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Mad Maudlin McCrumb

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Everything posted by Mad Maudlin McCrumb

  1. You can always find those dinky little desktop flags and hoist them on yer bike.. I'm looking to put one on me car antenna just to freak people out... Like the Big huge one on my deck doens't do it already...
  2. There once was a telemerketer named Fred Who's phone got glued to his head He called Captain Lizzie And kept her phone busy He's lucky he didn't wind up dead!! Nods to Captain Weaver for inspiration...
  3. I got one nobody has yet mentioned.. I'll say it, then run for cover.... Ice Pirates!!
  4. Who you be referrin' to? Blow me up, blow me down, I'm a blowin' on the tide... It was not my intention to be insultin' you! Blow me up, blow me down, I'm a blowin' on the tide... You open fire with cannon and verse Blow me up, blow me down, I'll be blowin' on the tide... To see just who, if any, is worse Blow me up, blow me down, I'll be blowin' on the tide... You stalk the seas for likely prey Blow me up, blow me down, I'm a blowin' on the tide... And none you hunt see the break of day Blow me up, blow me down, I'm a blowin' on the tide... My methods, dear, are much less cold Blow me up, blow me down, I'll be blowin' on the tide... I'll love ya up, THEN steal yer gold! Blow me up, blow me down, I'll be blowin' on the tide...
  5. Let me roam wild where the sea dragons go And the water is blue and deep Let the albatross be my cockerel And the waves rock me to sleep Let the cannon fire be my heartbeat And the sea winds be my breath Let plunder and gold be my heart's desire And my cutlass be the grinning death Hoist the flag and sing, me friends Let true ones never part We may be wild, and rough and mean But, dammit, we got heart!!
  6. THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I had just opened the silly darn thing last night, nad the instructions they had sent me were for WAY the wrong set!! THIS was what I was lookin' for!!! YAY!!! I can build the silly thing! Now, for a pint o'rum and some tunes....
  7. Last thing me father and I used mahogany on was my harp... I miss it...
  8. Oh, me laddie.. I ain't NEAR done wif you! I'm havin' too much fun!!! Don't you have one to follow up with? I do believe it be your round? Or shall I go again??? This is what I get fer thinkin' with my feet instead of me head... play on! Good gods.. can you imagine Kali at the helm? She's got a bazillion arms, as well as the necklace of human skulls... she could run the ship single-.... uh, heh... by herself!! Wild...
  9. Ummm.. Captain Westyn.. I do hope I'm not steppin' on any toes, here.. this WAS your challenge.. and I got meself inured in it.. I hope i have not offended? I love your poetry.. your historical ones are really inspiring! I will continue with mine, if you don't mind, I just want to watch my step, and not offend...
  10. Grey and white striped... oddly enough.. It is about 6 years old at this point.. I think I am getting the directions for the barracuda..hope it doesn't throw me off too badly!
  11. A wind break, personal bodyguard for when me big mouth writes checks me lil' hynder can't cash, scratching post, jungle gym, and oversized pillow... I married well...
  12. Awww, lass. You don't hafta sleep with a pyrate to be a wench! Surely a certain amount of moral flexibility is called for for the title, but perchance you have a taste for good rum and good company? I suppose a more apt description could be "a lady with no hoidy toidy high class title, but plenty of class?" As fer sleepin' with pyrates, it's me favorite pastime... heheheh
  13. I just dug up the pieces of my LEGO pirate ship! Now, just waiting until LEGO ships me the instructions! It's the big ol' one with a bunch of pirates, monkey, and parrot... betcha somebody on this board will know what kind of ship it is, too.. heehee
  14. The more the merrier!! Look me up! I'm hard to miss! I"ll be flyin' a big ol' Jolly Roger.. but then, who won't be?
  15. Arrrr... I be a pagan pirate.. a double hanging offense if ever there was one!!!
  16. I got Dread Pirate Vane whatever the heck that is... Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr! woo hoo... think I'll stick to Maudlin...
  17. It's all good... we're all part of the sisterhood as it were anyway... just nice to see a familiar face, almost!
  18. In that case, definately count me in!
  19. Yo, Captain Weaver! Looks to me like we have a couple a' sea dogs in need of discipline, eh? Ah, but you'd never know underneath this brusque vicious exterior, I am really quite the cuddlesome lass, more likely to make yeh dinner than make ya walk the plank.. but, hey, if it's a floggin' ya need...?
  20. Not a bad idea, that, there, Black Pearl... you could take it another step and find the history of horse racing....
  21. As fer plunder... I came upon a treasure rare While walking on the beach There seemed no other pirates there And it wasn't beyond my reach A magic thing it seemed to me I held it to my ear And lo and behold Yemaya herself Did whisper to me there! She told of mermaids and sailors bold Of pirates hard and true Then with a chuckle she cautioned me Against the likes of you! I set the treasure back in the sand And coolly strolled away I couldn't give up this challenge So I live to quip another day!
  22. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Steppin' out Mary" tha' does! Well, good, I was hopin' this wasn't over yet... as fer your lady... I think I would not pass up me Reginald callin' if you had yer cannons aimed at me broadside, meself!! Let's hear it for love, eh mates? A wee young lass looked off to sea, Perched upon a rock But no tall ship came for she None was in the dock A little older, she returned And waited for her fate But no fine brig did come her way Her longing could not sate At last, a woman, fine and gay Returned to her faithful post And from the fog came a fine tall ship Like a shimmering silver ghost A pirate captain, fine and bold Held out his gauntleted hand His dark eyes shone with joy as he said "You need not remain on land" She rides the waves now with her mate And his rough and hardy crew This story has a happy end What say all of you??
  23. Tongue lashes? Can be every bit as nasty as a leather lash! You wanna take that chance? You're kinky....
  24. WEll, Lebanon was what my friend told me... you are right about the Springfield thing! Contests!! GALORE! Looks to be a bunch of fencing contests, "Best dressed Pirate" "Best flag" "Most flags" "Best witty repartee" "Best death" "Best pirate song" Treasure hunt (one for the kids, too!) darts, tablero (probably another tournament, if I could afford to enter, I would!!) boffer wars, roving bard contest, "Best Swashbuckling".. hell, I myself will be givin' out smooches to anyone that impresses me! Come on down!!!
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