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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Yes, to answer the subject's question. I liked a few parts of DMC, but for the most part, found it to be drawn out (could have been under 2 hours, mho) and I was rather bored with it. To be honest, I am surprised at how I felt about this movie, considering how much I loved the first one. Did some of the action scenes seem a little like formulaic Bruckheimer to you? What I mean is, did it seem like a few scenarios were slapped together (take main characters, plus a handful of expendables, throw them into an action sequence akin to American Gladiators, and voila!). Granted, his other movies didn't involve astronauts or the armed forces fighting the bad guys whilest rolling through the landscape on/in wheels, but it just seemed to me like action sequences that were thrown in because they needed something there. I'm just hoping the next installment is more like the first.
  2. (heehee) Tiptoe, through the tulips
  3. Hard cider, saki (fruit flavored or plain), Drumgray's highland cream, Bailey's, Rum
  4. ...a single Hershey's kiss (I'm letting it melt in my mouth)
  5. (mini) puffy pirate shirts
  6. No? It was some of Goldsmith's best work, mho. I'd highly recommend it. We now return you to Krakens, Fugues and Other Pirate Ditties...
  7. Blue skies (hey...works for me Cap'n Pete )
  8. Williams is definitely a master composer. The soundtrack industry would not be where it is today without him. As for re-using your old scores...my favorite example is the use of the Rambo music by Jerry Goldsmith in his composition for Gremlins II. Goldsmith is a great study - many of his soundtracks sound nothing like his other work. He's another master composer, although not quite as celebrated as Williams. (He was a composer before it was cool. ) I agree on Goldsmith. The films he's composed for have varied too, which I'm sure helped a bit. But he's definately one of the greats. Brief off topic pause - Have any of you heard the original score from Legend?
  9. I agree on your thoughts BHP. I enjoyed little pieces of DMC's score (liked the organ theme you all have mentioned), but not enough to consider purchasing it. As brought up here already, much of it sounded like it was lifted from the first movie. That's not to say doing such a thing is bad. I was expecting to hear something that was a better mix, blending some of the more popular portions from the first movie with something new that fit the darker feel. I didn't walk in with that expectation, but felt it afterwards. Out of movies I have seen, I've felt John Williams has done an awesome job of taking parts of his previous scores (Star Wars: ANH and Superman as examples) and sneaking them in to sequels. He blends them in seamlessly, and for me, when I hear those familiar parts, I get goosebumps. Out of curiousity, what did you all think of the music used when Davy Jones' crew came out of the water (looking for the chest)? I felt there was a startling difference between it and the majority of the rest of the soundtrack. Some part of me started to recall the score from Thunderdome...I think it would have fit quite well with that.
  10. Working a fix for a manager on our system, and feeling bad for a friend (one of her kitties passed away).
  11. Ghostbusters score Soundtrack
  12. The Strokes - Hard to Explain
  13. *wolf whistles* Very cute Phil. :)
  14. I like the occasional slices of bacon with a weekend breakfast. I also like sausage too. Protein of that sort keeps my energy up, or revitalizes me pretty quickly (I'm hypoglycemic). I can understand everyone's reasons for not eating the "fruit of the pig" though. Each is valid to each person who holds such beliefs or thoughts. I encountered this in similar fashion to fish and seafood after moving to Florida. It surprised me at first, but after asking why, I understood why each person chose not to eat certain things.
  15. I'm listening to the end of a show on Showtime. Twas pretty fascinating. "Red Trousers: Hong Kong Stuntmen" ...and listening to the hum of the a/c.
  16. Wow...the ship is magnificent! I might have to send out a search party for that one. I like the lil' parrot right on the top too.
  17. St Germaine - Rose Rouge
  18. Well, that was a whole heap of fun. I didn't open up the email (only got 1), simply deleted it, but I still ended up with a virus. Several days sans net, and several anti-virus cleanups later, and I'm back in bidness. Time for my studies.
  19. The book was decent...heard it's predecessor (Angels and Demons?) is better. I'll be seeing it the day it comes out. And...I went to one of the sites that'll be in the movie (in Scotland). Thought that was pretty neat, though visiting the place is much more exciting than seeing it on the big screen. :)
  20. Oh... *looks slackjawed... HUGS William...asks timidly for three bordeaux*
  21. I'd be close to heaven if I had a Sees bordeaux bar right about now.
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