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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Last time that happened I was using my home laptop. I still can't get the trojan off of it, and haven't used it for months (I use my IMac now).
  2. Wow, that is so sad! Saw him at a fair this past July. RIP, good sir.
  3. Yikes Hurricane and Godess! I feel blessed that Fay was not destructive to Orlando. I hope the water goes down and the rain soon dissipates.
  4. Anyone heading out to Dragon Con the weekend after next will be in for a treat. At least four of the Firefly Cast (Mal, Wash, Inara, Kaylee) will be there. Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk (Mal and Wash) are very recent additions
  5. Same here Silkie...I think they have that sort of thing in Orlando. I might try it sometime.
  6. Mine isn't anything of particular significance, just a sunset on the beach. Probably time to get a new one. Hey Mission, I went to Disneyland a few months ago and took a photo of their PoTC skeletons playing chess. The picture is a little fuzzy and the location VERY dark, but I managed to coax the pirates into the frame (sort of). Linky
  7. Worked from home yesterday (had a midday appt). Finishing up on my pirate sketchbook, and working on deciphering movie screencaps for a costume I am putting together for Halloween and possibly next year's SDCC. Involves a good deal of sewing, but first, a plethora of embroidering (new skill for me).
  8. Lawful Neutral A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs her. Order and organization are paramount to her. She may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. The common phrase for lawful neutral is "true lawful." Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. =========================== Never played D&D the RPG, but have played the video game. If the RPG is slightly tethered to the questions asked on the link (i.e. testing a person's ethics, judgement, etc, or lack thereof) that sounds interesting.
  9. My sketchbook will be heading out Friday or Saturday.
  10. I think Pew posted an updated list on page 4, which now includes Kate: PEW: Annapolis, Md V Matusalem: Wanaque, NJ V withoutaname: Brooklyn, NY V Callenish Gunner: NW Pa V Lady Seahawke: Columbus, Oh V Kate_Souris: Canal Winchester, Oh V pyrateleather: Shawnee, Ks V Ransom: Gants Pass, Or V Patrick Hand: Arnold, Ca V Red-Handed Jill: San Francisco, Ca V Cpt Sophia M Eisley: Orlando, Fl V Pew...
  11. Wow...beautiful pics there. I'm with BriarRose, that does make me miss living in the country.
  12. But I remember see'n a documentary what showed the demise o' the mighty dinosaurs: *Mighty Dinos walk'n proud 'n tall o'er the planet. Then one day a small but odd creature step out into th' open....t'was a Man. Curious th' Dinos were so they walk'd right up t' th' puny Man thing 'n surround' it they did, but suddenly the Man's face began t' wrinkle, then he let out a mighty Sneeze - all th' Dinos keel'd o'er dead.* No impact ye say?!? Well ye just remember that next time ye feel a sneeze come'n on....there just might be one last terradactile fly'n o'er!!! MadL - Wasn't that "sneeze" in an episode of The Simpsons? I can recall Homer was the culprit. It is sad that these seals are now extinct, but with time and the occasional helping hand of other creatures in nature (and/or Mother Nature herself), that's what happens to a great many species. *shrugs*
  13. Rene Belloq (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
  14. Looks like a healthy plant! Seems I've only a green thumb for the plants that need the simplest amount of care (a spiral bamboo at the moment). Curious, has anyone tried these Aqua Bulbs? I wonder how well they work with soil potted plants.
  15. I posted my thoughts on an Indy related board a few days after seeing KotCS, and after digesting my take on the movie since then my opinion doesn't seem to have changed. I didn't go in with any expectations. Unfortunately the latest IJ installment didn't capture my attention as I thought it would. I didn't feel immersed in the story (visually), the plot itself felt rushed, and the areas of the world the characters went to (with the exception of the end) were rather dull (mho). In terms of the focus of the story (aliens), while I have researched a bit of mythology and stories on the subject, I felt the holy antiquities (the MacGuffin'sof films 1 and 2) were easier objects to wrap one's mind around and understand the significance of. KotCS wasn't a terrible movie, just not my favorite of the series.
  16. As corny as some of the scenes were I have to say I enjoyed this movie. Caught it last year on one of the Turner networks. Gene Kelly is my favorite musical lead. It doesn't hurt that he wore those pants either. *nods in agreement with the gals*
  17. Nara by E S Posthumus
  18. Is that what I smelled burning? (jk) I'm excited for the evening (got a little shopping planned for an upcoming trip and for my Halloween costume), and for tomorrow (picking up my diploma from school, tacos at the Magic Kingdom).
  19. Very interesting indeed. Good find! A few of them look like tent origami. If weather permits me to stay out doors for PiP, I may procure canvas and the proper hardware for a tent. Not sure I'd go for a fancy configuration...probably just a standard shape.
  20. Thank you for the link, gents. After perusing the site, I think I may have a place in mind where I could get a proper box if I choose to buy rather than make. I actually have a great octagonal chest in my bedroom that would work for this, though it is rather big. If it comes down to it, it will be my last option to store my supplies (and transport to PiP via car).
  21. I'd like to participate in this project. Sounds like fun, and I love to sketch whatever comes to mind. I'm in Orlando, FL.
  22. That was very sad news indeed. I'm feeling crummy. At home with cold (and working) today. Got a kitty curled up next to me though, so that's elevated my mood a little.
  23. LOL! I think the surgeon needs to come up with sound effects for these instruments of tort...er deat...er, I can't find a way to properly describe these without including thoughts of pain and suffering. Anyone?
  24. Apparently you don't quite understand PiP yet... I know, I know. I'll stick to moderation since alcohol hits me pretty quickly. Thanks for the pics! I like the layout apothecary Susan has there, and I'd bet I could find similar items at a few of my local craft stores (for carrying the spices). If I can't buy what I need ready made, I'll go ahead and make it.
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