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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Well...my Halloween costume kept me from the Internet for around a month. I'd guess I put in over a hundred hours of work on it, what with the sewing and embroidery of the blouse (persnickety sash, and monkey vest). The rest I bought through various merchants. I plan on a second version of the blouse starting early next year for the SD Comic Con. Here I am, as Marion Ravenwood (first pic is Epcot, the streets of Marrakesh).
  2. China and the Olympics might have had a little to do with the rise in oil (and thusly, gas) prices, but I'd venture a guess and say it was oil speculators that drove it up, then backed away post election (hmm, convenient) and let barrell prices go down, imho. Prices here in Orlando seem to range from $1.90 to $2.10 as of late. Nice to spend $20-25 per week on gas again (extra trips not included).
  3. Folks - If you all need any assistance with buying ingredients for food prep (will have car), or the meal prep itself let me know. I'm fairly handy in the kitchen and am good at taking direction with recipes that are new to me (salmagundi sounds interesting). That and well...I'll be brimming over with herbs and spices. Silkie - sent yah a PM, as I'm interested in dining at yer establishment.
  4. Red - Good to meet a fellow uninitiated PiPer. Hadn't been on the board for a few weeks (cuz of Halloween), but would like to say "welcome", and I hope you have fun at the event too! I'm not exactly sure what I'll be doing with my knowledge as a crewe spice merchant and apothecary (hopefully not presenting on a stage ala Emeril), but I'm sure it'll be fun. And as a new person, if you want to take on a persona you can, but if not, that's ok! Taking in the accounts from last year's new folk, they were warmly welcomed and shown the ropes.
  5. Me too. No sign of it in the mail as of yet (though it's been less than a week).
  6. I have Ransom and Pyrateleather's sketchbooks, and will have them both out Monday.
  7. I wish school had incorporated more real time experience than it had in my past. Sure, we had field trips to museums and other places that got us away from the everyday, but we didn't get alot of opportunities to take what we were learnng and implement it in a real life setting. That's probably why I'm an advocate for the self taught (or schooling similar to) these days. I can deal with a structured learning environment, but I prefer being out there in the world, being educated on the job or in a situation where I can see things actually in motion.
  8. Hmm...I would understand if the education didn't pertain to anything you could do in your current company, but shouldn't your supervisor's job also be grooming you to move up and out? If that keeps you in the same company, great! If they lose you to an outside opportunity after helping you broaden your horizons, that'd be a shame, but at the same time, score one for you (and for the sup that gave you that extra push).
  9. I faxed my form in this morning. It'll be neat to "work" with one crewe and camp out with another.
  10. Sounds like a shindig and meal not to be missed. That, and Jim said "thou shalt", so... I plan on getting a cooler to bring down some food for myself. How far away's the nearest place for ice down there Hurricane?
  11. I was looking for a pirate related forum that wasn't overwhelmed by PoTC talk. A little bit of PoTC, but much more talk on period accurate information (or speculation).
  12. Gas in Central FL ranges from 2.75 up to 3.35. I did catch a listing on one of those Gas Buddy sites that said 5.49 near the airport. I'd like to think that was a typo, but it probably isn't.
  13. Job I could stick with for the rest of my life? Archeologist. I know it's not flashy, Indy-esque, but it's fascinating and could take me all over the world. And I just might go that route.
  14. Will folks be heading to the roast sunday night, or heading into town for some food 'n libations?
  15. Wow. You should show that to door-to-door salesmen, if they happen to be a nuisance.
  16. I've pottery tools, woodworking tools, sewing machine (lots of thread and related stuff), embroidery and cross stich items, tracing paper, paints (watercolor, oil, acrylic), pastels, crayons, markers (regular, stinky and fabric), colored pencils, stencils (pyrate and halloween), stamps (and a plethora of ink), pewter seals and wax, metal beads and threading, calligraphy pens, various bits of paper (oriental, old west, construction, frames), wire (copper, green, black), a tracing box, dremmel tool and a drafting table, and I've yet to get all of the smaller items under control on my poor dining room table. Got the sewing bits 'n bobs and stamps secured in two rubbermaid tubs though. I guess that's a start.
  17. Terrential downpour! Run for your lives!! (five minutes pass) Where'd it go?
  18. Cute! Not the kitty one (hugs my two crites), but the Muppet one. Both remind me of yet another device. Anyone see the movie Baron Munchausen and the device used to play "The Torturer's Apprentice"?
  19. I bought a pair of the black buckle shoes from Mary D a few months back, and they are comfy! I can't wait to try em out at PiP. Thanks much milady!
  20. Haven't stopped to watch one yet. I suppose I will, but since my interest in Clone Wars (the movie) waned, I'm not sure if I would stick with it. I did catch an episode of the Spaceballs cartoon. *coughs* That was...interesting. (still digesting my thoughts on that)
  21. I like the one in there so far. Looking forward to future installments Patrick!
  22. I'll have Patrick's out to Pew tomorrow. Had fun with the comic, and I had to include an homage to a "crispy Wile E Coyote" in there. Pyrates style, of course. :) Mine started out not as I was hoping (lack of my own drawing), but I have a few ideas in mind once it's back in my hands next year.
  23. I've hung out with my father a few times this year, and mid year saw him after he'd spent a few months eating healthier and using Alli. After hearing from him what he went through so far (nothing bad), I decided to try it out, and have been using it since July. He's lost nearly 60 lbs since April, and I've lost 15 so far. The downside is my work clothes are getting baggy, and my car has tapped me dry (repairs) so I can't venture out for a new wardrobe just yet. I may be taking up tailoring my garments soon.
  24. I'll have Patrick's done in just a few days and then it'll be on its way to Pew.
  25. I agree with you gents. Surely more will be added here and there for functionality, but the clean design is rather striking.
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