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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. 6' 3".......
  2. Yeah...yeah.... I know.....I didn't get much done last year... But since we're going to do a Buccaneer Camp next year at PiP I have to get back to this project.... Yeah, that's right..... For the 10th anniversary of Pyrates in Paradise next year, there is going to be a 1669 Buccaneer Camp. So if anyone is thinking on working on a Buccaneer impression, PiP is going to beTHE place to be! Start saving your money for a plane ticket, it really doesn't cost that much once you are there if you stay in the Fort... Think about it..... a buncha period Buccaneers camping on the beach in Key West.... We talked about a Buccaneer gathering earlier in this thread... Now there is going to be one..... So after I dig everything outta storage, and start re-working some of it, I can start posting again....(with pictures and how I made it kinda things...) Some of the post won't be 100% Twill... because to be truthfully honest, there is a lot of stuff that I can't find really good documentation on... but it will be as close as possible....
  3. Cpl. Patterson Co. A 14th TENN. Vol. Inf. Atrig Bluehand (the Pict) Lt. CheDpa vesti-pr'San Klingon Marine Infantry
  4. On my way to PiP in the airport, there was something on the television about the Somali Pirates .... And everyone kept looking at me....
  5. You might want to look in the Steampunk Forum under Geographical... there are threads about meet-ups for all over the World. http://www.brassgoggles.co.uk/bg-forum/index.php Hey... after the hair cutting at PiP... I look much more steamy now..... still have to get it evened out a little, then I can post a picture......
  6. But in another language would defeat the purpose... So many things Steampunk are based off England and the Victorians... I figure that since we are in the U.S. an American name would be more fitting. Not exactly Wierd West, but what was going on in North America during the time.... The Flag of the California Republic And a letter of marque from Emperor Norton That sorta thing......
  7. I added a larger Spoiler note in the Sketchbook thread.... so if you don't want to see any of the third round sketchbooks, you will know where to stop...... I also have to scan a new post for the comic thread.....
  8. Yeah... I missed alla them also.... there was just sooo much always going on alla th' time that it's difficult to see everything.... (Hey... loafin' in Camp is doing something... it is a vacation after all....)
  9. Hey, has anyone seen Mission ? TREBUCHET! Oh.... there he goes.... wow, I didn't know he could fly......
  10. Hummm... the only ouwies I got was where Capt. Jim kicked me on the shin during the Anne & Mary capture,(well he didn't do it on purpose I don't think....) and a bruise on my knee that I don't know where it came from.... It's still too early to sort out alla the cool things from PiP this year....I still in that kinda post-PiP WOW THAT WAS SO DANG COOL stage... Not a blur (well some of the drunken parts may be...) But more of a "Where do you start " kinda thing.....
  11. Of course I will be there again next year...... Animal and I are talking about setting-up a Buccaneer Camp... So I might only be down wind of the Careening Camp next year....but there is plenty of time to figure all of that out
  12. What leftovers ?
  13. I just got in.... I would have made my flight if it wasn't for the weapons chest.... They just couldn't get it checked and on the plane in time... I was in such a rush to get aboard my flight, that I forgot to give Michael the $30.00 I had in my pocket for gas....... SO I had to stay over in Miami (I did get a shower last night so I was no longer stinky....) I fiddled around all morning... shaved took another shower and trimmed my hair, kinda evened it up a little bit...then caught a flight out of Miami at 3:00.... but because of the thunderstorms in Huston, I missed my flight again..... I had time for a smoke before my next flight, but just as I got to the gate.... they changed it to one four concourses over.... kinda difficult walking on polished concrete with leather soled shoes (you kinda have to shuffle along... just like walking on ice...) It is fun hearing the children when they see a Pyrate in the Airport ..... Arrived in Sacramento at Midnight, and drove home. I wanted to let everyone know that I got home safely... I had a great time, and will read and post some more tomorrow after I get some sleep....
  14. Give alla you three guesses who's 'bout ter shut off th' pewter and is on his way ter Key West...........
  15. Ack... alla those little last minute things ter still pack and arrange....Worse than Santa... makin' a list and checkin' it twice..... then about 12 hours until I take off......
  16. Hey.... my flasks are empty..... someone drank alla th' rum.......
  17. Aaaargh..... Today... then tomorrow night, I be headin' ter Sack a' Tomatoes, then all night onna airplane. ter Miami... then the Greyhound buss down ter Key West...... should be thar at about 5:30 on Wednesday......
  18. I'm still trying to think of a good name for a Pyrate Airship.... How about Columbia's Revenge Victoria's Revenge only works for English Airships......
  19. I made a new file in Photoshop, so I'm sorting and moving alla the comix into it..... I still have to move a few more and edit the post so they show up. By moving them, all of the links change... rats....So i'm fixing them as I move stuff.... These have all been posted in the Pub... but this is the file with (soon to be) all of the Pyrate Comix in it.... http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/Patr...Pyrate%20Comix/
  20. And a new one......
  21. Lady Seahawke's will be going out tomorrow (Monday)
  22. I still have to write everything down... so far, I've just been mulling it over in my head.... I'm thinking of about 10 days of lightweight food, a first aid kit, clothing and shelter....but I want to keep it as light as possible (and my M1 Garand with ammo belt) Some Zombie hunters have more than one bag.... one in their car (kinda like what Bo has) another for quick movement, and finally one for longer survival. If the zombies attacked, I'd head up into the mountains, but depending on the time of year, determines what I'd have to carry. I also would have to cache a lot of stuff... for short term, the M1 would work, (it's heavy, but can be used for hunting and defense) But if it were a prolonged zombie attack, and ammo started running out, I'd want my flintlock .50 Mountain rifle. So with several caches (so if one got found, I still would have the others) I could sneak back and get more stuff when I had a secure hiding place. At the first part of a bug-out, I want just enough to survive, and not too much stuff to load me down... later I could recover some other stuff (My flintlocks would be handy, as would the cutlass... but they are too much to carry at first, so I'd get them later ) There is a Time-Life book on Old Fashioned Living that would be really handy for long-term survival, as well as some of the Foxfire books....
  23. http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=...amp;dcaid=17902 I wear a silk handkerchief under my hat to keep my hair from flying all over the place... but even then, the lining on my hat gets kinda grungy.....
  24. I added a sling to my Blunderbuss.... The front swivel is a chunk of metal rod that I pounded flat at both ends and then pinned to the stock with brass rod through the front ramrod thimble. The rear button is a short bolt that I filed to shape.
  25. I'm also one of those that says if you go authentic, you can fit in with both groups.... But... it does take time to get everything right... Start with the basics (you can cheat a bit, by using cotton instead of linen, hemp and wool, but then if you do go more authentic, you have to re-make everything, but you can do it one article at a time....at least you have something to wear.....) A common sailor is a good start, then if you go to a Renn. Faire or such, you can always add a flashy coat, an outrageous hat and add a whole bunch of extra stuff hanging from your belt, and fit right in... :angry:
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