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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley
^ Used to play the acoustic guitar (not professionally, just for fun). Trying to pick that up again. < Looking forward to going home. My pillow's calling out to me. V If you could be any non-human animal on the planet, what'd you be, why, and what would you do (or where'd you live)?
If I'm thinking of the correct episode (the last in the series), then it'll be one with more of a focus on River.
^ Yeah..I'm very level headed. When I do get angry, there are times that I'll let off some steam (in calm, but semi-coarsely worded fashion). Other times, I just let out the anger with a good private cry. < Woohoo! Had a great morning. Introduced 4 new individuals to our part o' the company, and they were in as goofy (and semi dazed) a mood as I was. Made for a fun presentation. V What's yer Monday morning like? Work? Home?
Hello Will! Might you be doing some in fitted shirts if some of the crew are interested?
Got this from the Firefly forum. It made me giggle. Naked: no clothes on Nekkid: no clothes on and you're up to something
Ate: Stouffer's mac n' cheese (Mmmm) Saw: coupla squirrels chasing each other outside the office Talked to: Natascha (new employee) Thought about: Gerry
I recall seeing an alternate scene shown of that altercation at the Mayor's office on tv (TBS perhaps). I giggle at the scene in the library (?) where Stantz says "Sshh! Do you smell something?"
slightly off topic moment - A coworker of mine had the "Dapper Dan" wallpaper for his pc for a few years when the movie came out. His name is Dan. (heh) (and...back to topic)
Jill - I love that movie...I agree that it had some hi-larious quotes in it too boot. "Mrs. Hogwallop up and R-U-N-N-O-F-T." "They loved him up and turned him into a... h-h-horny toad."
Fog is cool! We get that every so often in the mornings right around drive time. Thick as pea soup, it is. This morning it was decent (50s), and it'll be up to the high 70s today with scattered "cloudage". Downright pleasant.
I didn't have a Steve Austin figure, but I did have an Incredible Hulk doll.
I liked The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne. It was one of those shows that unfortunately was not played at a good time (my recollection, at least). I'd started watching it because it had several Canadian actors and actresses on it that I was familiar with. It had the victorian "steam punk" thing to it...reminded me just a little of Wild Wild West (but much better in terms of storyline and acting). ADDED: Meant WWW the movie. I'd caught the show too...very predictable it was. :)
I see spam in general as junk mail. Sometimes its intent is purely to sell or direct the viewer to a site (from medicine to adult entertainment). Other times it is purely malicious (i.e. phoney "password problem" emails from senders pretending to be Ebay, or credit card companies, or emails with viruses). I wish all of the spammers would bugger off.
^ When I'm not here, I'm over there. *points* (heh) < I've done half my workload in the span of two hours. If I get it all done by noon, does it mean I get to go home early? V If you could live at another place in the world for a year, where would it be, why, and what would you do there?
Land of...the Lost, the original Dr Who series, the original Battlestar Gallactica, Murder: She Wrote. :)
(Carnitas tacos sounds soo good Jacky Tar!) 1. peaches 'n cream oatmeal 2. a car's broken visor (not mine) 3. Curt (meh, he was right next to me) 4. Larry
blackjohn - I used to watch Wild Kingdom back in the day with other shows on PBS (pre-Discovery channel days). I like to occasionally watch episodes of Meerkat Manor. Sean Astin's narrations keep me glued to the saga of the survival of several meerkat tribes, and they're just so darned cute. I watch a few shows these days, but don't aim to catch them every week. The Dresden Files is probably the only one I watch semi-regularly. I like Scrubs, and tend to watch that when it pops up on Comedy Central. Old favorites - Dracula: The Series, The A-Team, Erie Indiana, Stephen Spielberg's Amazing Stories. Watched alot of classic movies from AMC and TMC. Most of my favorites, including the newer shows (Firefly, Buffy) are in my dvd collection. I did watch a few shows in years past from PBS that were akin to The Real World, but set in "the past" in log home villages, a late 19th century home or posh 18th century manor. It was interesting watching the dynamics of the participants lives as they took on roles and responsibilities from yesteryear.
Leather thongs on a guy are..meh. He has to have the proper backside to carry that look off well. I'm more into boxers, or boxer briefs.
^ Yes indeed! Disney a few times this weekend (a possible Pirates cruise on the MK lagoon on Sunday night), as well as a final exam (run, SQL, run!), and probably a few other things. Oh, and prepping for my father's stay for a few days next week. < I want the work day to END. A few of us are in non-work mode, chatting via IM and lol'ing. V Name a hobby that you'd like to try that others may see as "out of character" for you.
^ I'd say a blend. Science provides me with some more rational explanations for most of lifes tangible mysteries. I dive into mysticism as well to help me understand what science may dismiss. Both raise the curiousity within me. < blackjohn - Those types will work (what you noted). Good definitions you found there. No rain yet...still got low clouds filling up the sky. (whew!) V Is there a food recipe that you'd like to learn and try?
^ I don't set aside time necessarily, but I do tend to muse at the end of the day or during time that I am alone and free to ponder anything and everything. I feel doing so puts my mind at ease, just as it does when talking to others. < Grey and cloudy here as well, though we're expecting t-showers and *gulp* possible tornadic activity. V Tying in to blackjohn's question just a tad, do you believe in deja vu?
That wasn't code for anything gentleman, I really did shave one of my cats (Moni) who has gotten a bit scraggly in the fur as of late. And a friend is bringing over an out of town friend to check both of my critters out because they're an unusual breed. Hope you feel better blackjohn. I've never gotten pinkeye (that I can remember), but have had enough colds and throat ailments to understand your pain. Take care, and get some rest. :)
Yah..... takes all the fun outta x-ray vision...... I want the kind that Superman had..... Yah might be thinking too hard there, but it's fun to ponder. I'd suspend belief on this one. Even in secret agent movies the "X-Ray specs" or goggles are often touted, with said agent trying them on and looking one of his female coworkers up and down. They didn't mention impervious to lead in those movies that I can recall.
*peers around a corner* Ayep, I'm here as well. I need to do some exercising tonight. But first, I get to shave the cat.
^ I actually have um...several. I think it's time for some pre-spring cleaning. < Woohoo! Just booked a tour to the Highlands and Isle of Skye! V Do you cringe during scary movies, watch with out flinching, or avoid them altogether?