vehicles, etc. Nothng extravagant, nothing fancy beyond means, etc. Oh, no. Apparently, that's too much for a lass to be dreaming about I guess. Pray when I lose m' weight I don't become a vindictive and bitter bitch. So here be yo'r big, fat bottle of whine vintage 1974.
  9. Just shelling innocent kids? practically most of the snow has melted, flooding a lot of areas now. Oh, better yet, it was cold enough last night that while the rain moved in it all FROZE!!! Yup, freezing rain which eventually late at night turned to snow. Generally, travel was not advised anywhere in the eastern half of Iowa last night. Oh how I hate when it warms up in winter. ~Lady B
  10. MD d'Dogge and some of those in the Archangel were kind enough to teach me a few things. This year I fell in with the Brotherhood of Steel which has "houses" out of Iowa and also out of the Kansas City (Kanasas and Missouri) area. Now, these guys are LIVE STEEL. So, we learn (carefully and slowly) all the moves. M' own sword is incredibly massive and heavy like a claymore or heavy broadsword, but it's not the type to use for rapier...LOL, as we found out. Luckily, I'm the only one who hasn't been smacked and blood drawn... and no one has long term issues or scars either. :) But, it's been challenging and entertaining. We have the choice of going at it live and unrehersed or to choreograph with a story to it. One gal who is learning rapier, both single and florentine style, she is the Lady's Champion ... we've come up with the idea of her as the Lady's Champion fighting to save and rescue her Lady from myself and the pirates. Both of us being ladies, both of us learning single rapier and florentine with all sorts of weaponry, and usual swordfighting, etc... we figured it would be fun! Lots we still need to work on though as we do hope to do this at a couple events in 2009 IF we can finish the techniques and choreographing. All in all, I try to keep myself open to anyone who wishes to swordfight, but hope to choreograph or remain safe during this battle of metal. ~Lady B
  11. Aye. I get the catalog each year and greatly look forward to receiving it. True, he does model most of the men's clothes. I don't recall who that be that models the ladies attire. But they do have some awesome stuff. I've greatly enjoyed their linen thread. It's held up to quite a bit. I've used it on almost all my outfits. Even bought their tent which I'm rather pleased with. Oh, and their ladies shoes; very nice. ~Lady B
  12. Thank ye secret santa fo' m' gifts!!!! :::hugs::: LUV them. Received 2 small copper tankards, a small treasure chest that the tankards fit nicely in and 3 gold coins and 1 silver coin. Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I love 'em. :) An' hopefully, the PO will get th' gift there. :::knocks on wood and crosses fingers, sword an' pistol::: If they haven't received it by now, I'm hopin' no later than Monday ((;;; ready t' take down the PO ;;; )) Anyway, thank ye, Secret Santa... :::looks at a certain MN person::: :) ~Lady B
  13. :::Starts singing and dancing::: Happy happy Birthday! Happy happy Birthday! Oooo-hooo, oh yeah... it's yo'r birthday- :::Stops and looks around at everyone gawking oddly at her; crickets chirp::: Hehehhe... Hey, is it not cause t' celebrate? Hmm? Anyways, Happy Bday to ye, Bo! I think it's cause t' dance and sing cause it's yo'r Birthday, mate! Hope ye had a fantastic one. Get what treasures ye wanted. Wow... two days in a row! What a hell of fun time be that? Hmm? ~Lady B
  14. Dear sir, ye have indeed come to a good spot nonetheless. There be a few of us pirates who enjoy th' finer things. As well as the not so finer things. Perhaps another time for the lamb. Or any other prime delight for gluttony. Tis a fine ship it sounds, good sir. Sir, I dare to say, ye remind me of a fine British Captain in His Majesty's Navy who be stationed along th' mid-coast shores of the British Colony's. Ye both be so uncanny it's ironic. And aye, I shall take ye upon that dice and another round. ~Lady B
  15. It's a fabulous and fun convention for living historians. And that alone sets it apart from other conventions and even most events. But as I said, anyone is welcome if not highly encouraged to attend. But again, it's an event that ye don't want to be wearin' a Jack Sparrow outfit to. ~Lady B
  16. :::nods in agreement with Michael::: Reenactor Fest is indeed a convention for living historians. An awesome bunch of historical portrayers of all sorts and eras. It's a great event. Really it is. Absolutely recommended highly as a convention. Pirates are welcome but (and I hate saying this) the historically authentic pirates IF ye dress up. Ye can always walk around in modern clothes. Ye can always purchase items there. Trust me when I say there are plenty to purchase from. Just make sure you have LOTS of money with ye if ye plan to shop or have a particular list and pray to God you won't get suckered into buying something more. LOL RF has been rather open to pirates cause the Archangel has been doing a FANTASTIC job as historical pirates. And as always... hell, these guys are FUN! But if you are looking for all around piratey like most pirate festivals, the PyrateCon or Pyrate Week is yo'r thing. So, it really boils down to the pirate festival or the convention for living historians. ~Lady B
  17. Ooooo... He speaks French! :) Charming. Welcome, Silken Jack, to th' Pub. Tis a grand establishment it be. Loverly tale 'bout ye, sir. Eager t' hear more 'bout ye. Especially how ye gained th' nae "silken". An' bein' tradition - as I tell so many others - ye be buyin' th' first round fo' all. So, m'dear sir, how's 'bout that bottle of Madeira? Hmm? Pity ye missed m' fine roasted lamb on this very Christmas Eve. ~Lady B
  18. Hehehe.... steamy. Welcome to th' Pub, Zep'lin. Glad ye joined we pirates here at this fine establishment. Intreguin' video an' creation ye had there. So, as I mentioned t' others... tradition be ye purchase th' first round o' drinks fo' all. So, how's 'bout mine bein' irish cream on th' rocks. A good sized glass o' it. Thanks mate. Lookin' forward t' seein' and hearin' more of ye. ~Lady B
  19. NASH!!!! Welcome back mate. Ye still owe a drink. So, surprise me good man. ~Lady B
  20. Welcome to th' Pub, Blackrose. Do enjoy yo'r carousin' here at the Pub. Fine group o' pirates we be. An' with tradition, ye buy th' first round for all. I'll have a good sized goblet o' tequila rose thank ye very much. ~Lady B
  21. More than good geeky fun, it's great to get involved in it with the kids. I know my sister's kids like it. It's just a little something to help enjoy the Christmas season. Apparently Santa 's been to Iowa. Heck, must have been when most of us were sleeping for that brief moment. ~Lady B
  22. Aye. A fine Channukah to all ye out there what celebrate it. And to any who celebrate Kwanzaa as well. Joyful Winter Solstice. An' any other holiday at this time. As well as Merry Christmas. General happy holidays all around... and drinks all 'round! ::: tosses everyone a bottle o' rum::: ~Lady B
  23. Merry Christmas to ye all an' t' all a bottle o' rum! Here's to ye on such a good holiday. May ye feast well, enjoy fine spirits, good company, and gifted many desired treasures. ~Lady B
  24. Oh, good Lord, gents! Stynky... and others out there a might bit curious... alas, pictures escape us at the moment to put up. I haven't any readily available to post the difference between the bodice and the corset/stays. But... for those of ye still in the dark and haven't a clue... check out Jas. Townsed for example: http://jas-townsend.com/index.php?cPath=2&...edc617ca4ca936c The bodice ye see at Ren Faires worn by a good many women, well... honestly, I have yet t' see historical documentation on those types fo' th' 18th c at least. Someday will get ye all some piccies of the difference, mates. Sterling and Diamond pretty much said it all. Corset/stays = undergarment that is fully boned or half boned. Bodice = NOT an undergarment that is partially boned or not boned at all. And I prefer wearin' stays than I do a bodice. Again, it's GREAT back support. ~Lady B
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