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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. I am new to the PiP festivities, and historically guided role playing in general. What do participants do while they are at PiP? Do some role play for the public and one another, or teach folks about who they are (character) and about the timeframe they represent? Just curious about what sorts of things a person can participate in down there. Also, I've skimmed over many a thread here (and PiP site) and will dive in for more detail as time permits, but in terms of role play who is taking on what? I understand the groupings that are listed on the "Who is going" thread, but am interested in the details. I'm working on obtaining additional implements to assist me as a spice trader and merchant, taking over my father's work to keep the family income going (he mysteriously dissappeared on a routine voyage). I'm doing my best to stick within the time period for my role.
  2. Pirates, by Amber Music (from the Clorox Commercial) Followed by Mermaids, of the same musical collaboration And the commercial itself (pretty neat-o):
  3. Freezing (I'm sitting here typing this, and my a/c must be on a little too high). I need to pack for an upcoming trip out west. Time for a celebration is nigh.
  4. Baroness Sophia the Reticent of Fritterton on the Marshes For some reason...I'm thinking of fritters now.
  5. Well, I fold on my first set of quotes. They're from "The Ghost and Mrs Muir". I'll toss out a new quote here, and hope it strikes a chord with someone: Person 1: How much for the little girl? How much for the women? Person 2: What? Person 1: Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters..sell them to me. Sell me your children. Mission - Your thought on this might be different, but with absurd comedies I enjoy the movie alot more if the actors don't seem as if they're trying too hard. If their actions are beyond absurd (for me, Will Farrell is a good example), I just can't watch. If they characters seem campy (i.e. Waynes World), or are just funny because they're supposed to be off-the-wall, then I'll watch.
  6. How sad! I enjoyed many of his movies, as well as his work as Captain on the Seaquest. He will be missed.
  7. Hmm...I didn't anticipate this one not getting found out. Another quote from the movie then: And what a hideous painting! The movie was a black and white...I hope that narrows it down.
  8. It is a good movie Mission...I'd describe Flash as zany, campy and inventive. As for the current quote...the movie's a bit more serious than Cabin Boy. I've seen it twice (the quoted movie), and am considering getting it on dvd.
  9. I'd say Jill's quote is from Flash Gordon. Next quote - Person 1 - ..don't know anything about the sea, except that it is romantic. Person 2 (response) - That's what all landsmen think. Seamen know better.
  10. Yep Jill. Daryl Van Horne is in the church.
  11. *sighs* I'm watching tv right now (local all news channel), and am just shaking my head at the horrid accident that happened west of Disney today on Interstate 4 this morning. Lots of folks hurt, a few souls lost and many cars piled up and burnt to a crisp. I hope those who made it out are ok. They're in my prayers tonight. Part of me would typically say "stupid drivers" if it were a minor accident, but right now the cause is still up to speculation and a good bit of investigation. My own thought is that an unfortunate combination of events led to this pileup. Fog and smoke makes for a drive that must be taken carefully. I'm certain not everyone was sharing those thoughts at the time, which is a shame.
  12. I know I put on a few pounds during the holidays (snacking on yummy treats and barely working out...ugh). This year I'm cutting back on that (til the holidays...then moderation), and am exercising whenever I have a moment to do so. Not forcing myself, but aiming to do things I enjoy that have the added bonus of burning calories.
  13. Jennifer - In most translations I find, it means "white" or "fair", and is a translation of the name Guinivere. I like one translation I found though (kinda piratey themed) of "white wave".
  14. Thanks folks for filling me in. Nigel, that looks like a comfy sleeping arrangement! *thumbs up from me* Fayma - I grew up in Colorado, but have been in Florida a few years, and my blood must've thinned out 'er something. Nearly froze in CO over the holidays (when it was in the teens). For this event (depending on sleeping arrangements), I'll see to making sure it's comfortable, warm or not.
  15. Question - How was the weather overnight at the encampments? Quite pleasant, or was there a chill at any point? I'm not too worried about it (camped out in snow in CO), and am considering the option in case I'm short on funds for a room. '
  16. Aside from surgery and the lowering of ears, did you engage in any dentristry during PIP? Anyone get mother of pearl veneers? (I'm kidding)
  17. do...your boobs hang low.. (lol..sorry)
  18. Now...in terms of what will happen when I get over to my family out west, we'll celebrate Christmas Eve with a buffet of sorts (I forget what we're doing this year - had Mexican last year), followed by a movie, desserts (often homemade cookies, tarts or fudge) and an opening of our Christmas pajamas (I feel silly at my age doing that bit, but it's fun). The next morning we open the gifts under the tree (which is now a tree on a wall btw), eat breakfast, open gifts from our stockings, welcome in more family, watch movies, eat snacks and then aim for an early christmas dinner. The things I can't wait to see are the family critters (and they do have quite the litter), the snow (if only for a few days), the tree on a wall (darned critters) and my family's faces when they open some of my funnier gifts. I'm tired too (Halloween doesn't make me this tired), but it's a manageable segue into the new year. Celebrate, rest and start anew.
  19. For the past few years I've really had little reason to decorate my own home for the holidays, as I don't have any family local to me and I typically travel to see them. But this year my father flew in for a weekend a week or so after Thanksgiving (saving bonus miles er something), so I went all out with my mini tree and decorations I've collected over the years. I still have some of my Halloween decore up (and it'll never come down) so it has a somewhat twisted, humorous touch to it. I've been listening to Christmas (and Halloween - Haunted Mansion) music at work, wearing the occasional holiday themed colors or jewelery to work, and my car has even gotten into the spirit with a red nose and antlers. And I try to participate in a few gift exchanges or Secret Santas. Gives me something to look forward to, and raises my spirit during this time o' year when talk of family often makes my heart ache.
  20. Cool! Gonna "saw" off an extremity or two next year Dr Misson?
  21. Amen Rumba Rue. I lived with that stuff far too long. I enjoy it now when I see it during quick trips in the winter time.
  22. My curiousity has gotten the best of me. I'd like to join in on this too. If'n it's not full, may I join the ranks of the Mercury crewe? And bein' that I'll be new to renactments of the pyratical sort, I hope to take on a trade by fellow crewmate..perhaps as a protege, and also soak in the atmosphere and work done by others.
  23. Bo - Ah...congrats to you then! I am a student as well, completing a final for my latest class this evening. I graduate in a few months if I keep my wits about me. Thankfully my university offers online classes...we can remain anonymous. Patrick - The 20K Leagues suggestion sounds cool. Thinkin' Jules Verne too? A show done back in the late 90's er so based on the character had alot of really cool designs for his methods of transport and scientific/technological discoveries.
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