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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. What Iron Bess said. Lucas does still have an interest.
  2. You got it blackbead! Yer up! :)
  3. I'm of like mind with Christine on this subject. I've never been drunk, and if I've ever gotten a (short lived) buzz, I know it's time to stop. If I'm with people who I am comfortable having said buzz around, I try to keep as even keeled as I can possibly be considering the circumstances, though I know I can be a tad more giggly, humor driven, or into deeper discussion. I'm not much for bars...if I do go to one, I'm usually getting an iced tea and a goofy look.
  4. Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese
  5. I picked a pretty obscure movie, didn't I. Let me add on an additional quote to assist: "I did not get your name. Nobody ever comes by here anymore, it's hard to remember them all. "
  6. motivational speaker
  7. A song remade by a friend (yay!).
  8. I was wondering if I picked the right quote to figure out...you were getting a little quote happy back there. Quote - "The tension was so thick, and the music so pretentious, they knew they must be getting close..."
  9. The big quote...Office Space. I'm almost positive. :)
  10. LOL! That's a good one Rummy!
  11. How about...an upside down X-mas tree in FL? http://www.nydailynews.com/11-09-2005/news...7p-309828c.html
  12. The guys at MouseTunes have a new Podcast out that focuses on their recent trip to WDW. It includes alot of news and rumors on future refurbs, events, and and an interview with Jason Surrell. I'm a bit excited on this news...even if it is rumor, I would be excited to see WDW get some of the additions the hosts mention. That, and to have more work and tie ins to the restaurant nearby (in English, it's "The Pirate and the Parrot").
  13. Tackling several work projects at once, and preparing to welcome (again) a friend of mine to the office (previous job), who unfortunately stopped by while I was on a phone conference.
  14. Low 80's, partly cloudy today. South of Denver (where I used to live), they got close to a foot of snow overnight. I miss looking at the white stuff, but I sure don't miss shoveling it.
  15. I like the goatee look. Not sure if I'm one of the few who likes the five o'clock shadow, but there, I've said it, it's true.
  16. quote - Information Transit got the wrong man. I got the right man. The wrong one was delivered to me as the right man, I accepted him on good faith as the right man. Was I wrong?
  17. My first name is pretty commonplace, and doesn't hold much meaning for me any more. It's Jennifer, though I usually go by Jen.
  18. Aha! I bet it's Empire of the Sun. I remember the kid yelling out as the planes flew past, blowing up the enemies at a prison camp or something.
  19. That's true. I paid around $18 for an extra copy off of Amazon. I'd bet they'll have it over at Disneyland in the next week or so. The original release date was right around this time. Anywho...on the attraction update again (the one with the Sparrow AA and Davey Jones addition, etc), I'm interested in finding out of they'll use Bill Nighy's (sp?) voice for DJ on the ride. I got a kick out of him in Shaun of the Dead, but blimey the guy's voice is only a notch or two above Ben Stein (Bueller, Bueller) in terms of excitement. Wouldn't that put the guests to sleep?
  20. Mocha latte with cream, and a small helping of freshly popped popcorn.
  21. I feel a modest sense of accomplishment. I completed a good part of my homework for the week (statistics), half of which I still don't understand (but I'm sure I'll have my epiphany soon). Now...to find a decent movie to watch in my ever growing stash, since nothing seems to be on tv.
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