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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Ok.... we WONT.
  2. but in the titles, they used a weird FONT
  3. Th' FONZ..... 'member Happy Days?.....
  4. fone.... isn't that the French version of Phone? Does that count......
  5. bone.... better yet, a nice Ice Cream....CONE.....
  6. Mone......Done See, I'm back to playin' by th' rules.......
  7. oops.... changed two letters..... but it worked in with the rest on the post.....
  8. And the only survivor was a Buddhist MONK......
  9. OK... not about Airship Pyrates.....
  10. junk... you know, those funny Chinese boats.. just like they had in that movie with Jack Sparrow.....
  11. and who has the next ...TURN ?
  12. I'm going to have to take a picture of mine... they are welding goggles (about $10.00 ) that I covered the base with leather and after trimming the lens holder painted it gold...(well... then I imitation gold leafed them, but that's a different story...)
  13. By re-arranging the letters, and changing one letter.... ya can get..... ZURT ...... TURD Are we still playing right?
  14. I'll have to change Canada.... But here is a map of North America....
  15. HEY........How didja get TRAY from YURT ? Someone's not playing Fair.......
  16. That would be easy enough to change... (I was focusing more on the United States,... and just added "English" Canada as an after thought....sorry) SO... How did Canada split into English and French? I'll have to add a few.... but The California Republic, the Republic of Texas and New Mexico all would work well for a Port Royalish city friendly to Airship Pyrates..... Hummmm. Lake Tahoe might be really nice for that.... it would be close enough to all the shipping lanes, and isolated enough to avoid reprisal attacks... And geographically, it's easy enough to find from the air.....
  17. But if ye grab 'er there, its goinna HURT......
  18. I've been kinda playing with this, but I want to see what others think about it.... An Alternative History; or what and why the crew of Columbia's Revenge is Pyrating... Kinda short version... The South wins the American Civil War.... OK, they don't occupy the North, but they do/did secede From the Union.... so the Countrys of North America.... The Confederacy of America The Union of the United States The Republic of Texas The Republic of California New Mexico (part of Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and part of Southern California) French Mexico English Canada The Great Wilderness (all the rest of North America) Because North America is fragmented into different smaller Countrys, and there isn't much cooperation between any of them... Airship Pyracy can flourish... For example, it's easy to get a letter of Marque from the California Republic to attack whaling ships from the Union of the United States in the Pacific... The Union of the United States and the Confederacy of America, are not at war, but their borders are heavily trenched and defended.... New Mexico and French Mexico raid each other frequently... and The Great Wilderness is untamed and free to exploit... Because North America is fragmented, there isn't a trans-continental railroad... shipping and trade between the Countrys is all by Airship... (three guesses where Airship Pyrates fit in...) I'm thinking of having the Columbia's Revenge originally built in the California Republic... but Emperor Norton's Government won't acknowledge it's existence.... (Pay the right people, and you can get almost anything in the California Republic...)
  19. TARP.......
  20. I was goofing around last night, working on some of the details for the Columbia's Revenge, I'll have to ink, scan and post some of them.......
  21. &%&*(^(*)&*^*&%&...... ....CUSS
  22. OK then...... PUSS
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