Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Yeah... I'm still looking for parts for a keyboard mod.... probably going to have to make all of the keys myself.... It should look cool if I EVER get it done.....
I'm still playing around with what an Airship Pyrate would look like..... Rough sketch, But I think it's getting closer....... Once I do decide, I still have to make everything........ OK...after PiP.......
OH yeah... in the Steampunk Forum, there is an entire thread about guns that people have made of modded.... http://brassgoggles.co.uk/bg-forum/index.php?topic=8833.0
I'm re-thinking about guns... When I was at Burning Man, I was stopped for carrying my Dinosaur Hunting Rifle... It was at night, and it must have looked real with night-vision..... (the picture is before it was finished...) Any way... I don't really like ray guns, but I want something that looks kinda-sorta like a gun, but not enough like a gun to be a hastle with the police.... I might go with something that looks like a Gattling style rifle... And just for funsies... this is a Nerf Maveick that I moded... yeah, I know, everyone mods Mavericks, but I wanted to show what I could do with one... it isn't finished yet.... (but it still fires....)
After PiP, I'll start working on an Airship Pyrate, but this is what I wore to the Abney Park concert in San Jose.... change the pith helmet for a bowler, and that's how I dress daily........
Lady Cassandra's arrived yesterday......
We have a system of "chocolate or vanilla"... unfortunately if you want mint sherbet with extra candy sprinkles.... you're kinda outta luck.....
Barcelona.... that be some place in Spain ain't it..... do ye think she might settle fer Melborne or someplace war they don't got a price 'pon me head......not that I never stol any gold and such from any Spanyards.... but fer som reason... they just don't like me..... If it be in France.... I knows som Frenchies wot will smuggle.... well alow the proper importation O' stuff in...... Or can I get 'er drunk 'nough, an' tell he that good Ol Captain Tonny's just so happpens ter be Barcelona......in excile or somthin..... Hey... 'elp me out hear..... I be kinda...... eeergh... forgot 'bout th' PG 13 thing.......but a bird inna hand.... that sorta thing......
Is that somthin like.... "Iff that hammock be a swayin' I ain't stayin'........" <still wonderin' why I be single.... as damn cute as I be.......>
Aaargh... but loud boistrious sea shantys anna couple a bottles a rum always works fer me.......
Hey.... who's this Bambi....? Is she single? And can she run faster than M.A.d'Dogge, but not as fas as I can ?
OH..Yeah..... hadda show it to the Post Mistress.... she knows alla bout the Pyrate Sketchbooks (well I tell her)... but I hadda show her it before I put it into the envelope.... There are some really good thing about living in a small town..... and hell that was one of them.....
Hummm... drat... I don't remember who's sketchbook it is... but it has a cool cartoon in it.... Anyway... I sent it to Red Handed Jill today.... with the updated address that she sent me....... (dang... that Ol' Jack be good fer somethin' sometimes ain't he...) <the last sketchbook I sent out didn't have the apartment number... and Jack caught the postman in time to fix everything....cool.....>
WoW... it's so cool that there are so many Pyrates with so many different forms of art...... dang cool.... Dang... I use to flake obsidian.... cut myself a few times (well a lot of times... those little flakes are sharp)....... Hey... if we ever went to hell in a hand basket... I could make a cutting tool..... What's in your art chest?... looking at the definitions of what is art and kinda re-thinking it...... heck, when I posted, I was just talkin' about what I use fer drawin' cartoons... kinda funny, that it is only about 6 things that I usually use for cartooning.... But after reading other Pyrates post... and alla the stuff... heck... I wanted to post that my entire RV ain't nothing but art storage..... but that would be nothing more than a bad attempt at oneupmanship... and well heck... it don't look as cool as Red Handed Jill's art chest....(not that her other ches.... nah... I better not say that....... ) Anyway... I think this thread has morphed not into what you have to make art... but into something even better... what art do you make.....cool....
Oh yeah.... I almost forgot to post this..... Dr. Steel This is his manifesto.... but I think there will be a lot of Pyrates that will agree with it..... (especially the part about being mad, and having fun... Oh,... and the part about toys...) http://worlddominationtoys.com/drsteel/about/manifesto.htm And this video is fun.... (it takes a while to load, but is worth it......) http://worlddominationtoys.com/drsteel/about/vid1.htm
I always wear my ears... If I took them off, I might misplace them, and would then have to comb my hair differently...... I got a picture taken of my MaD SciEntest outfit last night.... now I have to get a copy when they are downloaded..... then I can post it.....
i WaS A MAd ScIEntist (Well actully, I wasn't mad at all... I quite enjoy being a Scientist..... Bwahhhhahahahaha....) I just have to wait until I get a copy of the picture..... I will be going to see Abney Park tonight in San Jose... Think I'll just wear my khaki stuff that I wore to Burning Man. (I haven't finished the frock coat yet...) After PiP, I'm going to start working an an Airship Pyrate outfit (but thats all in another thread...)
Six new pages.... I decided not to color them after all.......
Well the (business) trip to Vegas was really boring... but I got a few more pages done for the comic.... I'll scan and post them tomorrow (well unless I DO decide to color them.......)