Patrick Hand
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Top 10 items for your pirate kit
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
Awh heck... I was postin' a picture showin' us at PiP a long tyme ago.,.. an I didn't even remember ye even wearin the bucket boots.... I just remember we had so much fun..... Well it is a good picture.... But DAMN... that was the Pyrate Camp 4 years ago..... WOW... we've gotten so much better...... -
Awh... turnin' 50 ain't that bad..... Just means ye getta chase after th' young sexy ones..... OH... ye already gots that.... Hey Happy birthday......................
Back ter BEER.... just couse ye can never get enough......
I think so... kindda an Indian name (or so I've been told) I kinda thought about that... but the original thought was that was where the Mormons went (they were kinda militant/bad ass back then....).... But I changed my mind when I thought that was where Ransom was from...... Real History... the Orientals did exist.... but they were so subjugated..... (sorry real History) All the "evils" of San Fransisco were because of the Chinese..... (Not my say... just racist history) Hey... what we did to the Chinese was really ... really bad.... but I figure it would still happen in an alternative Steampunk history... Sorry, but we like having someone "below" us..... Steampunk doesn't have to be "nice"... the icky parts of the fantacy allow us to see where we are messing up and not doing "nice"....or well.. what we need to change.... (the political part of it..) <look at the "N" word .... it just means a Lazy man... or does it.... questioning Society and the way we think is a large part of the whole Speampunk thought..... Edited the "n" word..... just because it might be offensive to people....
That look like the kinda old Army field phones....... ya hadda crank the snot outta them to be able to call anyone,,, but the suckers worked.... And they had a kinda "SOUND" that was so interesting/fun..... Cool post.....
Yeah... it is God awful .... alla those ribbons and icky foppishness..... But it was (back then) the Height of fashion.... Lets put it into weird perspective.... Remember back in the "Disco Days(z) back when white polyester leisure suites were the "thing".... (yeah, I didn't wear one back then also)... But my point is... That was the fashion..... If you wanted to Pick up chicks... you dressed funny.... They did it then also..... Animal... you are going to be happier with a long shirt, Venetians (I will send you the pattern and how to make them) a large floppy hat...etc... grungy Hunter/Buccaneer.....) I may. or I may not ... do a Degenerate Buccaneer.... (wearing the "fancy Fopperish finery.. that has been so worn and misused (puked apron) or not..... It is the is the ickyish clothing ever won by men.... (torn and bedraggled.....but that might make if kinda fun) Wot a Buccaneer bought at the time to think he looked ... cool Awh heck..... ain't gonna work out in the woods... but it looked good in town....(well till it got puked upon...)
There is a symbol that the blackpowder folk came up with.... for fire buckets..... I will have to look it up... It had something to do with changing the copyrights of "Hey... we gotta a fire..." and someone else saying that is our copyright.... so you can't use that on your fire buckets........ BULL SHIT.., but tell that to the Red Cross.....(If you didn't know it. the red cross is copyrighted...) What I wannna post right now is sooo none PG-13 that it isn't worth the effort....
We would have to ask Harry, but what if we could find some place around the Fort to kinda store tent poles (and they would be available for other use) Hey... a few years ago, the Civil War guys let us use their poles to set up our tents...) A stack of poles is outta the way.. it adds some ( well very little ) ambivalence, to the setting... And besides the way... Harry is so dang cool....not that we would ever take advantage of him.... but he is so willing to work with us, and let us do our thing... right about now.... I wanna hear three chears for Harry... HIPP HIPP WORRA.... HIPP HIPP WORRA.... HIPP HIPP WORRA.... He talks to the State... (ergh... that has to be interesting...) he lets us do our stuff... ( hey we play within reason)and... he get sloshed with us wit rum.... wot more is there to think....? <funny picture should be posted here... but there is a possible bribe... so ......Pyrate... I gotta work on that first...> Hay... it is all doable.... cool
.rats double reply.....
OH yeah.... The Holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas with the family you wish you had But the bast part... is it IS my family.......<not Pyratiucal> but I love you all....
Yeah... Captain Jim is kinda like the God of those wots gotta fly out to PiP...... Besides.... sitting on the beach in Key West... rolling and loading cartridges.....bull shittin'...... swappin' lies......and having a great tyme.... GOD...That be one of the best parts about PiP.... Damn, Jim... it would be a hellofahardtimewitoutyou...... <Not Pyrate like.... but Hey... thank you Captain Jim....It does make it so much easier for me to play at PiP.....>
And when you realize that the safest place to be is surrounded by alla those Pyrates......... kinda weird... but true...... Hey....what would we do if we had a thief in camp? Would we call the police, or would they want to call to police to save them.... Deleana was camping kinda off the beaten path from where we were.... she moved over to our camps, much safer... (thanks Jim.)... We are "scary" enough by ourselves, and if anyone messed with any of us we can be very scary... Hey.. the Hue and cry of "FIRE"... got alla the camps to take care of the slight problem.....(Willy Wobble has a fun story to tell, but nothing really burned too much...) I think we have "Camp Security" figured out..... For a buncha dirty nasty icky Pyrates.... we do a good job of taking care of each other.....
OK... I gotta get Callinish's sent out (by tomorrow or Wednesday..) ..... and the long lost REW (the second book)(I'm going to take a little bit more time on that... PEW.. the first idea was fun....the Third Idea was even more fun.... give me some time to play with it..... "IT "ain't lost....just delayed..) ye'll get it... I just have to do something really good...(the half assed idea just ain't good enough yet.......So I'm still working on it.....) And ain't I a sucker fer punishment... I started a Steampunk Sketchbook Project.........the link should go here..... I don't know if the Steampunks are/ can be as cool as Pyrates....but the first round looks promising..... (Hey Ransom... you post there,,, can you throw some encouragement that-a-way,,,, I'm hoping it will work.... just as well as we did here....(then I can get someone else do do the next round...) My favorite part of the entire project... all three of the sketchbooks.... Is that we develop a kinda friendship... a camaraderie... outta what we draw/paste/ put into the sketchbooks... and DAMN. that is so cool....... Words don't describe it.......
Any one notice that I don't "play " with swords..... OH yeah, sure I can..... I hadda really BAD experience with a sword fight about 20 years ago... It was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Ninja Turtles kinda show ( I was the "SHREDDER")..... And the guy playing one of the turtles (suppose to be a "black belt" martial arts expert...) comes at me totally swinging his katana... fast and furious..... WOH... I can block,. and I had to.....(for real) But having someone swing a "Sharp" kitana at you vs. a yarni ....(and it was a carved wood one).... Dang... I can defend really quickly... buncha chunks taken outta the pole of the spear (real big chunks of wood.... he was hitting way to hard,,,) .... I defended fast. .....(Like I typed ... I had to... it was a sharp sword, and he only knew how to HIT with a weapon....) I haven't "argued" my point from the beginning.... He said that a Martial Artist can "deal" with any thing that comes at them..... I say BULL SHIT.... If I wanna play a full contact fight . Then I will do so... but for stage combat... it's more like dancing... you know what your opponent is going to do.... Bad memories... I survived... but too drunk tonight to say any more.....I wanna check out other post inn the pub....
D&D was fun.... I learned how to play the game back in 76 when I was in Basic training (Army).... so I had go get the books when I was home on leave.... (the old original... 3 brown covered books... I still have them... and DANG they are worth something now.....) I ran a kick-ass game when I was in Korea (Just got the new copy of the first "official"ADD&D rules..) .... dang.... there were people that heard about it all over the country... (even had a round eye( American) that came alla the way up to Camp Kitty Hawk looking for me.... (unfortunately I was misbehaving at the time) I ain't played it in forever..... I prefer the old original Rune Quest system more.....(you gotta remember ... most of the game rules that I have are older , and ....ergh now collectibles....) But the part I alway hated about D&D was that you have a third level thief... pick pockets alla the time... but never climbs up any walls.... he/or she now get to fourth level... and they can climb walls even better.... I like the Rune Quest System better.....Your Character learns by what they do..... And dang... I was a good DM..... when I was in Korea, we had a 50% kill ratio.... OK.. that is kinda high... but we also had a lot of people that (off duty) could only play so much.... the higher level characters had to step in and save them.... eeergh.... HEY... it worked....And it worked well for the game we could play...... I bought a newer edition of D&D... (just to check it out) where they try to fix alla the problems with the game system....I didn't like it.......the game system sux..... BUT IT WAS THE (ok enough of the capital letters) the one where alla the other game Systems developed from.....If it wasn't for D&D, Rune Quest, Twilight 2000, Shadow Run, Warhammer... etc.... wouldn't exist also.....
Hey... Animal already posted this.... but it is worth posting again BEER Beer or wine is proof that God loves us and wants us to have a good time...... Kinda by Bengi Franklin....(I might be miss quoting a little... but the thought is still there.....)
OK... i Knew better.... but when I got home the CAT was yeoling for some food.... Hey... according to PETA keeping any animal as a pet is Slavery.... and I don't wanna do that, so I emancipated my cat..... Now he is a lazy bum just scrounging for food.... Hey cat... go get a job...... PETA won't answer any of my inquires bout what I can do to better my (now free ) cats life, they offer no classes or anything my cat can go to to learn how to become a responsible citizen..... and buy his own cat food.... My Cat isn't the least bit happy about being emancipated.... and what he has to say about those sh*t heads in PETA messing with his good easy going lifestyle can't be posted here.... (something about rat kidney sucking... somethings.... My Cat to English isn't very good...) <OH yeah... goggle comes here every so often... I'm hoping one of their web spiders finds this and post it......PETA SUX.....>
I'm betting on Mr. Roberts..... that space-age pistol is only a prop..... But what can you expect from someone that wears depends ?
And be sure to peruse our fine selection of imported TEAS.....
stays and other female costume questions...
Patrick Hand replied to withoutaname's topic in Crafting Kit
Oooooh.... never mind........ I'd get slapped if I said something like that....... Hope I don't get into too much trouble for posting that....... BAD Patrick.... no more rum for you tonight....... -
I guess I should have inked these, pencil doesn't show up that well.....
OK... the first part of this one doesn't count..... because I add some letters...... but it sounds like a meal to make everyone (except fer PETA) SQUEAL..... But were going to eat it with ZEAL.....
I'm not sure if the batterys in my camera are just too cold to work or if I have to buy some more..... Anyway.... Those are similar to what I used to make my goggles.... I glued leather to the eye cups, and with my handy Dremel, cut down the lens holding ring (so they weren't so thick) I might take off the ridges around the edges, and then re-imitation gold leaf them....
Well I'll have to come back to this thread when I re-do the map, to get the correct spelling anyway..... I have an older map that I will more than likely use when I re-make the map... (it will be fun to erase some City's that don't fit.... .) I want to also add major Airship.... eeergh... shipping routes....
I was going offa Hurricane's post... I was just thinking it would be "interesting" to make a set of God awful "foppish" clothing that was worn, torn and ragged.....