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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. Dang.... Burning Man is about two months away, and I don't have much of my stuff made yet.... I keep reasuring myself that it will all work out.... after all, the same thing happens before PiP each year, and that works out..... Lets see.... still have to make the tent, a cot, some wooden chests, (not that kind, but it would be funny...) finnish my Dino Gun, and make an Air Pyrate outfit.....
  2. Thar be two reasons fer that.... One.... sleepin' under a tarp (it did rain one night) in a hammock in Key West is somethin' not to be missed.... Two.... M.A.d'Dogge; ye wern't wearin' yer pretty party dress at th' time :angry:
  3. Yah, people keep asking me if I've given up on Pyracy.... NO WAY... going to the Northern California Pyrate festival next week, and of course PIP.... I might miss Ojai this year ... depends if I have enough money left after Burning Man... But Steampunk gives me another outlet to make stuff....(and I'm starting to dress nicer for everyday wear....) (OK... that's not what I wear everyday.....But it does show the goggles....... )
  4. This is the Brass Boggles page, http://www.brassgoggles.co.uk/brassgoggles/ And this is the Steampunk Forum. http://www.brassgoggles.co.uk/bg-forum/index.php
  5. Or the overseas shipping invoice.... what's in the packadge? and what is it's value......
  6. Well I've been working on some new projects..... A .50 Cal Dinosaur Rifle.... And a revolver I also modified a Nerf Maveric (for some reason it's one of the toy guns that a lot of people modify.....) And Made a label for Bomb Bay Gin...
  7. That might work, instead of spending a month on it, add a few quick sketchs and send it along.... Heck.... I could print out all the comic books that I drew and scanned and include the entire collection (well copys of the entire collection) So if Oderlesseye sends the unclamed book to Roque Mermaid, we can get it started.... Also.... could everyone that still has a sketchbook please post who's you have, so I can work on the revised shipping list....
  8. Hey..... thats MY job!.............
  9. Hugh?...... I thought that GoF had Skull Pyrate Carters.... I sent GoF an e-mail .... so he should be sending Black Mab's to her (it's finninhed it's rounds), and to send the other sketchbooks to Skull Pyrate Carter. (so GoF or Skull Pyrate Carter should PM each other with a mailing address...) From what I can figgure, the sketchbooks still out are.... (well other than the ones that have finnished thier rounds, and are (soon) on thier way home.....) Skull Pyrate Carter's Oderlesseyes Roque Mermaids PEW's is lost, unless red Cat Jenny knows differently.....
  10. Then send the others to Skull pyrate Carter.... GoF's and Skull pyrate Carter's sketchbooks should be finishing up this round.... so all that are left are, Oderlesseye’s and Rogue Mermaid’s ...
  11. First off, my internet provider is really messing up, and this is the first time in the last three days that I could get on-line....... So I'm trying to figure out where, and who has what...... Hopefully, I can get on-line (or I'll have to use my Bosses computer to read any replys...) OK... changing this part..... In June…. Rogue Mermaid ........... will send GoF’s. to GoF GoF................................ will send Black Mab’s to Black Mab Skull pyrate Carter....... (OK.... I have to look this up again and figure it out...) *********************************************************** In July Skull pyrate Carter.......will send Oderlesseye’s to him Oderlesseye...................will send Rogue Mermaid’s to PEW ********************************************************** Skull pyrate Carter,I'm slightly confused.... I don't know if GoF has Rogue Mermaid’s or if he already sent it..... I thought Black Mab had it...... So...... GoF; who's sketchbooks do you have (or just send out?)
  12. This should be who has what Sketchbook if they were shipped out…. Pew ........................…... Rogue Mermaid ............ Should have GoF’s. Ransom.......................... Should be recieving hers Patrick Hand.................. I should be recieving mine. GoF................................ should be recieving Black Mab’s Skull pyrate Carter....... should have Rogue Mermaid, if Black Mab sent it to him… Oderlesseye’s and Skull pyrate Carter’s book should be on their way from GoF Oderlesseye................... Pew’s I guess is still lost, or Red Cat Jenny never sent it. *********************************************************** In June…. Rogue Mermaid ........... will send GoF’s. To Ransom. GoF................................ will send Black Mab’s to Black Mab Skull pyrate Carter....... send Rogue Mermaid’s to Oderlesseye … work on Oderlesseye’s *********************************************************** In July Ransom.......................... will send GoF’s to him. Skull pyrate Carter.......will send Oderlesseye’s to him Oderlesseye...................will send Rogue Mermaid’s to PEW ********************************************************** In August Pew ........................…... will send Rogue Mermaid’s to Ransom ********************************************************** In September Ransom………………. will send Rogue Mermaid’s to Rogue Mermaid
  13. Dang..... I can't beleve that I lived this long... WOW 50 ! ........ Gotta set everything up fer my party this afternoon..... I figgure if I have me "Mid-life Crisses" now, I'll live ter be 100.... Aaaargh, now whar be them nice toothsome Wenches....
  14. A ditty bag is what was used to carry all of your ropework and sewing stuff. So technacly, unless you were working on something, why would you be carrying it? But... In a discusion about where to carry a tankard ... You wouldn't be walking around with one on your belt, but at a Faire or something a tankard looks better than a plastic cup...) or where do you carry the non-period, but handy to have ....camera? So carrying a dittybag would look OK, just slip the lanyard through your belt, and it will (sorta) stay there...
  15. I use a snapsack for my Buccaneer stuff, in the photo, one end is cinched and tied shut, and the other end is shown open. But I've noticed that you have to put all the small stuff into other little bags, because both ends don't close quite tight enough. The other problem with a snapsack, I can figure they would be used by Landsmen, but they are not the most practicle fo carrying and storing stuff. I figure that bags have been around forever, so they would have been used aboard a ship. My question about them being 100% authentic is not the bag, but the fancy knotwork on the lanyard. Pyrates were Sailors, and would have known all of the basic knots needed to make a lanyard. I'm guessing that a Sea Bag is close enough to period, and they "look" right, so I use one. But I can't document it. Hey, I've made ditty bags, the plain ones are probably period, and the one that I carry with the fancy fringe is closer to Whailing era... but it works, and looks cool, so I don't worry too much about it....
  16. I'm not sure if a sea bag is 100% period correct, but I made one that I use when I fly out to PiP. A sea chest would be too akward to carry out to the Fort, and fly with...
  17. OH... PITA (like the flat bread) not PETA ( the group that says I'm keeping my kitty as a slave, and even after trying to emancipate my kittly, he wants me to write nasty letters to PETA and tell them to leave him alone...) Rats... misunderstood something......... Sorry fer waisting yer tyme.......
  18. I don't know about the "latched book"..... I was the one who sent my book to Black Mab.... and that ain't mine..... so I don't know who's sketchbook that might be...... Woh.... Ghoast or somefine like that..... I realy don't know what to do about PEW's and Rogue Mermaid's sketchbooks.... do we keep sending them around kinda like the flying Dutchman untill it gets back to them ? Might be kinda cool and pyrate like..... I don't know...... Any other sujestions?
  19. GREAT; I didn’t have time to ink Skull Pyrate Carter’s sketchbook, but my boss’s secretary/gofer, just gave it to me today asking if she was suppose to ship it (about two weeks ago)….. So it will be going out tomorrow to GoF…. From what I can figure, this is who has what Sketchbook. Pew ........................…...has GoF’s Rogue Mermaid ........... has Ransom. Ransom.......................... has Patrick Hand’s Patrick Hand.................. has Skull pyrate Carter's Black Mab GoF................................has Oderlesseye’s Black Mab...................... has Rogue Mermaid Skull pyrate Carter....... Oderlesseye................... This is the list of where each sketchbook still has to go… HOME means that it will be returning to its original owner…. Pew’s ............................. to Black Mab(in May) then to Skull pyrate Carter(in June) then to Oderlesseye(in July) then to Rogue Mermaid (in August), then to Ransom (in September ) then to Patrick Hand (in October)and finally HOME (in November) Rogue Mermaid’s ............to Skull pyrate Carter(in May), then to Oderlesseye(in June), then to Pew(in July), then to Ransom(in August), then to Patrick Hand (in September)and then HOME(in October) Ransom’s..........................HOME(in May) Patrick Hand’s.................. HOME (in May) GOF’s................................to Rogue Mermaid (in May) and then HOME (in June) Black Mab’s......................to GOF (in May) and then HOME (in June) Skull pyrate Carter’s....... to GOF(tomarrow), then to Black Mab(in June) and then HOME(in July) Oderlesseye’s...................to Black Mab(in May) then to Skull pyrate Carter(in June) and then HOME (in July) Wheeeeew……..
  20. Hey, this is my faovrite one.... (and I won't even post a bad joke 'bout being well hung..... )
  21. If GoF has two sketchbooks, then they would be Rougue Mermaids and Oderlesseyes.... I haven't seen any post by Black Mab, but that is who Gof would send them to.... OK.... I'll have to PM Black Mab, an kinda figure everything out.......
  22. probably as a goblin.... But a dang good looking goblin.......
  23. A slight re-think on this thread..... Not just what are you reading.... But is it so good that you'd recomend it to others....... For example..... All Quite on the Western Frount Is a good book, but it is depressing..... heck, it's the German side of the War, and all of the problems they delt with.....some people on this forum would enjoy it, and I'd sujjest it to them... others might not like it...... so a reviewu of the book would be in order.... 20.000 Leaques under the Sea Yah... fer a fun read. I'd sujest it.....but nothing more by Jules Vern... not that he was a bad writter..... but 20,000 is probably his best stuff..... heck... ya don"t wanna get me into Stienbeck....(I love his writting...) So if what you are reading is just for finsies..... cool..... But if what you are reading is something that you think others should read.... Hey... let us know..... Romantic novels..... eeergh..... I read two of those, ..... but someone else might like the input.... Hey, we all have different taste in liturature..... we can learn that off of the post, but hey..... not just what you are reading, but is it something that you think others might enjoy reading........ or something like that.....
  24. Drat... last year, the tickets sold out..... but it still looks like somethng fun to go to..... I'm thinking about going, anyone else..... (espessily is anyone in the LA area willing to let me camp on thier sofa, so I don't have to pay fer a hotel room....Heck, buying a ticket fer them would be cheaper....... OH yah... the link.... http://www.labyrinthmasquerade.com/
  25. I've always modified things, so they didn't look like everyone elses, So Steampunk is just kinda a natural. It's kinda funny, when I fill out a questionare, under hobbies, I write in that " I Make stuff". There are still a few Pyrate projects that I want to work on, but Steampunk gives me a lot more things to build and play with. Right now, I'm part way through modifying a Nerf Maveric. They are commonaly avalible, so quite a few people in the Steampunk Forum have re-painted them to look better. I'm doing more than just giving it a new paintjob, so I'll have to post pictures when it's done. Not quite steamy, but I also just bought a pair of reproduction WWII US Army boots/shoes.(Taller than shoes, but not the ones with the buckle flap) I was going to buy a pair of straight last buckle shoes that are more correct than the funguees I currently have. But I don't wear the buckle shoes everyday, and with the Army shoes, that is what I now do. I got tired of buying cheap shoes or boots with the hollow heal and sole, and wearing them out in a few months. With my new Army shoes, I can wear them everyday, and when the soles wear out, I can have them re-soled. Plus, when I go to a work convention, all I have to do is polish them, and they look like dress shoes.
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