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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. Ugh. And we just got a freeze warning . . . Cap't Eisley? Permission to board . . .? Permission granted. Though you may want to bring some summer wear. It's a bit warmer today (mid to high 80's...slightly breezy).
  2. Folks, Amazon.com is selling the PoTC book for far less. You can get it now for around $15 plus s/h. At WDW, where they indeed do have the book at the Market Place, as well as the Pirates Bazaar, the book goes for the $22.50 as hurricane noted (less the discount if you have an AP). If yer interested in buying the book, I'd aim for Amazon. If yer wanting to get it signed by the author though, PM me and I can ask. I can't make any promises though.
  3. I'll be heading down on Saturday for a bit, possibly with a modest sized crew. I'll be keeping an eye out for yah.
  4. Sliced pineapple, apples, and some red seedless grapes.
  5. Low 80's during the day with a breeze, and high 60's to low 70's at night and in the morning. :)
  6. I have a few friends (fellow Haunted Mansion fans) that keep telling me to go to DLP. Perhaps a raid across the pond a year or two from now is in order. Hurricane - out of curiosity, do you have a favorite part of the book so far? Whether I pull out this new book, or the HM version, I always seem to be drawn towards the chapters focusing on the historical aspect of the attractions (including updates and "didja knows"). I have a harder time reading through the chapters that dive into the specifics on each park's version of the ride. That's likely due to the "our version is better than yours" comments I hear more often than I'd care to, which is silly.
  7. Ah, but the DL version of IASW does change during the holidays, right? With the refurb hurricane spoke of for WDW, it did spruce up the ride quite a bit, and added a facade (as you walk into the queue) that's akin to DL's IASW, which I was impressed with. It's missing something though...I'd like to see laser guns added. With the day/night rumors for DL's pirates attraction, I've heard about it too from the Disney powers that be, but that would require alot more refurb time than just a few months, in my opinion. I take that information with a grain of salt, but the more recent refurb info leaks a bit more seriously. Not sure how I feel about those updates that'll tie the movie into the attraction more. I'll keep an open mind about it until I'm there to witness it.
  8. I'm not looking forward to 12/25, as I'll be sticking around town, probably packing. I told my family it seems a waste for them to offer up tickets for me to head out west when I'll only be there for a few days (if I had my way, it'd be at least a week). So...I hope everyone else who celebrates the holidays has a good time doing whatever they do. Me...I don't know what I'll be doing, or how I'll feel about it. **Halloween is my favorite holiday...I'm already feeling withdrawal.
  9. I've had this one for a few years now. Reminds me of the Haunted Mansion: Shifted Reality - Blue_Night
  10. Mmm...thank yah so much Cap'n P.E.W..
  11. Capt Grey...I think my jaw just went through the floor. (sorry...fan of Ray Park here) I'm not a fencer or swordfighter myself, but I absolutely cannot pull my eyes from a good match (live, tv, movie). I feel the same draw to martial arts as well.
  12. I'm aimin' to be there, whether by my lonesome or with friends. I'll keep an eye out for yah.
  13. I could really use some potato cheese soup...and corn bread.
  14. I should be trying to get some rest. Someone at work passed along their cold to me, and I'm attempting to fight it off. And yet, here I am, dinking around on the net, tv on (watching the news), and a Toscano magazine on my lap. My cats are the only ones sleeping here.
  15. Awe man! Hurricane I missed meetin' yah again! I chose to head to the signing the day before (at the Magic Kingdom). Bought a few books for a friend and myself and got Jason to sign them. Didn't get to talk to him for long though (had family in for a visit), but I had the honor of interviewing him a few weeks before (TnT Interview). I'm not sure which book I like better though (the PoTC or HM)...they're both great reads. I look forward to Diosa's interview sir. Btw...there's new and interesting news on the upcoming refurbs of DL and WDW's Pirates attractions. MiceAge Nov 8 News
  16. I'm picking SWIII over Batman Begins for this evening. Though I may only get into the extras (there are so many).
  17. Resting a bit so's I can visit with out of towner friends this evening at Epcot.
  18. Grilled chicken with black beans and rice.
  19. PHC is pretty good. I remember Matt Groening poking fun at it during an episode of the Simpsons prior to me taking the time to listen to it. I like it though. It's subdued humor, and has some very good skits (the private investigator bit, called Guy Noir is very well done). I used to listen to NPR in Colorado alot (they weren't so far left that I couldn't stand it), as they had a good mix of shows, news, and music (classical, jazz, new age with Hearts of Space, etc). Within the past year or so, they even split the stations (a very good move), to one with all news, and the other with all music and shows. I catch the latter station on the 'net when I focus on my studies. Indeed, I'm thinking hinkypunk might be a Rowlingism.
  20. Yah know, I have Flash (I have a Macromedia sw package), but haven't had the time to learn it. Nice example of flash...I'd like to make something similar (but a little larger) for my blog.
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