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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Argh...AOL is a pain in the you know what. I remember using them in the early 90's, and then trying to switch to something else. Never again. Much luck to yah Merrydeath. I've used several types of net service, Roadrunner being the best, and most expensive so far ($50/month - cable modem via Brighthouse).
  2. That's a very valid point, but I think that a lot of us tend to cover our light with a bushel. "Objective" is the operative word. For every flamboyant rooster brandishing his braggadocio at the podium, there are a thousand who chiefly hope to escape notice, and thereby badly sell themselves short. I don't think that teaching someone how to stand up and smile instead of hiding is necessarily going to turn him into a braggart. I sort of agree with you both, gentlemen. In much of what I learned in public speaking (in high school and college), I learned the process of a presentation, and how to effectively speak in front of a group. From cohorts and friends, I was taught how to make the audience feel a certain way when taking part in my presentations (via dress, emoting, the right visuals, etc). Do I use the latter things I've learned when presenting? If I feel I need to convey something specific, given the type of audience, I do. I tend to use humor, straight-forwardness and peaceful, low key behavior when I'm up at the front. Visualizing that prior to doing so tends to bring me even more into "the zone", though in real life I tend to be the same way. Just as a side note, I discovered (via my doctor) a few years back that my discomfort with public speaking was physiological, and not actual fear. :) Interesting thoughts, Caraccioli. Yah know, #1 was touted alot at my job at a mutual fund company. "Smile when you talk to a coworker, a customer, etc, and they will hear it." It does work, and got me through many a 16 hour work day...though I haven't tried it after a colosally crummy day.
  3. I worked with quite a few folks in my previous two occupations that regularly attended Toastmasters meetings. I didn't go to them myself, but learned a bit through my coworkers. Now if only I could learn to add a little excitement to presentations that I have lost interest and/or much faith in. Got this in a email today from a cohort. "Shift Happens" Has alot of statistics, some very sobering.
  4. 1. fruit, a scone, and some chips and salsa (my tongue is numb from the jalapenos) 2. my kitty Frankie, who's sleeping next to me 3. Susan 4. Jeanie
  5. I like the scruff as well, aside from the itchiness it makes most guys look dark, dangerous...sexy. Beards are cool too...as long as they have a 'stache to go with it. I like em well kept. :) I know this is a beard thread, but someone did mention sideburns. I LOVE sideburns. It might have been The Blues Brothers that started it for me.
  6. The jingle bell on my cat's collar. Commercials for various shows and movies on SciFi.
  7. Lady Alyx - Didja answer my quote??
  8. While I'm typing here, I'm listening (and occasionally looking up to watch) The Chronicles of Riddick. And I'm catching the faint sound of the fountain pouring into the pool several flights below.
  9. As Good as It Gets Next Quote - "I sweat, and you're deaf. Aren't we a fine pair of misfits?"
  10. *sends warm, fuzzy blankets, hot cocoa and plenty of rum and goodies to her fellow pyrates up north* Y'all stay safe up there! I felt like I struck gold this week with the weather. It went from 50's (not bad, but bleh with humidity) up to the 80's this weekend, with clounds and a little breeze. Tomorrow's supposed to be warm, with an afternoon t-storm. :)
  11. 1) craisins 2) traffic jam on I-4 (aka Parade of Idiots) 3) Curt 4) The inebriated fellow across the pool from me that woke me up at 4am Friday morning. Shoosh dude!
  12. It's in the 70's, with not a cloud in the sky. Shared a "snack break" with a coworker outside, standing on the grass.
  13. You're sticking the bottle where?
  14. Sounds...puffy. I'm having maple & brown sugar oatmeal. And a big mug of hot tea (earl grey with cream 'n sweetner).
  15. What Silkie said. I'd originally PM'd mods, but then was asked to use the "report" button. *sighs* Whatever works, I guess.
  16. Keep watching the show sir, and I'll bet several of the episodes will strike a chord and prove to be worth the watch time, if not provide more interesting comparison between other shows or story formulas. I am not a fan of anime or much of today's animated television shows (might've been way back in the 80's), so I couldn't make any connections between Firefly and Cowboy Bebop.
  17. I've tried reporting the spammers a couple of times, and get runtime errors or something of the sort. Is it working for others? I press report, and it takes me to a screen where I can note "spam", or whatever as a comment, and press submit. Then it goes kablooey.
  18. ^ Depends on the conditions of the mile. Is it over burning hot coals? Or in a terrential downpour with tornados swirling overhead without a raincoat? If the weather and terrain are decent (even if there's snow, but good visibility)...I'd walk the mile. I enjoy a good walk. :) < Tired and PO'd today. Had car troubles after work (first time with this one), but should get 'er back later today. *sighs* V A big, old library filled with nearly every book ever written, or a computer terminal with the widest grasp on the world's networks (Internet) that one could possibly have?
  19. I typically have hot tea...my favorite's Earl Grey with cream and sweetner, but at work I have Lipton. Warms me up and the morning, and gives just enough of a caffeine buzz. :)
  20. 1) nothing yet 2) beautiful puffy stripes of clouds with the sun peeking through 3) Judy (Judy Judy) 4) Robin
  21. Psst! Lady Alyx..check the shelves! It may not be a big one, but it's there. Where's the treasure though?
  22. Very nice, and I agree, it is understated but if one looks at the detail, the theme becomes pleasantly obvious. I was about to ask if you were going to get a ships wheel, and noticed one of the lamps (Neat!). I like the "candle" one too. My parents had a lamp from the 70's that looked like a lantern (dark stained glass and metal with a wrought iron finish) with three "candles" in the middle. Unfortunately it met its demise being used in one of our Haunted Mansion (basement) mock ups for Halloween. After someone set off an M-80, the crowd scattered and someone knocked the lamp over as they ran out. Have you thought of any other items of modest size that might find their way onto the shelves? An hourglass or compass perhaps? (just tossing out ideas) Also...kudos on the chest from Hobby Lobby. I purchased an octagonal shaped one there during their half off sale.
  23. Soup with veggies 'n potroast in it.
  24. 1) Hot Tea 2) A car with a very confused driver in it 3) Aida 4) Matthew
  25. ^ Iced Tea < Wishes I had today off too, Cap'n Tightpants (durnit...we're responding in stereo! Last question's answer.. Burgundy actually, and preferably a calligraphy pen.) V What would be your ideal winter day (activities with snow and/or colder weather)?
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