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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Indeed sir...tis a beautiful day... *grins at Ciaran, and pops a milk chocolate truffle into her mouth* ...and chocolate makes it even better. :)
  2. *Heads in this mornin' after a long week on the high seas..* Did someone say chocolate? *Mixes myself a hot tea and eyeballs William...er William's horde of chocolate treasure*
  3. I agree with Phil on Print-On-Demand, as it is a good way to go. A friend of mine is likely doing very well so far with his book through lulu.com, so that'd be a good site to check out (nods up to RumbaRue). Also, if your book's topic is something you can bring up on websites and boards you frequent, definately try that if the owners are ok with it. I note the "you frequent" part, as it's sometimes easier to start informing folks of your book who are familiar with you, as opposed to aiming for anyone (in this arena).
  4. You haven't gotten arrested yet for celebratin' Nude Day? *nods to Silkie* I also got in jail for resisting arrest whilest partaking in the horizontal (or was it vertical?) mambo.
  5. Southpark over partying sounds like a good idea. :) Alot of my favorite shows of yesteryear were mentioned, but here's a few more: Erie, Indiana Stephen Spielberg's Amazing Stories Murder, She Wrote Greatest American Hero Dracula: The Series Kung Fu: The Legend Continues Alf Punky Brewster Laverne & Shirley The Hidden Room Counterstrike (had Christopher Plummer) Secret Adventures of Jules Verne I LOVED Dr Who, but am having a hard time retaining interest in the newest version. I think it's because the latest guy seems so darned happy. My favorite actor in the role was a little more serious (Tom Baker). At lease I think he was...it's been a while. I miss Red Dwarf...it's not on BBC America anymore is it?
  6. Nickleback - Savin' Me (and my coworkers giggling in an office around the corner - it's time to go an' pester them) :)
  7. I've ridden this quite a few times, and the only adverse effect I had was a little dizziness in the eyes. I would equate it to most of the spinning attractions I had ridden at other parks in my younger years, only that this attraction has a good visual of space travel to boot (something I wish I could do in reality). Unfortunately, I've had a friend or two complain of more severe effects from the ride than I had. One just has to gage themself, and decide if the g-forces from the ride will cause them any harm. If they have to think about it, they probably would do best not to ride. Me, I just have to remember not to drink (before or after), and I'll do just fine.
  8. Happy Birthday Jasmine! *pets the lucky birthday kitty*
  9. Pink - Stupid Girls
  10. Well...isn't that what boots are for? :) I've no doubt you'll be feeling pangs for what you gave up sir, but if it is for the best, you can only look to the future and aim for even better. Now you have me jonesing for a good faire. I need to catch one sometime this year.
  11. Well...isn't that what boots are for? :)
  12. Ohh...Shaun of the Dead was a RIOT! I'd caught a few of George Romero's greats again just before Shaun ended up in the cheap theatres in town. I went there (spent 65 cents on a ticket, and $7.50 on snackage), and thoroughly enjoyed that flick. Yah know...mentioning the ghost Asian flicks, I have to tell you that as much as I like the Ring and Ringu movies, and anything similar to them, I have to say those creep me out as much, if not moreso than the "aliens bursting from somebody" movies. Ring and its predecessors and cousins seem to toss in a great combination of quiet suspence and utterly terrifying cinematography and effects. Those were the movies that I had trouble with at the end of the night, sleeping with my tv on (turned to a channel with something positive on it).
  13. Amen to that Mad Jack. I've had a few amusing dreams as of late. A few included brief bits where I had a quiet moment with men I admire (just PG rated, though the moments were nice in my book), and one focused on me talking about heading back to FL, as if I'd moved far away, missed the atmosphere dearly and had been planning to move back. Kind of blah dreams compared to some of the doozies I've had, but it was nice to have some that felt comforting and hopeful.
  14. I got Baroness Crazy Whiskers. I'm really laughing over some of the other ones. Floria yours is hilarious!
  15. I'm avoiding that one too. As much as I like Nathan Fillion's work (he plays a cop in this movie I think), I am SO not into creatures taking over (and possibly bursting out of) people's bodies. I was grossed out enough by Alien and Leviathan, and figured anything else along those lines crossed my boundaries on nightmare inducing movies. Freddy and Michael Myers on the other hand are a few of my favorites. I like horror movies that have a slightly humorous take on what they're presenting. I'll watch those alone, or with a group of friends, and I know if I'm watching with them, it's going to be good (we typically provide constructive criticism to the characters, in a feeble attempt to tell them what they're doing wrong that'll get them killed).
  16. I'm looking for my compass o' life to offer a direction towards comfort and assurance, something I haven't felt for quite a few months. Romance would be nice too, but eh, I'm so busy I think that arena would get jealous of everything else going on. And I miss my family (parents, brother, grandparents, etc). They're so far away; been over two years since I moved out of state and away from the majority of them. Even though I consider many of my friends to be almost family, there's nothing like hanging with one's own relations. Mine are such fun. And I'm wanting my darned back to stop hurting. I'm moving smaller things out of my current abode and into another, and I'm sure sticking to the smaller will be good (the movers can handle the big stuff). Last night I moved a BIG chair up three flights of stairs on my own (used a hand truck), and I'm regretting I did that on my own.
  17. Captain Ciaran - you should try that with fortune cookies. :)
  18. Flipping channels (between Fox News and Pretty in Pink - thanks to a friend I can't think of that movie's name without blushing).
  19. Mid seventies...no breeze, and the sun is setting, which should get us down into the 50's overnight.
  20. C- your wild and crazy P-You are popular with all types of people. T-you are one of the best in bed. S-People think you are so sexy. O-You love foreplay. P-You are popular with all types of people. H-You have very good personality and looks. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. A- Damn good in bed. M-success comes easily to you. E-You're loyal to those you love. I-Love is something you deeply believe in. S-People think you are so sexy. L-You have a nice ass ;-) (why thank you) E-You're loyal to those you love. Y-One of the hardest gangsters alive.
  21. Weil...kiddies, the name of the movie is "Freaked". Black Jack Shalaq...would you do the honors of posting the next movie quote? :)
  22. Matt. I wouldn't be aimin' for solo. Anywho...the decore certainly is creative. If I wasn't so into my combination of Old European and Far East styles, I'd try the pirate paradise in one of my rooms.
  23. The murals and accessories look pretty nifty, though the ship-beds may induce sea sickness. Sorry...I just picture the bed rocking a bit (trying to keep that PG).
  24. Not a cloud dotting the cornflower blue sky today (within my field of view at least). Warm, slightly breezy, and in the high 70's.
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