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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. Welcome aboard, Jedi..., truly a pyrate after my own heart... Captain Jack Skywalker? I'm all about that!
  2. Wild howl of joy! That is so great!!! I do miss my city, though... such fond memories, and to see the tallships alongside my city? Priceless!!! Oh thank you, you've made my day!
  3. As long as mine didn't try to blow yer damn fool head off again!
  4. AAAAARRRRRRRR!!! YAY! That was so much fun, we're bringing more people next year.. just to see how big we can get it!
  5. So we come up with the ultimate male cast for a ship in our movie, yeah? Stuart Townsend, Johnny Depp, Oded Fehr, Jim Caviezal, Guy Pearce, quite a crew of very pretty boys.. heehee.. and that hot guy from Port Royal Privateers, Louie... harhar
  6. Captain? I'd love to work for ye... really... if our paths cross... I'm strong, and I"m great on deck... please???
  7. Indeed, greetings lass! I, too, do a fair amount of sewing. I recently finished a captain's coat for my husband, and BOY does he look DASHING! What a pain, though.. llots of hand sewing, but it was worth every stitch!! Welcome aboard!!
  8. AAAHHH!!! HAHAHAHAHA! That's cool, seriously!!
  9. Pardon me while I die laughing... you guys sound just like the girls I grew up with.. I'm SOOO Sure...
  10. Monty Python reference... the funniest joke in the world, supposedly.. kills anybody who reads it.. assuming you read BAD German... and even then it don't translate real well...
  11. Hey, thanks.. have some stuff I might just throw at ya... any restrictions?
  12. Heehee, half-nekkid pyrates.. I feel better already!!!
  13. Brace yerselves!!!! Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
  14. Saturday night, the 23rd of August, I took Captain Kora Roberts and her beau to the Festiva de Piratas in Portland Oregon. The pub itself was all decked out to look much like an old Tavern, which honestly I don't think was much of a stretch for it. The crowd was wild, willin' and well-dressed, almost everybody there was in their pyrate finest! The show started with Broadside Johnny singing a collection of old Sea Chanteys and firing up the rabble. Next came the Dolemites (hey Kora, correct me if I'm wrong, but it WAS them, next, wasn't it?) and they ROCKED the house with some raunchy sea tunes including one about Lizzie Borden where they lit half the stage on fire!! GREAT! Then Spinnaker took the stage with some old-fashioned deep-sea blues and folk action, including the one about "Oh Lord above/ send down a dove/ with beaks as sharp as razors/ to cut the throats/ of them thar blokes/ what sells bad beer to sailors!" I was delighted! Finally Capn' Bogg and Salty came on, and I have never heard such wild, fun, punk-ish, pirate themed stuff in my whole life! For an example of their two favorites, (and they played a LOT!) check out their website at www.boggandsalty.com where you can download "Scurvy" one of the funniest songs ever! And their cover of "Part of Your World" ... yes, from The Little Mermaid, you'll never think of the song the same way again! A grand time was had by all! And evidently this happens every year, around this time, as this was their 4th annual Festival, and it doubles in size every year! Let's make it even bigger next year!!!
  15. I gots a birfday comin' up... heehee
  16. Where did you guys find yer antenna balls? All I've got is Spiderman, and I thought I was pretty cool.. flyin the Jolly Roger off the antenna itself, though!! heehee
  17. I always love it when you post pics from going out on the Royaliste... it's almost like I'm there! And the girls never miss any video involving the firing of the cannons! You made my day, thanks!
  18. That's awesome you guys! So the old salt has a heart after all!
  19. Bloody hell, I missed that? You'd think I would have been there for that one...
  20. I recently joined up with Captain Cat's ship the Matriarch... fun bunch, great website, a little disorganized, but I think I can help... great flag!
  21. Aye, Captain Flint.. I volunteer. I am pretty decent with a sword, and just got a new cutlass that needs some breaking in...
  22. Beautifully said Rosalinda
  23. Weaver, you have the sickest mind of anybody I know.. and I love you for it! Encore!!
  24. That wasn't very gentlemanly, baptiste...
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