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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Check this guys ..... eergh... projects out.... He's having way too much fun...... the alternate history theme park where dinosaurs fought in the civil war... http://io9.com/5084491/the-alternate-histo...n-the-civil-war or Foamhenge http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/9209 Professor Cline's Haunted Monster Museum & Dark Maze http://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/9210
  2. That might help....... But the problem with that is they more than likely won't be Buccaneers..... If I find a picture of a half naked poor French peasant, would the Buccaneers dress the same? (but it would give a hint about the Social view of tucking in the shirt or not... so it might help...) So I'm kinda stuck looking at what other people in period wore, and guessing....... The biggest problem is the lack of period ( 1660's) descriptions of what the Buccaneers DID wear.... The only pictures I've seen of Buccaneers are all later period.... (with their shirts un-tucked.... ... I'd hate to be 30 years out of fashion........) Right now, my guess is that un-tucked shirts identified someone as a Buccaneer, but the danger of that guess is it is based off of only three different drawings (the ones Foxe posted back on page 1 and the picture shown in most books)... so it was unusual enough to be noted in the drawings... I just don't know when the style started, or how common it was.
  3. This is a fun short read.... An Attempt To Explain the Unexplainable...“What is Steampunk?” http://dbvictoria.blogspot.com/2008/12/att...xplainable.html
  4. See... that's the tricky part..... Period shirts are longer than modern shirts, so you (well males or women wearing men's clothing) end up with more shirt tail bunched up.... Once you get everything tucked in, it isn't uncomfortable, but that's with the shirt outside the drawers but tucked under slops.... Not wanting to get into a discussion on period toilet habits, but with the shirt tucked into the drawers, you have two garments getting "soiled" instead of only one..... (ick...) The real "tricky part" is that I don't think I'll find much "documentation" on how Buccaneers wore their underwear......(just that they had it...)
  5. OK.... not lookin' fer addresses or that sorta thing, But wot does your local tourist Board say about where ya live.... ya know, alla the really pretty pictures and such..... I live in Calaveras County (that be Spanish fer "Skulls".... kinda Pyraty if it was closer ter th' Ocean......) I'm 4 miles downhill from Calaveras Big Trees State Park.... Anyway, this is wot th' Local Tourist Board says about where I live...... http://www.visitcalaveras.org/
  6. Aaaaaah.... it's a nice balmy 30 degrees outside.....
  7. Something to think about..... by saying who made an item, it might sell for more, because we know that person......
  8. In TWILL in the fire buckets thread there is a discussion about filling said fire buckets with urine as was done in period....... In another thread, someone posted about tanning leather and using urine to "slip" the hair offa the hides.... Anyone planning on bleaching some linen the period way?...... We're going to have a fragrant camp at PiP next year.... (but save our feet from alla the trips to the port-a-pottys...)
  9. That's the problem with "Artistic License" .... Someone describes something to the artist, and he draws it..possibly never having seen any of the people or the location....And changes everything to "fit" social standards..... "Soldiers Sacking Panama... well this is what Soldiers here wear, so that's how I'll paint it......If I painted them differently, no one would know they were Soldiers....." So far the closest I've found is Expuemelin writing..."I had nothing to wear except an old shirt and a pair of drawers"... I'm speculating, but shirts were long enough that wearing it on the outside would cover his drawers (underwear). I'm not saying this is the "standard dress", but it's the closest I've found so far... (for this early of a time period ... mid 1600....) So I'm still searching.... I can find documentation for later period Buccaneers wearing their shirts on the outside, but if I go to Searle's Raid (1668) this year.. . and for the Buccaneer Encampment at PiP (1669), I want to be as correct as possible. I started making a pair of Venetians (out of wool) and Drawers (out of linen)... I'll have to take some photos and post them for others who may want to see how to make them......
  10. Well of course you do.... that's part of the fun with a new banner..... Besides showing off is something alla us Pyrates are sooo dang good at.....
  11. Welding goggles only cost about $10.00... I glued leather over the base of them and then after cutting down the lens holders spray painted them gold (well then I imitation gold leafed them, but it didn't look any better than just the gold paint) I'll have to post a picture of them.... I've also made goggles outta leather and metal pipe fittings for the lens holders.... Here is a diagram of some real goggles... http://www.patrickwilson.com/goggles_plans.htm
  12. I'm thinking of going to Searle's Raid this year...(if I can get enough money for an airplane ticket) The date is 1668, and for the Buccaneer Camp at PiP, we're going with the date 1669, so both are close enough...... To make this kinda short, I'm trying to figure out when Buccaneers would have started to wear their shirts not tucked into their breaches.... The pictures showing them with their shirts un-tucked are from a later period, but it's the only thing to work with right now.... Shirts un-tucked looks very Buccaneerish but I don't know if it is really period to do so........
  13. Nell, just quickly playing with your new banner in Photoshop... right now, it's a .jpg at 72 DPI and 75.18K Turning it into a .gif with 256 colors makes it 80.16K .............................with 128.......................64.3K .............................with 64........................49.66 It gets too fuzzy at 32 colors but it's only ..... 37K A .gif with 64 colors; loses some of the detail, but it still works, and it's almost half the size of the original....
  14. You can reduce you image down more.....without loosing too much quality.... Just for run, if you right click on an image and then check out Properties, you can find out what size the banners (or any images) are.... Rusty Nell's....... 75.18 Silkie's.............. 33.47 Capt. Jim's........ 91.58 Mine....................9.35
  15. In the kinda near future, I want to start working on a Steampunk sub-gattling gun... I've never really liked Steampunk "ray-guns"... but they do have the advantage of not being mistaken for a real gun... (I had that problem at Burning Man with my Dinosaur Hunting Rifle (see picture below) Anyway, I want something that looks steamy, but not too much like a real gun.... I will post pictures once I start working on it, but to start things off, here are some that I'm working on.... The Standard modified Nerf Maverick... Yeah, I know everyone paints them, I just wanted to play with one and change it a bit.... This is the Dino-Express before I finished it.... This was a revolver I was whittling... unfortunately it broke before I completed it....(the bottom picture was what I wanted it to look like when it was finished...)
  16. Yeah... Girl Genus is fun stuff..... (I posted a link to it as well... up higher on this page...) I usually only read it about every other month... I don't have the patience to read it weekly, and want to read a whole chunk of it at once......... OH yeah.... I forgot to post this one.... The Steampunk Forum/Brass goggles... The Steampunk version of the Pub..... http://brassgoggles.co.uk/bg-forum/index.php
  17. This is my Dinosaur Hunting outfit........ And this one is more dressy....
  18. Cool.. I was starting to get worried, but figured with Christmas shipping it might be delayed.
  19. I've posted these before, but they are fun to show off. Not pictured is my Doglock Musket.... I got the Buss and bottom pistol from callenish gunner, I like the fact that he checks to see if they spark before he sends them out.....
  20. In The Sea-Gunner (excerpts) http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/seagunner/contents.html scroll down to chapter CHAP. XIX. How to make fire Pots of Clay, and there is a period recipe for stink pots...... Lost of other good stuff there also, that's why I listed the whole page, not just the part on stink pots......
  21. Oh yeah.... I figure that the Columbia's Revenge is kinda like the 1720 Careening Camp at PiP... a place for non-allied Airship Pyrates to play... Hey, even if you are a part of another Steampunk group, you can still play Airship Pyrate with us.... (heck... most of what we're doing will be on the internet anyway......).... well unless everyone drinks a whole buncha rum and decides that Burning Man is doable...... Maybe I should work on a membership card.....
  22. Rats.... th' pewter tried to double post.......
  23. Yeah.... that's basically what Steampunk is........ Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being a historical Pyrate reenactor, but with Steampunk, because it never really did exist, it allows your creativity a place to play...... and have a lot of fun doing so......
  24. Wait a minute..... I ain't th' Captain.... Just part a' th' crew.... Coming up with the design of an Airship and such is fun, but I've never been into the Top-heavy... "I'm the Captain, this is my First Mate, and this is our chief gunner" (the three of us...)... <so where is the crew to sail/fly yer ship?> kinda thing......... So what do we start th' bidding fer th' Position of Captain at?...... how many bottles a' rum? (each....) Drat... I got drafted into moving stuff today, so I didn't get anything done on my leather vest......again.... (and tomorrow looks like it might be more of the same....)
  25. It just occurred to me that a buncha Steampunk links might be appreciated.... The Steampunk Home: pictures of a lot of cool stuff http://thesteampunkhome.blogspot.com/ The Clockworkers Guild Journal: Kind of like a public blog, but with some interesting stuff http://community.livejournal.com/anachrotech/ Abney Park's homepage http://www.abneypark.com/ Vernian Process: If you goto Disograpyh, you can download some of their older music (free) http://www.post-punk.com/vernianprocess.html The Steampunk Workshop:This is the guy who's keyboard is re-posted everywhere... you have to poke around a bit, but there is a lot of interesting stuff here (how to etch an altinoids tin..... http://steampunkworkshop.com/ Steampunk Magazine : More on the Punk side of things, but it's free to download http://www.steampunkmagazine.com/ And Girl Genius Online Comics http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20021104 And Dr. Steel: Not exactly Steampunk, but a lot of fun....check out the video "Building an Utopian Playland http://worlddominationtoys.com/drsteel/about/donate.htm
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