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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. I'd be happy to pitch in and help as well with whatever help is needed. Whatever might be able to get campers in a few days earlier.
  2. I wore gel inserts in my boots and my more period correct shoes, and did alright. That is, until I got a mosquito bite near the area of my achilles tendon (ouch!). Heeded advice though, and it paid off with relatively comfortable walks over that (dang blasted) coral that was everywhere in camp.
  3. Silas - You took amazing pictures. I really like these...
  4. Little Women (has some great repeating themes in it) PoTC I The Haunted Mansion (musical score) Indy Jones I, II and III Beetlejuice (heck, any Elfman score tied to Burton) Superman Returns Young Sherlock Holmes 300 (I agree, a few tracks in there could be used for bellydancing) Bend it Like Beckham Ghostbusters I
  5. Happy Natal Day Mission! I raise a glass to you this evening in celebration of this fyne occasion.
  6. Glad you, Constance and the brood made it home safe and sound. It was a pleasure meeting you all and getting a chance to talk about various things (cameras 'n stuff).
  7. I hear yah Mission. I've a feeling my upcoming Christmas trip to CO will be glazed over with warm fuzzy thoughts and bouts of nostalgia for PiP, rather than excitement for travel to my old haunts (and visits with family). On the other hand, I appreciated PiP because it filled what I would call a void at the beginning of December. I tend to be downtrodden this time of year (despite fantastic friends), as it has more of a family feel to it than other holidays (and I've no family out here).
  8. MadDogge - That's awful that you had to climb over the fence...I knew a few folks who had to because they didn't fully remember the combo either. I was so out of it getting back that I put it in upside down and backwards for a moment, then realized it and fixed it (and huzzah, it worked!). Here's to yah for not spilling a drop of your ale though. That takes talent!
  9. Ooh...that pic of Liam is bursting with cute! I love it! And Rats, your noirish photo is tres cool.
  10. Capt Grey - I agree with you, The Rocketeer is very underrated. It's one of my favorite Disney movies, and has one of my favorite actresses in it, a fellow Jennifer (Connelly). William - Is that Viggo Mortensen in Alatriste?
  11. Ah, I forgot one outfit I put together for Halloween. I plan on making a more detailed (read: screen accurate) version of this blouse early next year. And a new sash.
  12. Thank you Mary (and Michael)! I may start from scratch on the jumpsuit though, as that one has a rather short torso to it (makes removal a bit of a contortionist's nightmare).
  13. I love that pic (up there *points*)! That is a great idea for a group outfit, especially for a convention. :) On the real Badger, I hear Mark (Sheppard) is very nice. Awe heck, the whole gang are nice. You should hear about the great things they've done for their die hard Firefly fans (and vice versa).
  14. Mission - If you see any pics I took that fit well with your accounts of the event, feel free to borrow them.
  15. I witnessed a bacon salute by Silkie and one other person the afternoon I arrived. Watching the battle on Friday, and having my ears ring a few hours afterwards. Walking through the belly of the Fort with Diosa, Hurricane, Willie Wobble, William and Doug. Kind of a "lights on" ghost tour (during the day). Seeing all the sparklies, swag and goodies at the vendors (in the Fort), and wanting to buy a lot of it. Sitting at Silkie's at night (especially Thursday and Saturday) and just talking with crewmates and listening to music. Listening to the waves lap up onto the shore at night. Reminds me (a tiny bit) of the pool and fountain next to my apartment. Taking part in the parade Friday night, throwing beads to some folks, handing them out nicely to others (kiddies and gramma/grampa). Pub crawling after the parade (trying to corrupt me, eh?) Watching (and taping) the spur of the moment Conquistador invasion. That floored me...good work gents (and ladies!) who participated. Meeting a good lot of the emcampment's inhabitants...you all are such a nice bunch of folk. I hope the lot of yah make it back next year. It was a pleasure serving with you. *tips my hat*
  16. These three gents here? Heehee...William got em up there too. Thanks for the compliments sir! :)
  17. Woohoo! Woke up a bit late this morning (it's my day off), and thank the gods, two of the longer vids I uploaded were successful. Here's a few links: Two videos (Mission bearing the flag during Friday's battle, and Conquistadors making their way into the Fort) http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h158/tri...PiP2008%20vids/ And two more videos (via youtube - my nickname there is trinsghost in case the links don't work): Anne Bonny and Mary Read: Spanish Conquistadors invade the Fort: A hundred and something pictures: http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h158/trinsghost/PiP2008/ Here's one goofy pic, and one pretty one from my mix: Dutch's cousin Robby tried helping us with the salamagundi. (That's a bone saw and a can of olives.) One of several breathtaking sunsets along the shores of the encampment.
  18. Cool costumes folks! I like that one of blackjohn's too...looks very Badgerish. I only have recent pics of my Kaylee costume hosted as of late:
  19. Hey Hurricane - As far as shoes go are the ones Mary Diamond sells alright? I got rid of the buckles on mine and used ribbon laces. They look quite nice now (and were very comfortable at PiP).
  20. Hi Captain Mickey - I see you're from a town in my old neck of the woods (grew up in Aurora and Castle Rock CO). Definately heed Hurricane and Michael's advice on the garb...I see you're list is good so far. I'm working on a set of men's garb myself, since I'll have to dress as one if I want to join in on the battles. Found a decent jerkin to go with the tunic I wore to PiP. Just have to find good socks/stockings and may make a pair of slops, or buy a pair depending on what style I like best that fits their event.
  21. http://www.myspace.com/intempesta_nox
  22. The Abyss is one of my favorites Jessi...have you seen the directors cut? I must say that my current favorite is Raiders (of the Lost Ark). I've been watching that once or twice a month as of late, along with the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I need to break out a few vids from my vault to vary my movie intake. I may give these a whirl 'round the holidays: - The Sound of Music - Legend (with directors cuts and original score) - The Purple Rose of Cairo - Casablanca (a BIG favorite) - Return of the Jedi - the first of the Harry Potter series - Goonies - An American in Paris
  23. I agree with Mission and Jenny that intelligence and personality enhance an accent, making what could seem mundane conversation a bit more alluring.
  24. Awe! I feel your pain Silkie. *hugs* My brain was so fogged up today I forgot my lunch. Speaking of food, I need to eat around now. *watches Mission fly over the horizon*
  25. Hmm...perhaps they thought I was in northeastern Orlando. Ah well, what's a 30 to 60 min difference? *shrugs* I'll be there with bells on. An' I'm curious...are there places I can procure those nifty pikes some of the group had during PiP? I can see myself using one of those...in a reenactment of course.
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