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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. I just finished reading All Quiet on the Western Front such a happy chearfull book... And I'm 3/4 through Journey to the Center of the Earth. I read 20,000 Leaques Under the Sea first, and wanted to read some more of his writting, but it's still my favorite Jules Verne book. I'm part way through Maus, but I'm taking my time and only reading a little of it at a time
  2. YAY Spring has finaly arrived, It's still a little chilly in the morning, but durring the day, it's not too hot..... And almost alla th' stinkin' snow is gone.........
  3. On the "Not this".... they shoulda shown it with the knot tied in front.... (think Aunt Jamimma)
  4. Sorry, hadda quote myself..... I can see almost the same problems with holding a blank loaded gun, and letting the winning child pull the trigger as I can with letting them pull (a realy long lanyard) and fire a real cannon. liability, safety and such... (don't miss-quote this, you get the idea, without a three page post describing exactly what I mean....) Also, I don't own a cannon, so it would have to be borrowed to fire it. The gun crew doing all of the loading, work , safty check, supervision and such.... (heck, here I am vollunteering someone else again.....) OK, there are some "parts" that would have to be worked out... I still think, 1. it would have to be done in a very safe manner. and with approval of the Fort. (and a really long lanyard...) 2. it would be so dang cool if it could be worked out. I still think it would be sooo cool, but if it's not do-able, then I'll/we'll have to figure something else out....
  5. I figure there are three parts to be .... figured out.. Advertising/sign-up, getting them to participate. The actual games and what they do. and the prize. There is still plenty of time to figure everything out, But it should be fun.
  6. Yah, that's one of the parts that would have to be worked out.
  7. OH yah... if anyone cares... I'm postin in the Steampunk Forum as Silas P Morgan... http://www.brassgoggles.co.uk/bg-forum/index.php I wanted to play a California Steam Dragoon.... but now I'm kinda moving to playing a airship Pyrate..... (But one heckofa good looking/well dressed Airship Pyrate........
  8. That's what I'm thinking..... Dang for a kid to get to fire a real cannon... the memorys that would make. Like I typed... a really long lanyard so it's safe.... but what a prize..... we'd warp the kids mind fer life......aaargh
  9. Blackjohn, that's a good looking coat.... I'm making something outta tan cotton (I already have one I made outta a wool army blanket so I have something to wear when it's cold) But I'm going with something that is kinda cross between a WWI Auzi uniform and what Teddi and the Rough Ridders wore. That's one of the fun things about Steampunk, I don't have to worry about being period or not. (don't get me wrong, the hard-ass authentic stuff is fun, but I wanted a "break" from it for awhile) Hey, Steampunk is not period, and never did exist, so I can play with alla the information I know about period stuff, mix it up and make something totaly unique... Kinda like the post on your board when I typed that I wanted to make a reproduction of the Buccaneer from a Howard Pyle painting (just for funsies), and I was disuaded from it because it might confuse people because they know my stuff is more authentic, and would think it was authentic because I was wearing it.... Dang, being a bad (well whatever) example sometimes slightly limets what you can do.... With Steampunk, I don't have to worry/bother with that, and that (well and making stuff) is a lot of the fun of it. Hey, I still like being a hard ass/core Authentic Pyrate, but I can play with something else also...... cool
  10. I don't know if this would work or not... But what if we had a compitition, knot tying (we'd have to teach how to tie knots first), relay race with bags of (fake ) Powder, that sorta thing... The winner would get a scroll proclaiming them Powder Monkey of the Year, and get to pull the lanyard to fire a real cannon. OK, I can see a few problems with this idea, But we should be able to figure out a safe way to do it. (a realy LONG lanyard.....) But hey... a big time newspaper photo/news op, and imagine how you would have felt as a kid to fire a real cannon.
  11. Drat.... I'm still waiting for my ticket to Burning Man to arrive..... should be in me grubby mits sometime next week....... (and the WWII reproduction Army shoes/low boots so I'll be styling...) If I didn't (well Should) have to clean out my RV, I'd be able to finish the jophers, and start on a new Kacki (Drat, can't spell it.... so TAN )coat for Summer. Right now most of my steampunk projects are just bits and pieces, waiting for a little more free time, and some more bits and pieces to compleate them... But hacksawing a bycycle apart was kinda fun (I'm making a wierd trike for Burning Man)
  12. I think the only officer that we should have on the Mercury is the Quartermaster. William got that position, because we kinda voted /pushed it on him (heck, he does a very fine job of it also) But I'm opposed to having a Captain, a whole bunch of officers, chief gunners, sailing masters, head cook and any other titles, just so everyone has some rank. For two reasons.... One, Every other Pyrate group or club is crewed by all officers. And Two, as a common sailor/pyrate, if ye be thinkin' that I'm doing alla th' work on th' Murcury, ye gots a nother think comming....... If we had about 70 member in the Murcury camp, then having a Captain wouldn't be silly, job positions among the crew works, but lets not have too many chief and not enough Indains. (or something like that)
  13. Just work on portraying a common Sailor/Pyrate..... Slops or breeches, a shirt, maybe a waistcoat an' something for yer noggin (well and maybe something fer yer feet, that coral is hell on bare feet).... Thats easy enough.... and you have plenty O' tyme ter get that all together for PiP... For Camp gear, a blanket, a chunka canvas an' some rope, an' yer set......
  14. Other than the sail used as a tarp, I had a hammoc, weapons crate and a seabag.... I fly to PiP, so everythings has to pack for the airline...
  15. I have to go through the list, and figure out who's sketchbooks didn't get sent to who.... kinda the revised shipping list.... just offa th' top of me head, I think we only have two more rounds, and then some catching up....
  16. One one hand, I'm glad to hear that my sketchbook is safe...... But Dang.... I feel sorry for the string of bad luck that Boots has been having. I hope things get better for him soon......
  17. I mug drunks fer thier pocket change.... figure I get 'nough O' em, then I can gets meself a ship and go fer there real good stuff..... yar Disney Cruzes keep yer eyes peeled......
  18. OK... I've been drinking again.... But why not make them yourself..... hand sewing ain't that dificult, and GoF's page has a period tailors pattern for "French Fly" breaches. That way, you will get EXACTLY what you want. I've posted somewhere... I think in PLUNDER how I made a pair of slops that were modified offa GoF's pattern, but the original pattern was for knee breaches..... And I know a place that sells linen fer a fair price. (and another wot sells hemp ....) Hey.... Sailors/Pyrates didn't just go to WallyWorld and buy a pair O' trousers/slops; they figured out how to make 'em thierselves......
  19. Its a by-product of making linen. it looks like unraveled rope. You can still get it from some Sutlers for cleaning your musket the old fashioned way. Jas. Townsend sells it, but they say it's unspun flax.... http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?p...products_id=364
  20. Ouch, for some reason my head really hurt this morning....... I'm still going to play a historical Pyrate, but for the Steampunk stuff, I'm going to make a kinda Victorian Airship Pyrate. I already made a hat and goggles. and I have a letter of Margue from Emporer Norton.... I'm about half way done with a pair of jophers outta light blue denim, and a dark blue flannel shirt. Ohter projects that are soon to be in the works... A tent. a folding cot with a red vynal (Velvet would get too dirty/dusty at Burning Man) headboard A radio that will look kinda like an old Victrola Hey... I have a whole camp of stuff to make...
  21. I've seen the "SteamPunk(ed) Comuptrer"........ but heck.... the one i'm making is so much cooler....will post the picture when it's done..... That is a large part of the whole Steampunk thought...... Wot can you make..... With Pyrate...... I'm kinda stuck with, what was period (being one of the hard ass period Authenics...)..... with Steampunk, I don't gotta worry 'bout that.... (Heck I needa brrak from being so dang period)...... OH Yah.... still Pyrate..... but playing offa SAteam Punked Air Pyrate...... (yah... an gotta post th' pictures...)................. still gotta love th' rum...................
  22. OH Yah.... drat.. I didn't start this as nicly as I thought..... OH well.... just see if anyone cane make it better............swtf.............
  23. OK... I'm not givin up on Pyracy,,,,, I'm just playin' something else different for awile..... Wot if...... what if history went "spmewhere eles" for awhile..... alternative history....... OK... cool Steampunk...... OK they are as nice/cool as we are...... and if I ever need a reference.......WIO,,,,I gots them....... OH...... did I mention. that I'm going to Birniing man thus year,,,, SWo I will be playing offa something tatally different for awhile....... Awh rats.....didn't ty[e nothing bout Steampunk.........nor much 'bout Burning Man................drat... must be drunk again............ But if I ever need a reference....dang..... I know alla ye Pyreate would give me a good one,,,,,,
  24. Yah, they all came through. It arrived yesterday on St. Patricks Day..... I've been busy with work and stupid stuff lately, so I haven't been reading the Pub (and just barely reading my e-mail) But things should settle down kinda soon.......
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