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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. I don't know about pipes, but marijuana and hashish have been known in the mibble east for thousands of years and were definitesly smoked by Barbary Corsairs. Hemp/Marijuana was probably one of the earliest crops in most colonies for it's textile value so I would expect that a buccanneer could likely get a pipeful of the stuff. Indian slaves were made to chew coca leaves to get them to work harder by at least the 1580's, and it was also a significant component in a lot of snuff.
  2. Happy Birthday sister!!! Fair winds and a clear throat to sing wif!!! Western Siren
  3. You know my answer to that one, thar, baby... pass me the axle grease and that spatula, eh lover?
  4. Happy Berfday, Stynky ol' mate!!!
  5. "pillaging (his) weasly black guts out" Tell me we dont love 'em vile! Lookin' Good there, Hook!!!
  6. Happy birthday lassie!!!
  7. I can relate... Only I've lost 35 lbs... gods help me, but damn, I look good!!!
  8. I can draw.. my friend can draw even better.. check out the photos section for a sample of her work, she's brilliant, and I could not figure out how to post it in the artwork section here....
  9. Darn it... now I"ll never know.. and yer bein' devious!!! Grrr
  10. Now I have to know... none of the ex-military hotties I ever dated would ever tell me either... and I"ve sampled from all the branches... Do tell
  11. Damn, Merrydeath! That was so funny I fell out of my chair!!!! HAR HAR
  12. I thought it was nice.. and I"m a heathen pagan! Gods bless you all!!! I'm thankful for calm seas, prevailing winds.. and young pirate lads in really tight leather pants and bucket top boots,.... meself...
  13. NyQuil NyQuil NyQuil we love you.. Your GIANT F***ing Q!!!
  14. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.... though my MOTHER would have shown up with one of my OWN swords and told the git to get off the porch before she ran him through... har har har
  15. Good gods, just what I freaking need with a household and two kids! UGH! Thanks for the heads up, Jacque...
  16. Yay... you guys are so much fun!!!
  17. Me neither!! And I really wanna see it!!!
  18. Here I thought I was pretty clever... not I'm just not so sure... and here I really wanted that Cap'n Bogg and Salty CD!!! snicker.. Great site Bilgemunky!!!
  19. 'Ow bout I just give ye a nice shot o' me finest whisky, call it good.. and get on to debauchery?Beats having to get beaten up.. um... in a bad way, anyway!!! (Smooch)
  20. I can't find the grog ANYWHERE here! I have heard of it, I want it, and I cannot FIIIIND it!! Pout pout
  21. You gonna post the pics, or what, Weaver??? At least the ones that are rated PG, eh? ARRRRR!!! Let everybody see how great we looked that night!!!
  22. Awesome sis! Sorry I missed THAT one!!!
  23. THank you thank you thank you thank you!!! We couldn't pay fer the Comcast this week... now we did.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!
  24. THANK YOU ALL!!! I was so depressed I couldn't check my email all week!!! Oh thank you my pirate brethren! I had a GREAT plunderin' time on me birthday!!!!
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