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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Ahoy, Afira. Apologies I never met ye this past weekend as I never made it there. Trust me when I wanted desperately t' go but was unable to. Hell, but I was there in spirit. Hope to cross paths with ye in th' future though. Plenty more events happening around this direction, too. Keep watch in Raids to find more events around that may spark thy interest. Huzzah to ye! And how's about we celebrate ye comin' to th' Pub... I'll have a fine glass o' sweet red wine thank ye. And I'll urge Perkeo t' get hisself over here t' welcome he. ~Lady B
  2. Ahoy an' welcome, VG. Intreguin' name, mate. I shan't ask though. Hope ye enjoy th' Pub. Tis a grand place. And I swear to ye... ye'll find no better culture than Pirates! Truly we are the best brethren (or fandom or subculture, which ever ya go by). So, swing back, and we shall carouse til we are all passed out drunk! ~Lady B
  3. Ahoy an' welcome Earl Grey. Fine name by th' way. tis m' favorite tea. Tis th' truth, mate. I'll have some Earl Grey tea in thy honor, sir. Glad ye found this fine establishment. An' don't forget t' make yo'r way over to th' Tavern for more carousin' with the piratical comrades, too. :::Glares at Doc::: what ye mean, watch out fo' we ladies?!?!? ~Lady B
  4. LOL... I bet, Rumba. :) That would be a priceless sight. Congrats, lass! I wish ye both th' best with yo'r new home. Indeed it's a challenge. Here's to hopes that those challenges and discoveries remain small and minimal. Really? It's that much for putting down some tile? When I had my own place (granted a manufactured home, too) I was able to replace the carpet and tiling for less than $200. The whole place. Granted it wasn't a huge home but I was bouncing off the walls nonetheless. ~Lady B
  5. Hehehe... :::glances around::: Has Bilgemunky discovered this thread yet? Some interesting images, mates. Truly. :) Especially the Star Wars version. Most interesting. I like! :) But.. how's about this.. Move over Star Wars... the ULTIMATE in steampunk!!!... Transformers style! Info about it... http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Hearts_of_Steel I'll go along with this. Tis mighty interesting. I've always enjoyed the Jules Verne stories... especially 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Hmmm.... I might try this. :) ~Lady B
  6. Awww... poor Sterling. For get the target ducks at the Fair! Oh, look.. it's a new game for Pirate Fests... shoot th' Pyrate Hunter! Ahhh, ye know we love ya Sterlin'. Just... watch out fo' those rounds! As to the cavalry, hell WAY too easy to bust a foot! If ye don't hurt it when ye dismount, then it's by the horse stepping on it! Or other things. Yeah, Infantry has it bleedin' easy! Blighters. Aye, Rumba... I'm with Syren. And Syren... ye best be tellin' lass... what projects? Oooo! Excited cause I found out my plates I've been using for reenactments I am now also using them at home and wanting to get the bowls now. Well, come to find out that there are more to this Pfaltzgraff Village ware - a couple types of mug, etched glass, utensil holders, salt and pepper shakers, milk bottles, pitchers, soup tureens, serving plates, bread plates, etc. Oh, the list goes on and on! Found LOTS of it on eBay. My dilemma is on eBay... the shipping is more than the price of the items. But, I haven't had much luck around here finding these particular items I need. I really needed the bowls cause I couldn't find them. I have the dinner plates and the small salad plates and the tankard style mugs. And one of the small coffee/tea cups. So, I need LOT more! :) Plan to use them both at home and at events, too. Will need A LOT more than what I have now. So between finding my set, dying the shoes, and finishing up chores,... I'm good. :) ~Lady B
  7. Haha! It worked! Thank ye, Kenneth! I was about to rub my fingers raw to get to the leather. They turned out fantastic! Now... to seek out the red and turn the heels red! Huzzah! This look wicked, mates! Ya know... got me thinkin'... ya know yo'r a reenactor or any historical portrayer when you spend more money on yo'r period clothing than yo'r own modern every day clothes! Again, thank ye, Kenneth! This are right nice! Not too shiney, but they are rather nice looking. ~Lady B
  8. Yah know... tis a tough decision between which one I want. My other dilemma is if they would fit around m' massive calves. How much for each of them? Can message or email me if ya don't want to post that here. Again, torn over which one I would want. Also, any word on the ladies style shoes? The ones with the higher heels? ~Lady B
  9. So the ribbons were knocked at the end? I wasn't sure if they burned ends of rope or ribbons so they didn't unravel. Or if they just knotted them off. Wicked! I plan to do this now with my pirate attire with the ribbons then eventually in due time. Oh, this is absolutely wicked! I'd imagine the ribbon was mighty long I know I'd have mine at about 2 yards worth so it can wrap around the pistol as well as drape around my neck/shoulders comfortably. :::Shrugs::: But, great question to ask! Yeah, how long did the ribbon look to you? ~Lady B
  10. Poor Sterling. Honestly can't seem to understand the broken foot bit. Tis always my ankles that give me more troubles especially the right one since that got run over by a car! and now m' knees after jumping off horses for 2 years (damnit). And the right hip after falling down atop cement stairs! Yeah, I'm a bill of health. Welp, here's t' hoping ye get better soon, Sterling. Now... we don't want to have ye endin' up like John Silver now.. hobblin' about upon a crutch! Likewise, Dutch. Fix those feet, mates. Silkie! Hey! Girl! Ye headin' out on the Kalmar?!?!? damnit! Lucky you! Take me with you! I'll bring Magellan! He likes to travel! Was annoyed earlier for lack of communication from a group who wanted me at some Pirate gathering. Well, someone finally got back to me. But still at a loss of what I should bring. A little mellow now. Doing laundry and sewing as well as on here getting some stuff done. Might run out to get black dye for the shoes if the only shoe place in town is open. I hate the floods. ~Lady B
  11. Ok, I'll take yo'r word fo' it, Kenneth. The Shoe Repair guy said to get down to the raw leather and this is proving to be more than a problem. I shall give this a shot then. May run out here in a bit to get some dye since I can't find my damn bottle of black dye. Too many freakin' projects going on! I'm presuming it won't be a perfect black? Look a little distressed? ~Lady B
  12. Aye... mighty nice there, Oderlesseye. They are mighty comfy, too. Oy, Mary!... do ye have th' women's boots available still? ~Lady B
  13. Oh, what a laugh this thread is! Love it, gents. Now.. Dogge... be sure that no Law Enforcement pulls ye over. I'm sure that'll create quite the stir. They'd find it stranger when pirates show up t' bail yo'r arses out of jail! :::Clears throat::: anyways... back to the cleaning... I have washed my stays once. I removed the reed boning and washed them. Since then, (and that was years ago) I haven't washed them. I don't expect to keep my stays for long. Hoping to gain a new pair soon enough. Hopefully. Sorting through my assortment of fabric to see what I have and can use. Other attire, I don't wash much. Mostly dry clean myself (never will take them to a dry cleaner again!). ~Lady B
  14. Well, come an' sit, m' good man. Despite ye a Spaniard. But, all be well an' good here as long as ye don't put a blade or bullet in our backs. So... what brings ye here to th' Pub? hmm? ~Lady B
  15. aye, look like reproductions to me but nice cheap ones to have at an event. If only I had the coinage to obtain them all. Well, expect the 1865 one at least. ~Lady B
  16. Ok... be there a certain way to do this? Perhaps I'm doing this wrong? I'm using a washcloth with 100% acetone, been working on this for a while (weeks it seems) and the bone finish is slightly coming off! But there is still way too much bone finish on here that I can't get to the raw skin. Is there a particular technique I'm suppose to be using? Particular brush? Do I soak them or not? Ahh! Now I can't fin the black dye! Oh, this is lovely. HELP! ~Lady B
  17. Worth a shot to check it out. I guess we'll give the "hoist the tankard" approval or the "Run 'em through the gullet with th' Cutlass" disapproval when we see it. ~Lady B
  18. Wicked pictures, Rumba! I'm envious! I see Iron Bess be there with her toy. Sitting upon th Bounty aka Ediburugh Trader. I see she was restored? Awesome! I cringed when I heard that gutted her some. Ouch! What other ships were there? A nice array of gents there, too. Charming. ~Lady B
  19. How th' devil does belly dancer to the Great Lakes region? Some French Fur Trade purchase or trade for her as she was brought in off some ship? Must have gotten sick of all the Native gals. No offense, but those belly dancers seem to be EVERYWHERE! So, where be the Man of the Household, his mother and family? :::shakes head::: Again, no offense to these lasses, but I be rather lost with WHY these dancers who are suppose to be part of a Harem (and folks understanding that term would know they they are NOT for sex purposes only)... where is the historical background and other part of a Harem? Again, apologies for that rant, just actually bewildered with the large variety of freelance belly dancers about. Especially bewilders me with a Belly Dancer at a Fur Trade Rendezvous. ~Lady B
  20. soup and salad? ::Shrugs::: LOVE that Cream of Mushroom on mashed potatoes. It makes a WONDERFUL gravy. as to tomatoes... ::Shrugs::: good question. Lots to do with it but it is rather time consuming (salsa, stewed and canned tomatoes, juice, spagetti sauce, etc) ~Lady B
  21. Ouch. Let's hope they repair that or help repair it to say the least. ~Lady B
  22. Tis understandable, mate. Ye do a service, a right proud one, too. :) Hats off to ye, Mr Avery. ~Lady B
  23. Gives a whole new meaning to blow hole or peep hole or sun roof. Pissed? Dare we ask what for, Mad Jack? ~Lady B
  24. Oh, ye have me droolin', Bo! Would love t' see the both of ye in action someday. :) ~Lady B
  25. Aye, here be hopes an' prayers ol' Sea Rover goes through th' procedure without fault and that speedy recovery. and beyond, that his health remains and improves. A tricky gambit it is... but good choice, too. Many folks I've seen do this procedure and come out thinner but also healthier in many ways. ~Lady B
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