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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. I'm a wench, through and through.. as Reginald, if he ever deigns to show up on this board, could tell you personally! Wench wench wench!!! It could depend on yer definition on wench, too... the other lasses may be takin' offense when none is meant?
  2. http://www.scriptshack.com/shop/enter.html Unfortunately this was the best I can do.. and it'll cost ya $9.95... still looking though...
  3. No worries, mate.. most times the SCA doesn't know whetehr or not it's SCA... it's down by the Lebanon exit, and then over a bit.. did you check the mapquest part? Hope to see you there!
  4. I just saw the website for Tales of the Seven Seas... and BY GODS if the lady captain doesn't look the spittin' image of my dearly departed own mother! Only with the red hair she always wanted! (And she was quite the lass back in the day!) You got any McRevey blood in yeh somewhere in yer history, m'lady???
  5. We will be including Bollocks the Bilge Cat in our stage play... why's he called Bollocks, you ask? Tis the first thing the little bastard goes for when you open the door to the bilge! Should be entertaining.. Based loosely off my own beloved Whisky Jack, who is a beautiful shelter-rescued Maine Coon who seems to think I am his girlfriend. weird. Would be worth taking to events, if I didn't have to wrestle two kids, too!
  6. Oh ho, Captain Flint! And where be yer reply? Have I gotten to you quite that well? Or hath ye gotten shy? I'll dance a jig upon my deck And thumb my nose at ye I could do this all day long So laddie, HAVE AT THEE!!!
  7. Perhaps our lower center of gravity makes us better sea farers... less likely to get seasick without our heads swingin all around the deck, eh? I myself 5'0"... Reginald 6'7" Do the math...
  8. Ahhh.. who is coming to Sea Dog Nights?? I would love to see anybody that will be there.. who shall I be lookin' for???? Please email me!!! Autumn_Staley@hotmail.com
  9. I'd still be comin' South... I"m in Oregon... and that is some MAJOR MUNITIONS, thar, matey!! Gods, I would love to see pics of that!!! Inspirin'!
  10. I may be hanged for witchery or fer bein' a pirate.. I must be dangerous company!
  11. Don't want ta burn yer biscuits, thar... heheheh
  12. I'll look into it... maybe Cap'n Bogg and Salty will have some more tour dates then, you old enough to be IN a bar, lassie? Otherwise, there is the endless impromptu singing parties I throw whenever somebody of a musical tendancy comes within a mile of me apartment. Great for freaking out the neighbors! Every Sept 22nd I throw a party... and it aint MY birthday it be celebratin'! Drop me an email, I'll give yeh me phone number, and we'll put something together!! ANY excuse to sing I say!
  13. Those must be some bitty cannons, laddie.... best watch out should we come a plunderin' down South, I might be tempted to board ya!! Heheheheh...
  14. Can't be afraid of a little rain iff'n ya be livin' in the Pacific NW... from September to May it's one big wet chemise contest!! Perchance the rain reminds me of the sea spray and fog of back home?? I can stand out on my deck, fly my flag, and pretend? ARRRRR!!
  15. Ya know, me buckos, the deal with the moon? In most pagan terms the full moon (and the new if ya wanna get technical) lasts three days. Go watch it sometime, I am sure you sailors have noticed a few good nights of brightness! Would THAT account for it? Maybe?
  16. Now, THAT'S KINKY!!!!
  17. Here!!! We're all mad here... I'm mad, you're mad.....
  18. I have this flogger we call the "wet noodle", it's red and black, good proper pirating colors... I gots no discipline, why should anybody else? Heheheh... Have a pint on me, drink up.. and don't mind the penny in the bottom of yer tankard....
  19. I would gladly join anybody doing a reenactment pirate crew... looks like I may be hailing Captain Weaver given half a chance.. got too sharp an eye out for press gangs, other than winding up chasing them down with my gloved hand in the air howling "Oh me!! Pick me!! Ohhh..piiiiiiick meeeeee!!!!" Got an event coming up shortly.. will report as soon as I return!!
  20. Ya wanna get silly about it, check out the official POTC site, go through the little "puting together the treasure pieces to break yer curse" game, and at one point you can click on a couple of blokes, sittin on deck of a ship, and the lyrics come up there! Heheheh.. at least THAT version is!
  21. Oh REALLY, Now???? I can think of a few women on this site alone that would challenge you over that!! I prefer leather to lace on deck, don't ya think? Lace catches something horrible on yer flintlock! And sea water is hell on velvet! Arrrrr!!!
  22. "Death to the English"? Now how suprising would THAT epithet be? That 19th century flag is REALLY GREAT!!! THis has been incredibly informative!!! Gimme more!!!
  23. Howling Gael???? My aunt was in that band!!!! Robin McRevey!!! Wow, somebody else has heard of them?? And Suliel, you coming down to Portland?? Oh DO come see us!!!
  24. Takes a deep bow and flourishes with plumed corsair hat... prays mind is not too fried from dealing with children, loads cannon.... Up and down the Willamette we sail At least until we hit The next bridge over with our mast (That will be the end of it) Someday we'll make it to the coast To wild Astoria's shore To where me mother's ashes were spread And be landlubbers no more!!!
  25. Scotland, eh? heeheehee.. we be Scots, over here! We have a huge joke running that the Scots didn't have a Navy, but Reggie did't care... am I wrong in this? Or did my crazy husband actually DO his research??
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