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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. 1) Danactive (raspberry/cranberry) 2) My magnetic King Tut 3) Denise (hugs) 4) Coworker Scott
  2. I love this guy's sidewalk drawings...absolutely amazing: Sidewalk Art
  3. Hey LadyB - I was up north in IL last week and was shocked at how bad the flooding was (saw on tv) in your area. As far as sandbagging goes did that help in the towns near you or were the waters alot higher than predicted? I hope you and your friends, loved ones and neighbors are doing alright.
  4. My real first name is a popular one (Jennifer), with 1,418,060 also having that first name (that's a given). And there are two with the same first and last name. The other's my evil twin that I've never met.
  5. Wow...those are nice outfits Captain Pogue and Patrick. You all look very debonaire. In another forum I post on that focuses on Disney's Haunted Mansion we have alot of folks dress up in Victorian wear (goth too, o' course). I love the look, but haven't put much focus into aquiring garments for it at this point.
  6. Mission notes: Quite right. Perhaps I could be more of an apothecary than a spice merchant...a bit of both as it were. I'll check into your link and may buzz Mary to see if her father's available to assist with a proper box. I think I came across a set or two of the square bottomed bottles on Ebay in the past that you're partial to, but they were also on the small side. The round ones I have are small but should do fine for my powdered spices of the 21st century. For spices in the raw, I may do something else to store them (bigger bottles, small jugs, small boxes, who knows?). You know, this visual has come to mind more then once when I think of the word, but as soon as I read "apothecary" I thought of Tom Wilkinson in Shakespeare in Love and his character taking on an apothecary role for the first rendition of Romeo and Juliette. I don't intend to get as soused as he was in one of his scenes.
  7. Cold Play - Viva La Vida
  8. Hi everyone - I'm seeking assistance on proper containment of my spices (in raw and powdered form) that will be easy to bring down with me to PiP in December. I've kept an eye out on Ebay for various spice boxes and racks, but nothing seems to be what I'd call authentic looking enough to suit my needs. I may be yielding towards a box with a fair number of cubby holes, but then again that may not be accurate for the time period (1720's). In terms of the spices themselves, to add to my powdered collection I bought a kit through an online store after finding it for sale on another site (called Flight001) that has quite a variety. I also bought a stash of twenty small glass corked bottles with which to store them in (labels in work). I'll won't get into the details of said spices here or where I can procure them, as I'm sure the topic is better suited to another forum, but if anyone has any thoughts on what I could carry these all in for "show and tell" at PiP I'm happy to hear them.
  9. A hearty congratulations to you both! Such a blessing to be had...hope to see you both at PiP with little one in tow.
  10. John - I was on the phone with coworkers on Wednesday who are up in your area (Gaithersburg, Rockville). The Gaithersburg lot unfortunately had a fire drill and had to vacate the call and building in the pouring rain. My boss was up in Rockville talking from an office on emergency power, and had his laptop sitting next to a little desk lamp in his darkened room. I hope for you that your electricity comes back up, and soon! Dunno how today's going to be here. I assume hot again (mid 90's). I'm praying for rain for the afternoon, regardless of where I'll be (StarWars Weekends - Disney Hollywood Studios).
  11. What kind of flowers are in it? (lol) Good question! If you have the model with the nifty vase in the dashboard, something has to be stashed there. My dad has a yellow bug from I dunno, between 2000 and 2002 I think. Has a pretty little yellow (fake) daisy in the vase. If I had one of the newer bug's I'd stick a copper butterfly (on a stick) in there that I got from a renn faire, or I'd make myself a weather vane from one of the Disney Haunted Mansions (with the bat on it).
  12. I have a 2002 PT Cruiser in a lovely shade of steel blue pearl. Before that I had a little Mazda 323 (1988 model I think) that was grey, which I later had painted black. I have a thing for car designs from the 30's and 40's, and when Chrysler came out with the PTC I remember seeing a picture of it from the Detroit Auto Show and knowing someday I'd have one as it might be the closest I could get to a vintage style car of my own. In the future, I may buy another as this one has served me well these 6 years.
  13. I would have never thought...beeves as a plural for beef. Caught an interesting word today - vog, meaning the volcanic smog emitted from an eruption mixing with moisture in the air.
  14. The Colorado Renaissance Festival is something I've sorely missed going to since I moved to FL a few years ago. But this year I am going during a trip with a friend, and coincidentally the weekend we're going will be Pyrate themed (moreso for the kiddies, but still). If any folks local to CO are going to the fest that weekend let me know. I think we'll be there on Sunday. http://www.coloradorenaissance.com/
  15. I got Mandarin. Your scores: Talent: 41% Lifer: 41% Mandarin: 56%
  16. I finished my degree at midnight. *tired smile*
  17. Nearing the end of my degree program, I decided to purchase a few more books from The Dresden Files. Got Summer Knight and Death Masks.
  18. The weather's been quite pleasant as of recent. We had a few days in the 60's early last week, and then the temps went back up into the high 70's and low 80's. I can't wait to have more free time to enjoy the outdoors starting next weekend.
  19. CBS Sunday Morning had a decent segment on peeps this year -an update to one from a few years back. It covered alot of the staggering facts and figures Misson's mentioned here, from how many made per day to how many fan sites there are, to a pop culture artist that uses them for his work. I'm not a fan of them myself (too sugary), but I'd try fiendish experiments on them if they ever were given to me.
  20. Will do. I have several libraries around town I can check out, along with their database files via Internet.
  21. Indeed, this is an abundance of information. I'm glad that all of you could clarify what I could do in order to further my research. Mission notes - May I suggest books on the East India Company? The EIC (various Internet sites) is what I originally found to be best source for recounts of merchant and spice trading so far, though I will search far and wide for whatever I can find.
  22. Thank you so much for your insight into this event. If time and research pays off, I would be comfortable as a traveling merchant and reenactor of sorts (door # 3, I'd gather). I've collected an assortment of modern spices and period-esque style glass bottles in which to hold them in so far (for comparison), and hope to gather more for my kit to ensure I can accurately show folks (visitors and participants) how this was done during the period. I've come across readings on the Internet so far relating to the spice trade, and plan on libraries and various site buys (Amazon, Ebay) for additional resources. Indeed William, this topic has a great wealth of history behind it. And that's what drew me to it.
  23. Mary - I'm very interested in a pair of the buckle shoes, as well as boots with 3/4 inch heel. I'll be sending an email to you shortly.
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