Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
What.... I was just powering up the death ray for some dinosaur target practice......
Worked fer me also..... an' ye can ask how well it worked fer William..........
... Hey... I'm easily amused.......
OH... kinda like how the R is silent in warsh..... as in... I hadda warsh my shirt..... Look at the bright side... I was going to posts something about the not silent...... TTTT's, and how it sounds if you say it really fast...... Yeah... immoral..... that says it all....
Why?... it kinda describes the ....well...... kinda concept...... the time between WW1 and WW2..... It has a slightly different aesthetic than Steampunk.... There are already enough discussions about the punk part to become annoying... hey... it's just a word..... I want to.... but I'm not sure how the cash flow thing is going to work out yet........It's only a three hour drive......I might only be able to go to there show, and miss the convention.......RATS........ http://www.steampunkconvention.com/node/16 I saw them at the Makers Fair, and they do a really good show, and they are really cool.... What better way to spend the "Day of the Dead" than watching Abney Park.....
Dang... for Pyrate, only one.... The Northern California Pyrate Festival........well unless you count PiP, but that hasn't happened yet.... for other... one... Burning Man... or two... a silly tea party in San Fransisco.... And I use to be such a social butterfly.......
Maybe so PEW don't go crazy..... we should all post who's sketchbook we have right now...... I have Kate's right now....
That was kinda th' idea.... We know what Golden Age Pyrates looked like (the popular and historic versions)... but what would you do for a Steampunk Airship Pyrate? (as if we don't have enough other projects....... )
Yeah, I've looked at Stardust, but if they weren't on the Airship, they don't really look much like Pyrates..... ("Yer still our Captain...Captain..." I love that line....) For The Golden Age, it's really easy, anyone wearing a long justicorp/Jack Sparrow coat and a cocked hat is thought to be a Pyrate. About the only thing that I can think of right now that "screams" Airship Pyrate is a leather flight cap with a skull patch, and goggles.... Maybe if I add some trim down the legs of the jophers (the blue trousers in the picture) they might look more steampunkish... I was thinking of making a semi-Napoleonic jacket with an ungodly amount of braid, but now I'm not sure if it would work right. A long leather coat and some button-up gaiters might work... and lots of weapons, but I'm kinda stuck having to use a lot of skull patches and such to get the look...... The problem is developing an outfit for a time that never was, that is identifiable as a class/character that didn't exist......
I already have a jacket kinda like that.... I wear it with some khaki trousers I made and my pith helmet.... I'm working on a frock coat for a Traveling Snake Oil Salesman, But I still want to come-up with something really cool for an Airship Pyrate.... Part of the problem that I'm having, is that I don't want it to look too "Golden Age"(1700's)... bucket boots, cocked hat and a justicorp... I want something maybe 100 years later....But looking at later period Sailors, isn't quite the look I'm going for either..... But at the same time, I don't want it to look "dieselpunk" (the time between WW1 and WW2.... think Indiana Jones...) I think Abney Park is a little more dieselpunk with what they wear ... it looks cool, but I'm still working on something different.... And, it has to scream Airship Pyrate.....
Cool... just hit my 5000th post.......Now I'm an Immoral Pyrate......
This is what I wore at Burning Man.... unfortunately, it just doesn't look right..... A jacket might help, but it was too hot to wear one then...Oh, and weapons... lots of weapons.
Well heck gotta start it all of with this ..... Abney Parks Airship Pyrates.... http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=Abne...tle&start=0 But just fer funsies..... how would ye dresss as a steampunk Airship Pyrate? My attempt at Burning Man, just didn't work..... not going ter give up on it yet ......I just gotta work on it some more....... Fun part 'bout steampunk, is it don't gotta be period.... so anything goes..... have fun wit it..... play it fer all it be worth....well an' post some pictures....... An ye still gets ter drink lottsa rum...........
Hey... airship pyrates....cool....now we gotta figure out wot that looks like.....
I use mostly pen and ink (well and a pencil and eraser) I have a small pouch that I made that I attach to the clipboard.... it's getting kinda grungy now.... I might have to make a new one (and this time. I'll add even more pockets for stuff, 'cause there is alway something else that I want in th' thing....) But for cartooning, in the pouch are...... A 00/.30 Rapidograph.... A black "Le Pen"... a Fine Point "Sharpie" (I gotta get a new on, I use th' Sharpie for filling in the black areas..... but this one is running outta ink) ... a 0.5 Rotring mechanical pencil. a bottle of black Rapidograph India Ink, an eraser, and a chunk of toilet paper to clean off the tip of the Rapidograph when it leaks...... Other than for the sketchbooks, most of what I draw is scanned onto the computer and colored in Photoshop.... so I just use cheap printer paper to draw on. Alla the other stuff is in th' "Art Drawer".... paint, imitation gold leaf, glue, Sculpy... anything for art projects.... I have two other drawers for tools for heaver projects.....
I'm still working on when we (Carol who's staying at a hotel) and I are arriving....... maybe Wednesday..... I just know that We have to leave really early on Monday morning so we can get to Los Vegas for a baseball show (we sell mascots) Hey... Animal... will be cool ter see ye again..........
The problem that I'm having right now, is that I cant get the Spoiler coding to work right..... well it will do text, but not images..... as I posted in the sketchbook thread.... hey, those were the older cartoons...... I wanted to post the next two cartoons that I did in the sketchbooks (hey... Ransom already peeked at hers....) but I didn't wanna mess up the fun of seeing them for the first time..... the surprise kinda thing.... and not being able to get the spoiler tag to work is messing everything up........ growl...... But I really like how they came out...... I hadda share them with Ransom...... well she wouldn't ever get to see them if I didn't..... But....... well I still wanna show them....... SO my question is..... would it mess up anything if I did post the cartoon that I drew in the sketchbooks (for the third round).... or should I wait a few months and let everyone in the sketchbook project get to see them first (and maybe encourage more people for the fourth round ) Us Pyrate be a buncha showoffs..... but th' more we can showoff ter, th' better........ or somethin like that........
I can (almost) understand someone staying in a hotel.... Heck Carol doesn't DO Camping, and stays in one at PiP.... But sleepin' inna hammock under a sail/tarp right next to th' beach in Key West.... I just can't pass it up....
Hey.... I didn't go swinin' so ye can't blame me fer th' ring around Key West.........
I can't remember how I found out about No Quarter Given...maybe I typed in Pirate and found it... anyway, after subscribing, I read about the Pub... The first few times I tried to log on it didn't work.... but being th' tenacious stubborn cuss that I am, I kept trying until I could log on....
Page three is up..... unfortunately, Photobuckets re-sized it so it's a little smaller than it should be......