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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Yeah.. unfortunately, the airship ride got canceled due to the weather (I couldn't afford the $700 something anyway...... ) I wish I could find an on-line video/or copy of Captain Roberts....(I think that is what the song is called....) Captain Roberts took his crew... To Snagrala and Tinbucktoo..... Some got tiered, some went mad some he kicked off ship in Chad.....
  2. Hey... I'm going to be there.... and Carol might be also.....(like I typed... this is getting interesting...) But American Airlines is still a buncha Poopy-butts...... Poopy-butts... Poopy-butts... Poopy-butts... American Airlines is a buncha Poopy-butts... ( I'm just waiting for some web "spider" to find out what I think about the Poopy-butts at American Airlines...... ) Then later I wanna cross post to every forum I know to let everyone know what a buncha Poopy-butts American Airlines ise... Think about it... they spend a lot of money advertising... one dissatisfied customer... cost them even more.....Advantage Miles only work when they want them to... where did it ever say that....?
  3. Silkie... you don't have to add points to re-bar, bending it makes it work a little better (well it helps keeping people dumb enough to step on it from cutting their feet on the ends... but we be Pyrates, so we got 'nough sense to avoid that...) Just get a hacksaw... cut the re-bar into about 12" lengths. (if your still worried about the steaks having points... then just cut the re-bar at an angle...)... pound it into the coral... and tie your line/rope to that... the bumps will help hold your line/rope.... Take a nice deep breath an' then a swig A' rum... everything will work out....... For Burning Man this year, I had 18" steaks that were bent candy cane like...(they gots a lot of idiots at BM wot step on tent steaks...) Hey... my tent wern't going no-where in those hight winds...... but fer PiP.... you don't need that much....
  4. OH BOY... this is gettin' interestin'.... Carol was going to use her American Advantage Miles to get me to PiP.... but when she tried to get a reservation, they told her that there wasn't an available flight for the days I wanted to go... But Carol had already looked up if there were flights, and told the person at American... they told her that there weren't any available flight for people using Advantage Miles.... So American Airways is being a bunch poopy-butts... the Advantage Miles are only good sometimes... they don't say that when they try to get you to fly with them.... Anyway... I might be getting a flight with Continental Airlines.... Hey... nothing like waiting until the last minute for this sorta thing..... American Airlines is a buncha Poopy-Butts.......
  5. lined with fleece <rhymin' th' three words makes it a bit more a challenge....... >
  6. Thanks... I have to do a few more pages kinda soon.... I really have no idea where the story is going... I just kinda make it up as I go along... but right now I have them on a semi-deserted Island with cannibals, and a marooned crazy guy.... and Candi kinda lost her alla her cloths and her..... well ...her unmentionables.... (I really like the "Hello Kitty" line.....tho.) So far, I like how all of the characters are turning out, ....well, except Candi's eyes....They might change them a bit as I play with the story to see if I can come up with something better......
  7. Rum... didju' say rum.... OK... well truthfully, I haven't made any jewelry since High School (well that I can remember...).... lost wax, lapidary and silver soldiering Being a guy-type, I don't wear much a' th' stuff.... But th' cool part of it is.... a lota what I learned, I can use for other projects..... (that's why I can't remember.... I might have made something for something else that could be considered jewelry.....Just can't think of it offa th' top a' me head right now...)
  8. Hey... that also be in th' Pyrates Guide ter catchin' an cookin' Dinosaurs ....... Well Tyrannosaurs Rex ain't as tasty as lamb, but it does feel a whole lot more Pyrates......
  9. So basically, if someone can create a program that protects a company or individual's computer from Spam, they could make a lot of money from it. Find a need and fill it. But I don't think the Government is the organization that can successfully do that. I still can't figure out how Spam works... just because spammers send out a lot of adds selling little blue pills or imitation Rolex watches... someone somewhere must be buying from them and only encouraging even more Spam.... And who would even think of giving out their credit card number and information to such a shoddy merchant in the first place....Yeah... I'd trust a spammer to be a truthful and honest businessperson. I'm sure there is a better solution, I don't think involving the Government is it.
  10. NOTE: I’m typing about spammers… electronic junk mail and such. Not about child pornography. We don’t like those nasty icky annoying spammers, so let the Government go get ‘em… Spammers aren’t the bastions of Free Speech; they use it to peddle their junk. Besides spam (the spam blocker won't post the name of those little blue pills) and imitation Rolex watches aren’t needed to defend free speech. Just a reminder from the Constitution… I guess the Internet doesn’t count. And spammers shouldn’t be protected by the Constitution because we don’t like them…. So with that in mind; what is wrong with the Government monitoring the Internet, reading your mail or using wiretaps? Why would anyone be opposed to that, unless they had something to hide….. Luckily it doesn’t work that way (yet) I know I sound really paranoid about this; I don’t like Spam anymore than anyone else does. But even well intentioned Governmental protection can be the first step towards something none of us wants…. A few quotes from Thomas Jefferson….
  11. Like I typed, I don't like Spam (1). But I never open the stuff anyway, so it’s only a minor inconvenience. It goes away as soon as I hit the delete button. Yeah… "everyone" agrees that the Government should take those out first, But what’s next? It bothers me when the Government decides that it knows the best way to protect its citizens, (for their own good)... I'm not discussing the Military, or safety codes or that kind of thing here.... I'm discussing the potential for uncontrolled Governmental censorship and invasion of privacy. After stopping pornography, and saving us from Terrorists what is to stop the Government from monitoring and controlling anything else it doesn’t like? In 1933 Hitler tried to do the same thing with un-German books… that lead to only Pro-Nazi books being allowed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_book_burnings Of course, our Government would never do that….. Right now, Spam is an inconvenience.... But I’d rather just delete it than have the Government reading my e-mails and monitoring what web sites I visit, so it can “protect” me. (1) The electronic stuff, I have been know to open a can of the pork parts, and even eat it........ )
  12. Old thread.... but even after reading it again..... I still gotta say...it be Lust Dang.... iffin God didn't want me lookin' at "those" he/or she wouldn't have put them right there...... Hey... and thar be a nice an' interestin' woman attached ter them....... I like those onna Woman...... Dang... just proved wot a male sexist pigdog I be.... but heck.... someones gotta do it...... (fun asside... notice how I didn't post anything dirty? ... I was typing about eyes... what did you think? )
  13. OK... shutting down child porn is good.... But I wonder about our free speech..... Yeah... I don't like Spam.... but what is to stop a.... or any government from stopping what I want to say....? Some of my drawings that I have posted in the past would violate what the Muslims think is proper... Do I have to go by what they say or think?.... I don't like Spam... but I hate censorship more...... (well stopping child Pornography is a good thing... but that is a totally different argument.)
  14. Heck... I'd just hit the nearest and most interesting tavern and chug down a few..... A suit of clothing would be cool..... or some interesting books,,,, fantastic antiques.... but nah.... the experience of just listing to people and being able to talk to them would be more than enough......
  15. Yah know... a hair cut wit a cutlass don't sound too bad.... hey... that's how I cut me birfday cake this year..... But th' problem be..... how do I know that their cutlass will be sharp...... Heck... I don't want alla me hair(s) pulled out by th' roots by some dull ill-prepared shoddy hackster..... given nough rum I might not notice..... but wit a lack O rum, I will pull out me cutlass... and then we have 'nother donation a' hair...... Wonderin, if this should only be a Pyrate/Pub thing... or if we can get more money making it a little more public.....not that they would care... but maybe....? (Note to self.... sharpen up th' cutlass, so it will cut hair.....hey.... just use mine.. it's at least sharp...)
  16. Harry.... I couldn't print out the form, and send it in (no ink for my printer, and Carol well... I couldn't get it printed out)... But I will be there again this year... guess I will have to fill out everything once I get there.... (Hey it was touch and go if I could even get there this year.....But now I know that I will be.....) Carol traded in alla her American Airways miles to get me there... and she is trying her damnedest to get there herself........ (Dratted Economy...)
  17. Looking at the areal view, it looks like we have been moved ter war th' weadin' party some ....eeergh... well some dasterdly scoundrells was going ter crash was located.... Cool.... trees and a great view...... Well unless we only gots only two trees standin... an then Mr. Dog, Nigel , meself and a few others gotta make hammock bunkbed kinda arangements..... AND I AIN'T SLEEPIN UNDERNEETH MR. DOG....He wears dresses , an plays wit fire, ye knows wot they say 'bout bad doggies wot play wit fire..... he might wet his hammock......
  18. RUM Hey... startin' ter sound better alla th' tyme.......
  19. Tymes be tpugh... Tymes be hard.... Unfortunately, Carol can't make it this year.... Money is tight right now.... But she cashed in her American Airlines miles.... So I can.... Dang... gotta rob a ship or somethin' so I can Party... but I will be there......
  20. Not a poll nor nothin' icky like that..... but ...... well heck we be Pyrates , an we drinks a bit.... or a lot...... SO it be easy..... when yer postin' drunk, just post here ... an let everyone know wots happin' (That way they/we can kinda figure out/translate wot ye were tryin' ter post in other threads...) YuP... I be... been .... drunk again....... well drinkin' just a bit......Gotta love th' rum....... Yey rum.....(somethin like that.........) < Hopefully the AA will never find this thread....... >
  21. Morgan Dreadlocke, WOW... you could do that?........Best I ever did was run Cross Country.... but got a good story 'bout that tho.... Awh heck... might as well tell it now, because it was one of those things that changed how I think about things..... My Senior year in High School (Santa Cruz), I had a friend from Harbor High; Bruce Hope.... at the last race/run of the season, I decided that I was going to beat him (as in run faster than him ... just to clarify that for some of you nasty perverts).... Anyway it was a figure 8 track... the first part/loop was 1 mile, then the last part was 3 miles..... It is/was always confusing at the start of any race, but I saw Bruce, and caught up and passed him..... for the rest of the race, he was just behind me, but our coach taught us to never look back..... Well I kept a good steady pace, but I could always hear him right behind me..... as we were getting closer to the finish line, I heard him picking up his pace.... dang... he ain't going to pass me... so I picked up my pace... NOW we are approaching the finish, and he starts to try to pass me.... no way.. I run faster... he runs faster... we get into a damn sprint for the finish line... NO WAY IN HELL IS HE GOING TO PASS ME NOW.... I'm about to puke.... but I push myself... Dang...STILL ABOUT TO PUKE...BUT HE AIN'T GOING TO PASS ME..............and I get to the finish line ahead of him.... gasping for air.... not quit puking..... and look behind me....... I wasn't Bruce Hope... he fell out after the first mile.... it was Bob Barett (maybe SP) the Top runner from Harbor High...... We won the whole match and such.... Funny thing... If I'd have known it was Bob Barett, ... heck it would not have turned out that way... there was no way I could beat Bob Barett...... BUT I DID...... kinda like that Russian weight lifter that didn't know he was breaking the World record...... There are some thing that happen in life, that make you wonder..... this one is about how I think.... As I said/typed... If I had known it was Bob Barett, I couldn't have run faster than him... but because I didn't know it was him... I did...... I love that story about my life... and I sometimes forget it..... BUT DAMN... IT DID HAPPEN.... I DID DO IT..... YEY fer Patt...... (been felling sorry fer myself, and remembering that just kinda makes things a whole lot better......) Awh... that one is easy..... when I was in Korea... Pan Mun Jom... "In Front of them all."... I was a Security Guard there.... Dang... I'm even in the North Koreans "Bad Boy Book" (both sides took pictures of "dangerous" or scary Guards,) I messed up a new North Korean guard's mind..... hey... cool he broke ranks and ran to his barracks .... I'm sure they shot him for that.....Once upon a time I was a bit of a bad ass.......The part that gets twisted is that I'm also a nice guy..... kinda messes with things..... Biker just kinda followed...... and Hey... I was in a car vs. motorcycle accident (I was ridding a Honda 750 at the time).... broke my leg, cracked my skull, and got me the Harley.......... Yeah... I was a jerk... might have talked to Chainshot back then..... or gotten into a fight with him..... him being a trucker.....(That didn't type out right).... but back then the "game" suxed anyway...... My "History" is kinda fun..... I like where I am right now... (well there are a few things I would want changed) but for the most part.... I like who I am now.... what I will be in 20 years from now (other than 70) is still interesting....... HEY... but Rensom.... and everyone else.... ya still gotta post yer embarisin' photos of wota geek ye use ter be....... that be th' rules........ (other that I'm guessing Ransom was always good looking... just with funnier hair...)
  22. In another forum, there is a thread where people posted photos of what they looked like when they were teenagers.... It's not as interesting/funny if you are still young, but fer us older Pyrates this is a hoot..... (well if ye drink 'nough rum it is....) SO to start off...... This was back in 1976 when I was 18 This is a year later when I was in the Army. This one is a bit later, no longer a teenager.... back when I was 24 in 1982
  23. Unfortunately, I have to do it real cheap/inexpensively.... I'm thinking of using some copper pipe, and sculpy... and making the keys... I already have a page with all the keys (just have to print it out..) Right now, all my money is going to just stay alive, and for PiP..... Dang Economy/cash flow (or trickle...... )
  24. I'm thinking of cutting my hair after PiP... Not sure if I'd want someone ter butcher it AT PiP tho.....
  25. You also might want to check out the Traditional Muzzleloading Forum, there were a few people that were/are making wheellocks... http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com/fusionbb/portal/index.php? (Bo, I figure you already know about this forum, but others might like it....)
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