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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Good thread topic Brig! I've got a few things I'd like to participate in this year: 1. Get to PiP early, meaning the first day...not two or three days in. 2. Check out the "Walk the Plank" competition (MadDogge's retelling later that evening had me very interested). 3. Train and take part in one of the battles, and firing off a gun or cannon, or using a pike 4. Sing at the Hide or Pub (by myself or with a group...doesn't matter) 5. Get to the parade earlier so's I can see it start, and then join in again (that was fun) 6. Talk philosophy and other pithy stuff with a variety of folks - I was a silent observer from time to time this year, though I learned a lot. Should #7 be meet Stynky? I hear he's infamous.
  2. After a reshuffling of plans, it looks like I can make it down on Saturday morning. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
  3. QM - I took a tour last year of the French Quarter that started out at Mme Laveau's Voodoo shop. I'd say it's one of the better tours I've taken. I'll refrain from noting any details/spoilerage, but will say I was left pleasantly surprised with the tour.
  4. Sounds interesting...I'm in as well.
  5. I'll be following in Patrick and Kenneth's lead with military blankets. Got one already that I use that's 100% wool, and am on the hunt for more at local army/navy surplus stores (for clothing). Haven't seen em in colors I'd prefer though...lots and lots of green.
  6. I'll be north of Orlando part of the weekend. Tried to see if I could work this for Saturday, but it'd be too long a drive back down (4 plus hrs). I'll be aiming for Sunday.
  7. Hey Mickey - I'm going to start on the Pomegranate mead this weekend. Got a few milk and water jugs set to start off, and will be acquiring a few of the glass variety (along with whatever else you noted to me) as well. I'll start a separate thread to note how it's going in a few weeks.
  8. I was informed this past weekend that Friday's meal will likely be prepared for the group, so no potluck, but nibbles and libations are still welcome. Jeff or William, please chime in if information changes.
  9. Looks like fun! May have to check that out.
  10. 1.) Indeed I have. I don't see myself in the same job in a few years time. I do know what I want to do, but realize it will take a bit more planning, a few more years and a lot of elbow grease to get there. And even at that point, I know I won't be there (future occupation) forever. That, and I'm still on a search for a lot of questions I've withheld from the world (spiritual, political, scientific, etc). Just have to seek the answers out myself through listening or interaction with others, and keep looking for new questions to keep going. 2.) I'd hope that I'd be remembered for saving something, or someone. I doubt I'd be the one to find a big cure for a disease (I'm smart, but not geneticist smart). 2.) I witnessed a fatal car accident some 6 or 7 years ago, and was nearly included in it. That caused me to reevaluate my life, set goals and pursue them a lot harder than I had before. I wanted to ensure I at least take a chance at things I consider important, rather than not and regret it later. I've learned to appreciate knowledge, celebrate life and not be afraid to care (or love) if the mood strikes me. After all, it could all be gone tomorrow.
  11. Got a pair of Anna's in the mail yesterday. They fit nicely, though the fit around the heel and ankle is a bit higher than I'm used to. An insert should help lift my heel and provide a good fit.
  12. Count me as an 80's Dr Who fan as well. I haven't been able to catch on to the new series, but I appreciate the idea was brought back, and that so many people enjoy it.
  13. Wrapping up a phone call (working from home, sick).
  14. Thank yah Jill. I'll be sending Cassandra's book out late this week, or next Monday.
  15. William - My prayers go out to you and your family, most especially your father. I was in a similar situation years ago with a relative gone toxic who managed to scare/tick off much of the family, including me. I didn't talk to her for years, and decided to do so a few years back, fearing that if I did not at least try that I might regret it later. Thankfully the situation ended well with communication barriers broken through. I can only hope in the future that the situations you and your loved ones experienced come to some sort of a positive resolution...a light at the end of the tunnel.
  16. Here's Frankie before Christmas, helping me count down: Moni would rather take a nap: This is Katrina, one of my parent's critters. She's named after the Van Tassel, not the hurricane. Check out her nose.
  17. A Lakota wedding? RustyNell that sounds a might bit cooler. I have yet to see any sort of Native American ceremony, wedding, gathering or otherwise. Color me jealous.
  18. I wish I'd run into you and Diosa...I think there were a few folks we missed during the afternoon. I regret not getting there earlier in the day. There was so much to look at, and I'm sure I could have picked up a few more things for my setup. As I noted, I only took a few pictures. I wish I had taken more, but we spent a lot of time walking, talking and bartering. I'd like to head there again next year and dress proper for the occasion. http://s63.photobucket.com/albums/h158/tri...ost/Alafia2009/
  19. Willie wobble wrapped the bottle for me. And...my shot glass.
  20. Well that was alot of fun, despite only being there a few hours today. My friend Robin enjoyed heading there too. Got to meet up with Willie Wobble, Doug, Cpt Jeff and Melissa, as well as the proprietor of the Pirate Haus in St Augustine. Saw lots, and I mean LOTS of tents in a variety of styles. Willie kept telling me I needed to peek my head into some of them to get a feel for how they put them together, especially if they used a ridge pole. I only took a few pics, and will have them up in a day or two with a link.
  21. Sleepy (had a good dinner)
  22. Ah yes, we've perfected the art of peripheral vision. We look, but don't turn our heads. If only I could teach my guyfriends to follow that example. (No offense intended, but my buddies are indeed overtly obvious)
  23. I found that Target often sells plates and bowls made of acacia wood for a decent price. Far as utensils go, the vendors at the event (including willie wobble) have great ones at reasonable prices. Welcome to the event list, Boncoeurs. PiP is a fantastic experience, and the more the merrier. :)
  24. Happy Natal Day, good Reverend! :)
  25. A steamy cup of mocha coffee.
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