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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Cool, that will work, I have to re-do the map anyway..."Neaveaux France" has a nice ring to it.....(that's "new" isn't it ?)
  2. Hey, Michael just color in the part of Canada you want to be French, then I'll change the map..... I had to work this weekend, so I didn't get anything fun done..... I have one of those cheap Spanish Falcions that I want to re-grind and make it look more like a Bowie knife..... eergh... Bowie Cutlass..... Then I can make a scabbard for it and sew that to the back of my Combat Vest..... I still have to add the eppilets and make a paldron for the vest.... I also want to figure out where to paint a picture of Columbia somewhere on the vest (or maybe on the pauldron.... ) Pictures should be coming soon, but dang, the thing has enough pockets to hold alla my loot..... I have two metal "Hip Flasks" that I'm thinking of salt etching so one says "RUM" and the other "MORE RUM"....
  3. Manatee steaks and young tasty VEAL..... (PETA's goinna have kittens fer that one...... )
  4. I was going to post about PiP... Basically, the 1720 Careening Camp doesn't have "Garb Standards"... We discovered that it works better to kinda "lead by example..." instead of telling someone what they have to do.... Just because it's fun to pick on Captain Jim... LOOK.... BUCKET BOOTS... OK that picture was from four years ago when we were trying for figure out how to run a Period Camp...... He doesn't wear the bucket boots at PiP any more... not because someone told him that he couldn't, but because as Capt. Jim posted above, after PiP, everyone goes home and tries to figure out how to make their clothing and camping gear even better for the next year.... Just for funsies.... Because this is The Top 10 Items for your Pyrate Kit... Wot ye need fer PiP..... to Have a great tyme....(and keeping it inexpensive...) 1: Some way to get there..... I fly out each year, Pyrates that live closer drive....(It cost about $360 to fly out from California) 2: Basic semi-period Pyrate clothing (Slops or Breaches, a shirt, decent shoes, a belt, head covering.... waistcoat or coat.) 3: Something to sleep in or under.... A blanket and....well I have a sail and hammock, others have bought of made tents... if your really on a budget, you can get a canvas tarp and make a shelter... (I'll let Captain Jim post alla bout that.... ) 4: Something to eat and drink from.... a pewter tankard, plate and spoon is period, but onna budget, hit local yard sales and find a wooden bowl and spoon.... 5: Your going to need some money... I took $500, but if I hadn't missed the bus on the way down, and didn't have to stay in a Hotel one night in Miami, adding in airport parking ......I would have only spent $200 playing in Key West.... 6: Weapons are optional, but a cutlass and guns does make it a lot more fun..... 7: RUM 8: more Rum 9: an extra hat..... Mission and Stinky like playing Musical Hats.... 10: A willingness to have more fun than any Pyrate should be allowed to have.... Hey the slogan on the posters... it's the Holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the Family you wish you had.... And that slogan is right......
  5. Aaargh... that Pyrates wench inna bikini is th' one I wants ter MEAT......
  6. Interestingly enough, the only place I have ever run into an "Authenticity Nazi" was in the SCA.... She was nice enough, and had some beautiful photographs of he garb... but I never saw her in anything other than a mumu..... In the Pub, there are Pyrates that do care about making their clothing as accurate as they can. If you are interested, just ask, and you will get plenty of information... Just don't ask..."Is this coat authentic.. because I already bought it, and am going to wear it anyway....." and then be disappointed by the answer.... If someone wants to play Pyrate, the "Authentics" aren't going to stop them, or tell them they are wrong (unless they ask..)..... The Authentics are playing Pyrate also, but with a different focus. Well unless it is at a "Historical/Period Event"... Then the Hollywood Pyrate stuff is "right out".... That should be fairly obvious, but for some reason some people can't figure it out, and can't figure out why we are such "poops" about it.....
  7. Flush twice... it's a long way to L.A. .......
  8. Teat...... Hubba-hubba----- bouncie bouncie.....
  9. They are truly ugly... to much lace and ribbon bows... they look like a skirt...... go about half way down this page, and there is an example... http://www.clotheslinejournal.com/splendor.htm Pissst.... you will probably be happier with Venetians or Dutch Slops... they don't look as God-awful weird....
  10. LUST Hey... haven't we already done this one, or is it just a favorite..........
  11. OK... now I'm just listening to Shift Happens...OK it is kinda fun to read also..... It's the music of when the boys are charging up the side of the mountain in The Last of the Mahicans...(maybe I should see if I can find a copy of the soundtrack.... dang it's good music...)
  12. I've seen The Gentleman's duel a few times before... it's fun if you have never seen it.... But the second one.... Another wild one.. more dark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiYvlyRIar8 Wow... that was cool.... I haven't seen it before, it's happily twisted....
  13. Yeah... but that is (or should be ) a very scary thought..... Aargh... thar I be..... inna.... petticoat breaches, the foppish linen shirt, and the coat.... all looking like it's been slept in, puked on, bloody and really grungy...... Bet the chicks in Key West will love it.... Awh heck... petticoat breaches had to have been the secondest stupidest thing men ever wore ... dang... might have to make a pair.....
  14. . . . R . . . A . . . SASH BASH U S HASH Dang... Sash is only good for another 8 points......
  15. Just dress him as a Buccaneer.... it would take him forever to grow outta it....... Just tell him that he never has to bathe again.......or wash his cloths......or comb his hair... Alla the Brandy he can drink, and NO homework..... He'll love it.... course his Mom might make him sleep outside...... (now everyone knows why I don't have any kids........ )
  16. BASH U S HASH Cool.... another 22 Points....
  17. DASH . . . A . . . S . . . H Cool... I covered a double word box, so that gives me 16 points....
  18. drink too much an ye'll see spiders an ASPS..... "I don't like spiders and snakes...." anyone remember that song...?
  19. CASK of Rum...
  20. Just save it for me... I'll get it next year......
  21. It's raining down there ..... did it take a TENT.....
  22. Yeah... whatever happened to that dead rat I asked Stynky to hold fer me ?
  23. Ok.... we WONT.
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