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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. Contact Weaver and I... we're in Portland!
  2. Oh honey.. check out the Jokes and evil humor thread... you'll bust a gut!!! and post this one there!!!
  3. Kinda looks like Bob Dobs of the Church of the Subgenius... course Slack is Reggie's life....
  4. heeheehee...
  5. Happy Birthday Valkyrie!! Here some marshmellies for ye!!!
  6. I could just smooch ye, Red Rum...
  7. No doubt there, me lad... How does flaming red hair and 42 DDs strike ya? Yo ho!!
  8. Sounds like fun, can I be in it???
  9. www.pubcat.org.uk/ ??
  10. The official Pirates of the Caribbean site has one ...
  11. Yeah, and yer wife's collection of anything and everything with a Jolly Roger on it... the apartment looks like a plundered pirate ship. heehee
  12. It's an addiction, no doubt about it!
  13. Thats amazing you guys!!! That is so cool! Lucky boy!!!
  14. Woo hoo!! Let's hope I'm all healed up by then!!!
  15. Happy Birthday, dear Jamaica Rose!
  16. Wild fellow.. sounds like some good booze, mate!
  17. There's a whole website dedicated to finding things like that.. but I can't remember the name of it.. phooey. www.IMDB.com under "goofs" on the far left when you look stuff up is GREAT for finding this stuff!
  18. I'll keep ye updated as I find stuff to do.. we can all invade!!!! Check out the Cap'n Bogg and Salty website for good ones... www.boggandsalty.com
  19. My friend and I used to make belly dancer belts with chain mail, nad hung the international coins around them for sound and prettiness... the effect was amazing.. wish I knew where he got them.. got them by the pound no less! Probably the same guys...
  20. ew... but funny... I think.. heheh
  21. That's spiffy!
  22. I actually met a friend of mine when he approached me, wearing a kilt, and asked me point-blank "Hey, baby, wanna see my kilt breathe?" I thought he was kidding... he wasn't. Quite talented, really.. and believe it or not, it WASN'T Reginald. Was an Angus that isn't the moderator... heehee
  23. I don't gotta say a darn thing aboot that... my Reggie...sigh
  24. you get any more relaxed things are gonna be hanging out all over... watch it thar, lad... he do go regimental, ya know...
  25. I still think you should do a variation of that pissing cat icon, just for the dick waving contests that seem to run so rampant around here...
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