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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Hmm, trying not to double post here. Feeling tired now. Chest is heavy and starting to ache a tad bit. My sister is a major huffer and puffer and unfortunately I'm stuck with her cause I watch her kids. Unfortunately, she's not all that bright to NOT smoke around me. It all stems back to the major inflamitory pnuemonitis I have back in the spring of 2006 and since then my lungs have NOT been the same. So, sitting here choking it feels like. FINALLY put on an air purifier But still not enough for the moment. I hate smoking. After all, it killed my grandma. ~Lady B
  2. Oooo... thanks fo' th' pattern image. So much there at Costumes.org. :) Gotta love 'em. I'd not seen that one. I fancy the idea of makin' a new outfit or two that's more period correct or close enough. The pieces I have are rather off. Need to sell what I have first before I get new outfits, though. ~Lady B
  3. Lucky. Eventually will obtain those patterns. My uncle has a woodworking shop and asking him if I can make these items here. He makes captain's beds, loft beds, etc. Would love the wagons and carts for the Rev War events. Make it look more like we rolled in for real instead of just... appearing. ~Lady B
  4. :::shrugs::: hard to say, Michael. My step dad has an antique collapsable table that is early 20th c but not sure how close to 18th c it is. One of these days I'll have to get a pic of it. But it's close to the folding tables pattern. The folding tables, bed, trunks, and the camp kitchen is what caught my eye. Oh, and the carts and wheels, too. Just need to get that one bowback chair with the brace repaired. It works good now but the brace and the bowback is a little out of the spokes. Just bulky for vehicle travel. ~Lady B
  5. Heheheh... When ye mean trade, what be ye lookin' for? Oooo, tis a VERY tough decision here, GoF. :) ~Lady B
  6. The smoke and fire furniture patterns caught my eye a couple years ago. Haven't obtained the patterns yet. ~Lady B
  7. :::nods::: Oh, I believe it, Patrick. Snow falling in areas doesn't surprise me any more. Looks like you got a good amount there. How many inches? Have a snowball fight yet? Make a snowman? Go sledding or skiing? Eeehh... Johnny, I sympathize. Ice be bad. Getting a good amount of snow right now that will last until around 10pm tonight and will end up with nigh 6 inches. At least this storm wasn't as half bad as the last one which kept changing minute by minute. This one is pretty solid and predictible and calm. However, Thursday and Friday doesn't sound so sweet. Talking about ice on Thursday and a snow storm on friday. Joyful. : ~Lady B
  8. Just as long as they don't act like the Whale Wars crew. :::Rolls eyes::: Dudes... they need to change their Colours. Hmm... tis a tough one. But I don't think I've reign them in at all. Unless they were supporting some terror group like al Queda or one of the warloards. Lady B
  9. :::nods;::: I agree with ye there, Maggie. I hate ice as well. Don't mind th' snow, and sometimes th' cold, but it's the nasty ice that bothers me. Suppose t' be gettin' some icy weather on thursday and/or friday as well. NOT looking forward to that. Likewis, Maggie. Stay warm AND safe. It's been one snow event after another. Spooks the hell out of me cause the north is getting pounded moreso than here in Iowa. Worries me cause it's the type of weather that happens before the spring thaw when there's more rain.... hence, FLOODS. Floods BAD. Very, very bad. Lady B
  10. LOL... OMG, ye look like m' Helmsman, Smalls. Spooky. Cute though. Well, either look ye sport ye be handsome, mate. Well, go on now, Jenny. Shoo. Off t' bed with ye. Lady B
  11. Aye, likewise. I fancy that first one as well. Second fav is the red and gold habit. I can see Cheeky in the purple mantua. Thank ye, Sterling. Lady B
  12. Saw that same exact tent get up at Cantigny in Wheaton, Illinois a couple years back and you can't image how many of us absolutely drooled over desiring such an elaborate and large outfitted tent with fine items. Especially the furniture. Indeed it's very nice stuff. I did some searching of collapsing furniture for Rev War a couple years ago as the canvas get ups that were everywhere were deemed not so Rev War. I did read a couple places that there were folding chairs of wood with leather seats. It's tough trying to find a survivng piece. Only closest example is the ones on the HMS Victory in which Jas Townsend has recreated. But I don't know how close to period proper those chairs are to the GAoP. Those furnishings are mighty nice but aye, mighty expensive. Occassionally I find something that's not collapsing furniture. Such as a bowback chair with a brace. Was lucky with that one but needs to be repaired. Obtained it for 3 dollars. Lady B
  13. minus 5... hehehe, I believe it. We are not all that far off from that here in Iowa. Been cold here all day, near 0 with a windchil between 12 below to 25 below. Brrr. Suppose to be getting over 4 inches starting tomorrow afternoon. Oooo. My sister's kids are hoping for no school. Hahaha, nope, they will go to school as the snow won't be pummeling until when they get out. I heard ye got some snow over yo'r direction, Patrick. How much did ye get there? They didn't say on the weather channel. Also heard that California was getting some downpours. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Hey, it's better to have it now thank in April. Lady B
  14. Which night be it that yo'r broadcastin', Bilge? Plenty o' folks there for ye to talk to, interview, etc. Can't wait either. I enjoyed m'self in '07, bummed when I wasn't able to make it for '08 cause of illness, but hoping to attend in '09... and with a new gown. Maybe a couple new outfits. Maybe. Lady B
  15. They are nice. Pricy as the devil but nice. Which pieces are period correct to the 18 c though. Lady B
  16. Well, I'll be. Congrats to ye, Jessi. Aye, thy pants be fancy. Silk be they, aye? Lady B
  17. For those of you who want them but find it incredibly difficult or timeconsuming to make them.... William Booth Draper has premade thread buttons. http://wmboothdraper.com/ ~Lady B
  18. Tis sad t' hear, Royaliste. Has it been somewhat successful? Wish I could do this, but not sure if I can. Heck, I have a cat. ~Lady B
  19. LOL.... I know... so many born on certain months. So, to those I miss, Happy Birthday. To those I've gotten to another Happy Birthday to ye. ~Lady B
  20. Happy Bday t' Foxe Come one an' all to celebrate this day in honor of our Pubmate, Foxe. Huzzah to ye... roll in th'barrels of spirits... an' th' wenches 'll bring in what delights ol' Foxe an' anyone else desires. hehehe... Again, Happy Birthday, Foxe. ~Lady B
  21. I admit. I'm a bit stumpped what t' get. But will send it out this coming week. ~Lady B
  22. Hehehe... WICKED Dammit I need to get these outfits done. Thanks Cheeky. Shall look forward to RF5. Oh, and Cheeky, what is the rule this year for weapons? I know in the past they have allowed them. Any different this year? As long as they are clean I hope. We should have a mock "hunt"... not really a hunt, but a good number of us in hunting habits and attire as though on a hunt ... sort of. Working on a new habit m'self. Praying to God I finish it in time. ~Lady B
  23. Plenty of folks in the Northwest Territory Alliance who do Rev War as a family. Otherwise, I highly recomment the Dickfoss Family. They run William Booth Draper which is a period fabric supplier and they have a website online. They've been active in the NWTA for many years, doing the Colonial era for as long. I recommend them highly. ~Lady B
  24. FINALLY, posting a piccie of my Magellan. Many other pictures but just putting this one up of him that is until I obtain a picture of him at an event which I STILL have yet to get that picture from someone. Here he is... the position ye see him often in. And another of him in the same chair, it's his chair now... He's as cute and fuzzy as he appears and more so. Very soft fur like a bunny, huge-ish, and charming. Indoor cat only, he goes outside on a leash only, enjoys a trip to Petsmart when possible, doesn't like snow, loves the yellow jingle balls and will play fetch with them. Oh, there is so much to him. But, he's been around a cannon and he's mighty use to them now as well as enjoys camping. Pic I did of him with a piratical background: ~Lady B
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