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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. I've collected (looks at my current abode): Besides books and movies, which many folk may have: - A little PoTC merchandise (and swag along those lines), which has decked out my bathroom and adjacent a/c door for quite some time now - SW merch (old and new) - Inexpensive, feather and sparkle adorned masks (one of these days, I'll get a fancy one worthy of a masquerade) - I also have an odd assortment of jewelery boxes, some of which have jewelery in them, some not (some have pieces for crafts in them, or miniature games). - My Haunted Mansion collection is what I treasure the most, and it seems to have grown almost on its own over the past few years (I kid - my family has helped out on occasion).
  2. That'd be right Blackbead. Yer up!
  3. 1) Ate today - Mexican food (pats a full tummy) 2) Saw today - Email noting the shuttle made it to KSC ok (yess!!) 3) Person you spoke to - Amy 4) Person you thought of but didn't see - Grandad (RIP)
  4. That was a tough one. Alright...next quote: Yes, I am a coward for living next to that son of a bitch, doing his laundry, making his bed, feeding him.
  5. Is it..."Hail the Conquering Hero"? I recall seeing that on TCM.
  6. Brief aside - I agree with yah on that. (Cousin and granddaughter to several vets.) We now return you to the main discussion...
  7. Thanks Blackbead. I'm sure I have that one right. Here's a quote (with three characters speaking): Person 1: They were indeed horrible destructive women. I dinna suppose you have such women in your country? Person 2: Witches? Person 3: Oh we have 'em. We pronounce it differently.
  8. I'm still holding out for a pirate (of the male variety) with a brain and a sense of humor. One who can carry on a good conversation, philosophize and joke around comfortably would be nice.
  9. I think I see two points being noted here in the latest replies. One would be that regardless of what we do, the continuous change and upheaval Earth takes upon herself will see our existance as a mere blip on her radar. Therefore what we do would have little effect on her. The second would be that humans need to step back and realize that what we want, good or bad might not work out for everything else that lives (and breathes...or doesn't) on the planet. I do scoff from time to time at what we (humans) have laid out there as gospel, letters of the law and whatnot concerning many a given topic. But as long as humans exists, that will continue. We might not all believe that we're the most imporant race on the planet, but our actions and words continue to push that belief.
  10. C is for Cookie, Is Good Enough For Me
  11. Winding down for the evening. Just got done with a bit of homework (a leadership/motivation related psychology course), and now I'm watching Scrubs...and my cat Frankie (he's half asleep). Thank goodness it's nearing Friday. If only I didn't have to work 6 days this week (Ah, but the OT!).
  12. The woosh of the air conditioner. I preferred a bit of quiet after a rather hectic day at work (with many a resonant coworker). Might catch up on a little light Classical later on though to prepare for sleep.
  13. *shudders* Austin Powers and the whole uber chest hair thing in those movies gives me the creepin' willies. Looked like a chinchilla was growing out of him ala Alien er something.
  14. After seeing this movie, I have feeling I'll be buying the book. DeNiro caught me off guard in this one...he had me in stitches.
  15. Famous Amos (cookies)
  16. *ducks in* It's been a while since I've posted on this thread. I haven't been slacking, but I have been busy. I did lose a little weight all at once. Traveling abroad and getting food poisoning can do that.
  17. What interesting...hair. I know this one...The Name of the Rose, right? Connery's at it again.
  18. Jill, I echo your thoughts on the matter, as well as Misson's. The world will outlive us, and surely there will be future species that will thrive no matter what we do now. But if we can do a little here and there to make the world we live in now (and in the not to distant future) a more comfortable place to live, I'm all for it. What has chapped my hide is how much the some folk in the spotlight have charged the average person with the decree to "decrease your carbon footprint". Alot of them have very big footprints, which seems hypocrytical in light of what's being touted. I'd like to see them walk the walk, and then I might be more apt to listen to something they'd have to say. I can say that I've done my part for years, in one way or another without someone on high telling me it's the right thing to do.
  19. Ah...lovely. Bugs. Speaking of bugs...we had a plethora of the "love bugs" around this past May. I hadn't seen them since I was a visitor to the state at least 5 years ago. Wonder what caused their populations to die down and then surge back up. I had so many on my windsheild...in pairs.
  20. The ransom went to which fella?
  21. Rogue Mermaid wrote: With Jack, I sort of came to the same conclusion. By the end of the 3rd movie, I thought of him as less of a drunken scallywag and more of a "not all mentally there" type of character. But I didn't dive too deep in thought on his part in the adventure this time around. I got too much of a kick out of Barbossa, the critters (monkey and dog), and some of the sidekicks (Pintel and Ragetti). And I loved the Empress (Sao Feng's junk - Chinese ship). I see that's already in toy form...just might have to get one. ((The monkey's now at Disney parks - I have a spot for Jack at my office.)) Anywho, did I enjoy the 3rd film any more than the 1st? Nah, but I enjoyed it far more than DMC. Alot of plots afoot, a little Twin Peaks-ish with Jack's "Davey Jones Locker experience", but all in all, I enjoyed it. And to top it off, it was the closer to a several day PoTC event here in Orlando. Pintel (Lee Arenberg..."Ello poppet") along with several Imagineers and Disney folk (tied to the attraction and/or movie) were in our theatre, along with the Pirate band The Rusty Cutlass. Made waiting for our midnight showing a memorable one.
  22. Here here! Work may be tough, but there's always days (or some length of time) off to reenergize and have fun.
  23. Getting set to finish up the second half of my work day (too many tasks to list). Only a few more days until a long overdue vacation.
  24. My grandfather was in the military wayyy back in the day, and he instilled an appreciation in my father and I for aircraft of all shapes and sizes. As a kid, I'd been to quite a few air shows at the local Air Force base. I don't recall seeing any of the planes shown below though (they're pretty amazing). I caught both of these planes on a show that covered the moving of a rocket from Lockheed Martin to the Kennedy Space center. The engineers of the rocket, as well as the technicians of the plan had alot on their plates in terms of delivering the package safely. The Antonov 124: And the "Super Guppy" The plane - closed up And the Guppy opened:
  25. a. 0 b. 1 c. movie/fantasy d. escapism
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