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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. Inspiring, really.. I wish my husband would come on the board.. he's really cool...
  2. Why thank ye.. I am mightily proud of her! Named her after the Goddess of war and the sea (Morrigan, which we call her when she's being ornery.. which is most the damn time) and Morgan Le Fay of Arthurian legend. A lot to live up to, but she bears it up nicely...
  3. My 2-year old daughter Morgan is completely nuts for the video of the cannons shooting,... she keeps coming up to me and sayin' "Mommy, watch the Boom? Watch the Boom?? Fire n' the hole!!"
  4. And just so ya's know.. I'm Autumn!
  5. I fully believe in being historically accurate when you're teaching the subject. When you're reenacting for a group of mundanes, yet again, the need is clear... When you come wandering through my campsite at 6:30 in the morning with a Pepsi in yer hand and Ray-Bans on yer face and bitch that my tent isn't period when you know damn well I can't afford your fancy-assed yert over in the royals encampment, and that the elastic in my cuffs is out of date, yer gonna get pummeled by the rest of us who you are discriminating against because we just don't have the money to afford the finery, and we are just there to have some fun. Nail me at Twelfth Night. THere is a time and a place for being an authenticity Nazi... wander through my HOUSE and do it, and my very real, very period, very battle ready cutlass will be drawn and you will be asked what your problem is! If I"m just having a good time.. ease off. If I am trying to be authentic, and I CLAIM to be authentic, then HELP me.. don't just critisize. In battle, yes, at my campsite while I"m trying to feed my kids, hell no...
  6. I'll protect you, ya great pussycat...
  7. Best be draggin his silly ass along wif ye... har har har...
  8. Lodoss War??? Hell yeah! How about Evangelion? Escaflowne? My personal favorites, (subject to change at a moment's notice) Pirates of the Caribbean The Fifth Element Anything by Ray Harryhausen Sleepy Hollow Lord Of the Rings Harry Potter Dragon Slayer BeastMaster Star Wars (original trilogy) Holy Grail Life of Brian THe Mummy I and II James Bond Interview with a Vampire Need I go on? I love movies. THe more effects the better.. and always up for a good monster flick!!
  9. Oh hey.. coming from one of the worst critics of the "Authenticity Nazis" I am behind you 100%. In that case, hell yes, I would rather approach the Royaliste in nothing less than period materials and with proper respect! (not that I would be let on deck, technically, being a female and the sailor's superstitions from back then, and all) I hope to have the honor of boarding that particular vessel someday soon, adn will probably do so with tears of joy, gratitude, adn awe of her beauty in my eyes, and I would do her and her captain no less respect than to be as authentic as humanly possible. I love the history. My complaints about the SCA Nazis are that they will approach you at an event with a tankard of Pepsi in their hand, wearing Ray Bans and Nikes, and flip me a hard time about having elastic in my wrist bands to keep my sleeves out of the fire, and the fabric on my dress not being authentic. Sorry, can't afford linen this year, bub. For the Royaliste.. I would wear silk... no question.
  10. You're amazing! Thank you!!! wow...
  11. Lad, I hope you get an answer from somebody here.. out here in the An Tir/ West area the pointy hats look down on us scallywags, and tend to try to ignore our presence. I'm just waitin for one of us to get knighted! hAr har!!
  12. Oh now don't you be tellin' me YOU'RE getting jealous, now??? <staring down the barrel of the gun with no small amount of trepidation...>
  13. Can somebody post the Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Or is it REALLY bloody long? I'd love to read it... And the Corsair... I think it's called... pretty please? Or I shall torture you with more romance and bad jokes!
  14. Arrrrr.. in the spirit of all great sirens... heheheh
  15. Hey, I'm allowed to look, boy-o when you ain't around, eh?? THank ye ever so much! Nice to know I know a great pirate when I lay eyes on one! WOOF!!
  16. When I open the front page for NQG, just before I get to the forum, there is a pic of three pirates: a lovely brunette lass, an old salt, as t'were, and one REALLY hot looking rogue raising a tankard... Who are these people??? Especially the swarthy fellow..meeow....
  17. THat flag you have flyin' is the one hanging off me deck... I love it!!
  18. Mine I picked up while I was researching feline skulls to design a Jolly Roger for the SCA... though I like Captaincat's better... hehee... It's a scientifically accurate view from the top of Felis Domesticus... I wanted to find a head-on one, but there you have it.
  19. Right up yer alley, eh, Weaver, m'dear??
  20. That was cool, Captain Weaver!!!
  21. It's lonely here alone on deck I sit against the mast The anchor's cast into the shallows Me message bottle cast I see the ocean rolling blue The sun is setting nigh The moon doth rise in starlit skies But no tear will I cry I'll sit alone upon my deck And wait for him to come My moonlight lover, dark and sleek Drawn by the scent of rum I see him drawing ever near He strides along the shore And catches me with sin black eyes I'll be alone no more His bootheels click along my deck I offer up his prize His smile is warm, but hungry The moonlight in his eyes He takes the bottle from my grip His fingers caress my hand We drink and sing and laugh and talk And make love on the sand When the moon has gone and the sun has rose He bids me fond farewell My pirate lover gone for now Another tale to tell Return shall I to plunder and reave And slash with the devil's grin The next full moon will bring me back To eyes as dark as sin
  22. There's more than a few of us females, here, luv... we can stick together...
  23. Heheh... yeah, it's worth it.. I have such a fetish for guys in boots... Oh purrrrr
  24. I thought Depp was ever so perfect.. I would nominate the lad in a heartbeat..(even the fast ones when faced with him, and he's unlacing my.... well you get the idea...) Unfortunately the academy tends to be braindead, or simply have to libido, so it may be alas for our poor Johnny... but we can vote for him nonetheless! I 'm right behind ye!!
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