Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Yeah, As far as I know, you are the last one to add anything to his sketchbook. I just noticed.... Skull Pyrate Carter should send Rogue Mermaids to Oderlesseye (not to PEW) so he has a chance to add to it.... Then it will go to PEW, and finally back to Roque Mermaid..... Oderlesseye will be getting his sketchbook, so the only other one that is still out is PEW's.
The best I can figure out, is that Skull Pyrate Carter has his, Oderlesseyes and received Rogue Mermaid's from Black Mab..... If he doesn't have the time to draw anything in them, they can at least be mailed out so there isn't a longer delay. Once he sends them out, Oderlesseye will have his book, and then can draw something in Rogue Mermaid's then send it to PEW. Once Pew is done with it, it should be sent to Rogue Mermaid and it will finally be done. With PEW's book the only one out....
Is this the sketchbook shipping order? Or did I miss a post.... If so, Ransom already has my address, and Red Handed Jill PMed me hers.
Well, I'm getting closer to finishing all the stuff I need for a steamy Burning Man...... still have to sew the top to the tent, then the mosquito netting, and some work on the trike....... In the happy panic mode kinda like wot I do before Pyrates in Paradise each year..... so much stuff to finish, but it all gets done in time...... Right now, I have a bunch almost completed stuff.... So I'll post pictures when I test camp with it to make sure it all works....... And if I still have time.... then I can make an Airship Pyrate outfit.........
Dang.... that's happily warped...... wonder if they come in decorator colors?
Deer are sooooo dang cute.... and they really don't like tomato plants.....(or we'd have a problem....) so when they walk through the kinda side/front yard early in the morning..... Hey.... I know there is always food available if times get tough.... (same theory I have about the Raccoons. that eat the cats food...) Hey.... outta fairness..... I leave them alone, and just look at them..... haven't gotten THAT hungry yet........
Hey, it's cool that someone else is making cartridge boxes.... I got mine from Capt Midnight, ordered it without the slats, and am very happy with it.... The only problem, is that a bunch of us ordered the same cartridge box (hey they are very well made and good quality, Captain Midnight's work is excellent), but it looks like they were Government issue....... so having some variation in them is a good thing....
Awh.... it will get scruffy quick enough after wearing it awhile anyway...... Looks dang nice......
And the cool part of that is that you can post (with a spoiler notice) wot you drew in someones sketchbook.... Hey.... I'm a show off.... I liked the comics that I drew in other Pyrates sketchbooks..... But...... welllllll...... I also wanted other Pyrates to see wot I drew.... so I posted the comics in the Pub..... someone gets the original comic, but I get to show off copy's....... Another thing to consider.... don't just commit to adding to the sketchbooks, but you also have to post in this thread when they are received and when they are sent out, or else PEW is going to go crazy trying to figure out who has wot, where they are, and any problems that (hopefully don't happen). If you're going to send the sketchbook out late, for whatever reason.... your out of town, or because your short of cash right then, and it's embarrassing to post that..... heck, we can understand that (as if that never happened to me in the last round.....) Hey, let us know, so no one has to worry if a sketchbook is lost or something.......
Most of the past sketchbooks had quality"art paper", so ink wouldn't bleed through the pages... But the one I made was only typing paper, so bleed through was a problem. But I posted on the first page a warning letting people know that. If you're not sure about bleed through on someones sketchbook, you can test your ink, paint of glue on the very last page of the sketchbook. If bleed through Is a problem, do you art work on another piece of paper, and glue or tape it in.
Oh..... this one......
I don't know.... It's kinda toss-up for my favorite ending to one of the comic books..... PEW's Or this one....
Buttons Buttons who has Buttons
Patrick Hand replied to OL Jack The Pirate's topic in Thieves Market
Or you could do what I did..... I got a chunk of soapstone..... Cut it in half.... Carved out the parts that didn't look like a button.... Got some Leadfree silver bearing soldier from the Hardware store (it's soooo dang close to lead free pewter, it cost less, cut it with metal shiers to make it into handy small chunks get an old tablespoon and clamp the handle with some vice grips.... zap the small chunks in the tablespoon with a propane torch untill they melt.... pour it into the soapstone mold.... It cools quick enough, that you just open the mold, and the button falls out.... With a soapstone mold, they will be a little flash, so you clean it up with a file, then drill the hole..... This is what they look like fresh outta the mold....... -
Hey... we kin fix that easy 'nough...... Remember... Chicks dig scars.... wit 'nough rum, ye wont notice any pain at all....... I'm worried wots in the barrel behind 'im.... Must be somefin really dangerous, 'cause wit out th' plactic bag, it would eat right through the metal.... OK enough sillyness..... Hey... looks great!
I made the sketchbooks that I sent out.... Started with a stack of paper on top of cardstock, and a strip of cloth, and sewed through the pile.... I then glued a leather cover to the cardstock. (the strip of cloth helps keep the stitching from pulling through, it's hidden by the leather cover....).
Ransom and I both know the hastles of the project..... but it is still worth doing.... think about it for a moment.... why are Ransom and myself playing for the third round...... it because it is so stinkin' much fun..... The problems and hastles of the sketchbook are easy... huck we are all adults.... POST....POST...POST..... let everyone know when you've sent out a book, and let everyone know when you've recieved a book....heck we post here alla th' tyme..... so whats the problem with that..... and it will let PEW know if anything is wrong.... Hey.... at the first of the month money becomes a problem for me... and it's embarising to post that.... so I was a week late sending stuff out..... shoulda posted that.... but hey... didn't want to sound like I was poor..... HECK... it didn't really matter.... The sketchbook Projects are so stinkin cool, that we can all deal with it.... we just gotta post any delays an such so PEW dosen't go crazy...... Another note.... shipping the sketchbooks will cost you about $7.00 to $9.00.... smaller more compact sketchbooks work just as well as something huge.....and cost less for shipping.... but anyone that wants to play, should be awaire of the slight monthy cost envolved......
Something else learned from the Second round of Sketchbooks.... Everyone should put thier name on the first page, so when everyone post that they have recieved a book, they will know who's sketchbook it is.
That's what I thought also, but I can't find a post saying anything about it.... unless he already sent it to PEW.... From what I can figure out.... Black Mab should have sent Roque Mermaid's to Skull Pyrate Carter befor she dropped out. GoF sent Skull Pyrate Carter's book, and Oderlesseyes to Skull Pyrate Carter Red Cat Jenny sent PEW's long lost book to him... YAY..... Skull Pyrate Carter The other one should be Oderlesseyes...." Big Book" So now we're looking for Roque Mermaid's....
Skull Pyrate Carter should have it. now... I can't find a post about it... but did Black Mab send Roque Mermaids to Skull Pyrate Carter? if PEW has GoF's, has Rogue Mermaid had a chance to draw in it? if so, then it should get sent Home to GoF, , if not them to Rogue Mermaid...
Wow.... I was reading in another forum where they tried sending a sketchbook ...well there were two seperate attempts.... and in both of them, the sketchbooks never even got to the second person on the list..... Dang.... we've done this twice, and only lost two sketchbooks.... hopefull the third round will work out even better.....
William is not the Captain.... he is the Quaartermaster, we don't have a Captain. I hope things change so William and his wife can make it tho.....
I was going to do a post for"how to make semi-authntic Pyrate garb fer next ter nothin;" thread..... As posted above.... thrift stores are your friend.... other than shoes, and Heck it won't be totaly authentic...... but playing a common sailor/pyrate isn't that expensive ter do..... A shirt,made outta on old sheat or 3 yards of $2.00 a yard Wall mart Indain import fabric.... Slops outta an old set of drapes (be carefull about the fabric content, some drapes are way too synthetic...... worse comes to worse, $5.00 a yard canvas, you will need 2 yards, so fer $10 you have slops.... (see my thread somewhere in plunder how to make them.) Wool cost more.... but as mentioned above..... women's dresses or coats fer a few buck will give you enough wool to make one.... If you wanna go cheap/inexpensive, lern how to sew, and you can make some good stuff for very little money..... Lets see.... even buying the fabric.... A Shirt ....3 yards of $2.00 Wal Mart Indian fabric........... $6.00 Slops........2 yarsd $5.00 cotton canvas At Wall mart).......$10.00 head scarf..... 1 yard Wal Mart Indain Fabric......................$2.00 belt and accesorys....thrift store..... ....................................$5.00 (max) shoes..... Sorry.... go bare foot.... or maybe sandals.......... ...............................................................................T OTAL about $23.00 Ok ... this dosen't include the waistcoat.... so add maybe another $3.00.... not fancy, but it is do able.... Heck .... everyone wants to be a Captain..... just go common sailor, and it is more period, and cost less..... Just fer S & G..... my almost 100% period garb.... Shirt....... checked linnen @ 8.50 per yard ..............................$25.50 Slops... 100% hemp @ 14.00 per yard......................................$28.00 wool waistcoat...... Yard sale find................................................$2.00 linen lining for waistcoat...... @,650 per yard..............................$6.50 Wool blanket for coat..........$3.00................................................$3.00 cotton linning (Ok is should have been wool) @ $2.00................$6.00 Hat blank........................................................................... .........$40.00 solder to cast buttons................................................................$18.00 Shoes........................................................................... .............$125.00 socks........................................................................... ..................$3.00 belt blank........................................................................... .........$10.00 Silk scarf and neckerchif 2 yards @ 6.50 per yard..................$13.00 Not counting time and effort, for an almost totaly Authentic outfit............................................$280.50 Also this is not counting weapons and accuterements......but it is the cost for period authentic fabrics,,,,, All things considered, that really ain't that much ( heck I didn't buy all the fabric at one time..... it took about three years to get it all together) So just shop around, learn how to make it yourself..... (it will be more period/better that way anyway...) and you CAN make affordable Pyrate garb...... Hey.... if ye wanna be some fopish fancy nancy boy pyrate, dressed in sissy lace and such, heck it will cost ye more..... going as a good .....honest(?) sailor/pyrate... salt O' th' earth... a real working an theavin' man..... heck Period is heck of a lot cheaper...... work clothing..... PM me if you need instructions on how to make any of it......
That's not wot ye ment ter type was it? Wot..... ye wanna wear her chainmail? or did I compleatly missunderstand somethin ?
Oops... almost missed that.... Arnold California..... Central, kinda where California bends and get twisted.....
Hey.... I'm a sucker for punishment..... SO I'm in again.... I keep looking through my last sketchbook and thinking... WOW... such cool stuff..... I can get sloppy/sentimental about it..... but all of the entrys in my sketchbook are so dang cool, that it is fun.... and getting to draw stuff in other's books is a huge part of the fun...... The sketchbook project is so dang much fun.... Shipping cost are closer to about $8.00 to $10.00 a month but heck that's do able... The biggest problem with the project is everyone playing has to post when they send out thier books and when they recieve them or else it will drive PEW crazy........ (ask me or Ransom) Not to put the next project down or nothing, because when it works.... it is so dang fantastic, fun and cool ...... It's great to get a buncha people playing..... and we are all adults here.... but it's stinking frustrating (like hearding cats) for just one person to mess it all up.... so if you wanna play, you gotta keep playing.... We all know that real life can mess with it, but hey, let the person next know that, and we can deal with it...... Pyrates can do that.... can't we.?... Hey..... like I typed..... I wanna play again.....too much fun to pass up....