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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. I agree with your thoughts on NPR, though I do like to listen once in a while to shows that I feel aren't aren't supercilious as you noted (mainly for Prairie Home Companion). That's a show that's not afraid to laugh at itself, in an understated sort of way (i.e. the Ketchup Advisory Board).
  2. ...during "Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me", perhaps. That be a good stumper for their trivia, though most of what they ask centers around current events. :)
  3. Godwottery sounds a like a word J K Rowling might have made up for her novels.
  4. I can understand the problem with larger signatures (with pics), and the time it takes many a folk to load threads when they're there. I've been on both sides of the fence, using dialup in the past, and currently having a cable modem. On the other hand... I do like the signatures you've made for a few folks, Skull Pirate Carter. In the interest of (possibly) aiming for a smaller picture (perhaps half to third the size), if you're free to do so, could you make one for me? I have two things in mind for it, and if you need a PM on the details, let me know.
  5. I just want this to be over with! TS Alpha better not sashet his way over here...
  6. I'm watching the news from home. Work is shut down til noon due to the hurricane. I was going to do a little work on my studies, but wouldn't yah know, the system is experiencing technical difficulties (again). *sighs*
  7. Hang tight down there MrPirate. I'm sure you'll weather Wilma's wrath alright. I want this year's hurricane season to be over with as well...hopefully she'll be the last we see down here. And single soon eh? Look forward to the future sir, as a new (and hopefully better) chapter opens in your life.
  8. Huzzah Mad Jack! That's very good news! I hope Selena makes a good recovery. :) I'm tired, after being worn out by family during a brief, albeit welcome visit to my home. Uneasy, as I have a full day of studies to take on tomorrow. And a mixture of other feelings I haven't felt in a while that I simply MUST shut away.
  9. Aye..I agree wholeheartedly Rummy. I bought a pouch recently that I hang from the sash 'round my waist. Fits all my coins and id, and I even had room for my little camera. The rest of my items ended up hanging from my sash, or if stashable in tight quarters, in my bodice.
  10. I got the chance to don my gear this past Friday at Disney, and hopefully I'll have a free day next month to do so again in Clearwater. Anyhow...here's a lady and a few gents who are of like mind:
  11. Mission..
  12. Okay...here's one: "I told you I would always come for you. Why didn't you wait for me?" "Well...you were dead."
  13. Snoopy can move his little feet pretty fast. I can only try to emulate as best I can. It ends up being a Snoopy Dance/pseudo rain dance combo at times.
  14. That is one sweet bodice Hurricane. It'd look great in black. :)
  15. That's the way I wish I could have my Looney Tunes, Mission. I take 'em as I can though, which these days is slapped between a corny storyline and shown on HBO. One of these days I'll get a dvd set or two, and watch to my heart's content. Your creaky video cassettes brings up another thought, as in the past few years I've been slowly purging myself of cassettes, and finding my coveted movies and shows on dvd. One set I'd been waiting on for a whopping 16 years before it finally showed up on dvd (Dracula: The Series). LMAO - I can see how that acronym, or any of similar sort can be annoying, and agree that a perceived visual can take the edge off the overuse. I typically imagine someone whenever they use even more literal translations in their posts (i.e. *laughs*, *grins*, etc). It adds a more comic take on conversations. I have a "phrase that makes me smile" that just came to mind when mentioning the quest for dvds. The "happy dance". Have you ever used that in conversation? What would you think it looks like? I've done the dance a few times when the occasion called for it (when few folks were around to bear witness). Mine's akin to the Snoopy Dance.
  16. I'm watching Felicity...and getting ready for some serious studying. Grousing over my hair too. It's long and naturally wavy/curly, but I usually tame it straight. I opted for to let my hair go au natural today, and while I thought it was unruly (I looked like I should be strewn across a car in a hair band video), I got quite a few compliments. Meh.
  17. Any of the dvd's (whichever you can get yer hands on) are worth it Mick. One of my favorites is Daffy Duck's Quackbusters. The newer clips of Daffy that are intertwined between the classics aren't as funny (mho), but that has some of the funniest (somewhat spooky themed) Looney Tunes. Question - a few of yah mentioned words you like. Care to mention any you don't care for? One that used to bother me alot is moist. But a little overuse of the word by friends (on purpose and in my presence) has bumped it up to "somewhat annoying".
  18. I'm a bit groggy, as I worked on my studies til nearly midnight last night. I'm grumpy as well, but I'm trying to replace that with hopefulness. Got news that my apt is going condo. Since I don't plan on buying (at this place), I'm planning to move a few blocks down to a nicer apt. *sighs* Moving is not fun. But if it leads to a better future, I'm all for it.
  19. Josh Kelly - Only You
  20. I would hope the female managers in my company would have the characteristics described above, but alas, not many do. I agree, many feel they need to follow suit with the men (especially with competitiveness). My current boss is nice though...smart, funny, and she's the first one to admit she's only human. I'm glad to have a manager who's humble.
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