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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. That would be really cool..... the only problem is that I still have to shovel out my driveway so I can go get the torches..... Hating snow more and more by the minute......
  2. One of the things I've been trying to look up is what was worn when the Buccaneers came to the West Indies, I don't think they went to a Buccaneer clothing store and bought all new Buccaneer duds tailored for the job.... The pictures posted waaay back in the beginning of this thread are later period than 1669... They look good, but I'm not sure if they are correct.... But so far I haven't found anything.... (well other than paintings of the upper class or some ECW stuff)
  3. I can't remember where I read the quote, but it said basically that Buccaneers wore untanned skins... way back in the beginning of this thread there were quite a few discussions on how the Buccaneers could have tanned skins, I think "brain tanning" might be considered 'untanned skins" but we never found anything conclusive, so it's still all a guess. I'm guessing that most of the Buccaneer's clothing was cloth, with leather leggings to protect their legs. If I lived in a tropical climate, I might get use to the temperature and wear something heavier... but at PiP, just wearing a light loose weave wool coat over my linen shirt got kinda hot..... I'm not sure how hot a pigskin jacket would be... But I think I'll stick with cloth.
  4. It's still snowing!!!!!!........... Dang icky cold wet sh....stuff...... CalTrans keeps Hwy4 clear for the skiers (buncha fools who drive up here to slide down the mountain covered with the icky wet sh...stuff... the only redeeming thing about skiing is drinking afterwards... but why not cut-out the skying part and just start with drinking?) ... I'd have to shovel out my driveway if I wanted to get outta here anyway.... I HATE SNOW
  5. I still liked it best when Sterling started laughing...... :angry:
  6. Hummm... signs, and tour guides to guide people to the different living history displays in the camps (and with a specific time and schedule so we all would know when to be there)....That would be cool....
  7. It would be an addition to the Pyrate Camp... I figure now that we have enough Pyrates, it would be a good time for some of us to branch out and portray an earlier time period. And show the public a little known or misunderstood period of history. For some weird reason a lot of people (well not us in the Pub) think Golden Age Pyrates hung (ok... wrong word) caroused in Port Royal and sacked Spanish towns... as shown in the Pirate of the Caribbean rides... We would be camping in the same area, but with maybe some signs(<1720 Careening Camp> <1669 Buccaneer Camp>or something like that) to let the public know what the camps are...(so we don't confuse them) After hours we'd carouse with everyone, just like the different camps do now... I didn't see Mission or Dutch giving their demonstrations (I don't think I was taking a nap) but I think it would be cool to have something like that in the Buccaneer Camp also. Hey... this was us/the Pyrate Camp at PiP 2005
  8. Hurricane, which of Benson's books do you suggest? The Sea Rover's Practice: Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730 or The Buccaneer's Realm: Pirate Life on the Spanish Main, 1674-1688 The second one sounds a little later period.
  9. I'm re-reading The Buccaneers of America and this time I'm taking notes..... I'm thinking of printing a small pamphlet that we could either sell (for about $1 and donate the money to the Fort) or just giving away, That would help to explain some of the interesting parts of the period. Also, I think we should set a date that the camp is depicting. I think 1669 would be good,...Basically it's the "Height of the Buccaneer Period".....Morgan is planning something (the Sack of Panama), Port Royal is still the "Wickedest City on Earth" and ...well it's a funny date...
  10. This if from the post on... BBC Reporter Mary Harper.....Daughter...asked.. "Mummy, can I phone the pirates?" and she did... https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13808 So to stop the Somali Pyrate, they need a stable Government and economic help.... It would cost less than sending a bunch of Warships and blowing them outta the water.....
  11. First snow of the season, and I hate it already..... Cold icky nasty wet sh***** ergh.... stuff....
  12. The gold Dabloons were easy enough, But I don't think the sugar Skulls would survive to long....
  13. Hey... I can rake and tote stuff wit th' best a' them.... It would be great if we could arrive (and camp) a little earlier and leave a little later, Doing some "grunt" work in trade sounds fair.... Yeah..... show him (or Her) wot nice scummy hard workin' Pyrates we be......
  14. In TWILL there already is a thread on The Buccaneer Project https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=4392...mp;#entry332740 For discussing Buccaneers, their gear, and how to make stuff... So this thread is specifically about how are are going to set-up a Buccaneer Camp next year at PiP What we plan on doing, and of course.... how much fun we are going to have. It will also act as a list for everyone who wants to join the camp... Members Camping in the Buccaneer Camp at PiP 2009 Patrick Hand Animal
  15. I have no idea.... I bought it at a local Rendezvous for $1.00....... Not pictured is the really cool folding lead ladle I got at the Dead Man's chest auction....... I spent a large part of yesterday afternoon looking for good pictures of English Civil War clothing (the Sealed Knot etc...) but couldn't find anything... I think the Venetians I've been using are close, but I wanted to find more references before I make another pair.... (it's so frickin' cold that I can hide out in my warmish bedroom and hand sew them outta some hunter green wool that I have.....) I also started re-reading The Buccaneers of America I have to start taking notes as I read through it this time.....
  16. This was my first "test" set of clothing.... And this is what I have now... I have to re make a lot of it so it's better, so that is what I will be working on this Winter......
  17. This is the cut down hat. My belt and old knife (I have a better one now)
  18. My snapsack My Haversack (I have since stained it kinda brown) And my shooting pouch and horn. I'm going to make a new Frenchy style powder horn....
  19. This was the Gear...
  20. Drat.... it was too cold today to get any sewing done on the leather SkyPyrate vest..... I'll post this just for funsies.... Ain't Photoshop fun........
  21. I just did a quick check through Priceline... it would cost me $325 to fly there.... maybe if I start saving my pennys I might be able to make it...
  22. I'm still posting them as I draw them.... At PiP, Kate told me that she hadn't looked at any of the comix in the sketchbook thread because she don't want to see what may be in her sketchbook, and she wanted to wait and see the drawings in person.... So I added a Spoiler Alert so she could see the older drawings..... I figure other Pyrates may want to do the same... so I added a warning for them.... Of course not Ransom.... she peeked as soon as I posted hers......
  23. It just says California Republic ...The original Bear flag has been lost, and that is one of the descriptions of it....
  24. When I talked to Kate at PiP, she said that she didn't want to see any of the drawings from sketchbooks from this round on the computer, she preferred to see them in person when she got the sketchbook.... I figured that others in the Sketchbook project might feel the same.... So it is more of a spoiler alert.... For awhile I was e-mailing the comix to Ransom because she had already added something in the sketchbooks, so she would never get to see them...and awh heck... I'm such a ham, that I wanted people who weren't in the Sketchbook project a chance to see them also. I still have to scan the next comix page I drew at PiP.... you'd think I couldda gotten that done in less than a week.....
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