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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. Ahh, Weaver! Thank you so much!! Think I'll show this to him, and probably be promptly flogged... 'course, that's the point, innit??? (and yer right.. I overdid it this weekend.... ARrrrrr)
  2. I feel better.. that's beautiful...
  3. Well, ours is called the Drunken Sheep... around my tablero board I have inscribed "Drunken Sheep Bleat no tales of horny Scots 'neath Pirate sails"
  4. Works fer me.. wonder if me new Master will wear the ol tricorn fer me....
  5. Need to check me meds.. think I"m seein' double... Happy Birthday lads
  6. Hey now, I said WITCHES not B****es!!!
  7. On behalf of the witches on this board.. and there's a couple of us... AAAAARRRRR!!!! heeheehee
  8. You mean some of you people aren't wearing this garb alla time? No wonder mundanes look at me funny...
  9. THe Mazola oil! THat's what I fergot!! Oh bloody heck....
  10. Oh of COURSE we're gonna be an entire pirate household with the kids and everything! MIght find an eyepatch for me cat, too! Gonna fly the Jolly Roger off me deck, if it ain't rainin' (Portland Oregon? Rain? Good freaking luck...)
  11. I get it!! I can't believe it, but I get it!!!
  12. YAY Captain Weaver!!!
  13. heeheehee.. I wanna SEE that!!!
  14. There's a party animal for ye... heehee
  15. That was painful.... ooooohhh.. both the last ones... arrr... heehee
  16. Do check out the Sea Shanties forum, too, mate!!!
  17. AAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! (falling off my chair, screaming with laughter, scaring the neighbors..)
  18. No kidding? For real?? That's horrible!!... kinda scary! You get it under control???
  19. I'd give ye a whole keg for another verse! Does he GIT her??? heheh
  20. I loved it!! Inspiring.. and I would love to know what happens next!!
  21. Makes MY day.... oh purrr... thank you.. that ought to leave me purring all day...
  22. Or ya press gang her into service with ye, eh Gary?? heheheheh
  23. I never seen it personally..but since I ain't into gettin' buggered per se.... Aye, lads?
  24. Yeah watch out fer that one, there... ol' Gary will steal the gold caps off yer teeth and ye won't even know he wuz there...
  25. Oh hell... ye get me! ar harrrrrrrr
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