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Cpt Sophia M Eisley

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Everything posted by Cpt Sophia M Eisley

  1. All these injuries sounds so...ouch! I have a few that I endured either from clumsiness, or from trying to avoid more serious injury. Below my left knee, I have a scar from falling and slamming into metal edging in the family front yard when I was ten. On my right kneecap, I have a scar from when I fell out of a bunkbed at the Air Force Academy (I didn't go there...my boyfriend at the time smuggled me in). When I fell out of the bunk, I landed in the "proposal position", and the rough carpeting scraped the first layer of skin clean off. And he had no first aid kit (d'oh!). On my left wrist, I have a scar (complete with stitcch marks) after I banged it on the remnants of a towel bar in my previous shower. I ended up with what doctors call a ganglion cyst (bible cyst - in olden days folks used to try to pop these with bibles, and other large, heavy books) that showed up on the injury site a few weeks later. It grew, I sought medical attention as it was making my hand a bit tingly. I went through various treatments in an attempt to remove it (i.e. popping and a cortisone shot). They finally took it out during surgery (arm numbed up with a "Bier block"), and after that, I had this lovely scar, and limited mobility in my wrist for a few years.
  2. That's one way to describe it Pirate Petee..
  3. I'm right with yah Ciaran. I used to be a Coors fan when I lived in Denver, but my preference now would be Rolling Rock. In reality, I rarely drink beer. I aim for hard cider (Woodpecker or Woodchuck).
  4. Jack certainly paints a good picture. So with your version, would the participants get bruised, banged up and winded?
  5. Back to the costumes - do any of you have outfits that are on your "to do" or "wish" list for the future? I'd like to put a Gryffindor costume together (with a little help from Alivans.com), along with any female costume from SW. The storm trooper outfits look so neat, but I'm sure I'd end up claustrophobic in one.
  6. I don't have any pictures of current costumes I've worn, as I really haven't gotten into costume for a while. A few years back though, I did don this uncomfortable little number on Halloween: This year, I hope to finish up my pirate costume before Halloween so's I can wear it to various functions. Very cool outfits GoF. The 2nd picture looks to be spanning several decades in stylish, yet functional adventure wear.
  7. California rolls. And I'm still hungry.
  8. Ciaran sir...thanks for the link. I'll definately check it out, though I think my mother is out of luck in the case of the back surgery you're hopefully going to get. She's not too bad though, as she was limber enough to float on a tube on a lazy river in Disney! I'm feeling better today. My back's on the mend, and I need to (slowly) ween myself from the meds my doctor gave me. I wish the weather this week wasn't forecast as such a sogfest, but when it rains here, it pours.
  9. Sorry to barge in, but may I just... Woo! Man legs! *ahem* Great costumes folks. If we're going all out with various costumes, I need to dig up my Queen Nefertiri pic. Man was that dress hard to walk in. *grins*
  10. I'm tempted to get a bit of this swag, even after I shelled out some cash (a few days early) on Haunted Mansion DL anniversary merchandise. That auctioneer or the pin set they're touting may have my name on it very soon (argh!).
  11. Oh goodie!! I second yah Mad Jack. There's been enough "weather" down here for the past two years to cover twenty! :)
  12. Ciaran - had your doctor said anything to you in regards to "if you have the other surgery" (to fuse the vertebre), you wouldn't be able to have this new surgery? My curiousity is due to my mother, who had back surgery a little over a year ago. I wonder if surgeons could further repair a person's back if all they needed was disk replacement. Anywho, I'm feeling alright. Back still hurts, but that's nothing a little muscle relaxer can't fix (woo!). I hit the park today (Magic Kingdom - bought some Halloween decore), strolled around before it got crowded, saw Transporter 2 (pretty good, mho), and am now taking a breather. Got a busy weekend ahead, and I think that'll keep memories of last year (hurricane #3) away, though I still think of those who were affected this past week.
  13. I'm grateful that I'm alive and here, even if I'm in pain. They're having it much tougher up there. I've been sending "happy thots" and positive vibes to those affected since the weekend.
  14. Darn...that means Dumbo won't be takin' flight either. I hope folks take shelter as soon as we can tell where Katrina's headed next. She could gain alot of power in the gulf. Weather forecasters are noting she could be a very ugly storm (I hope for the sake of others that they're wrong).
  15. I wonder if he's going to help in the choosing process. I could picture him going for BIG, manly hands with a dash of gnarl.
  16. Heh...some folks in my family used to attempt to push my buttons (I think they were bored)...so I moved far, far away. Now I value the time (however short) I do spend with them, because as they say "absence makes the heart grow fonder", and that usually is the case.
  17. The ride isn't bad, if you know what's going to happen. Enough folks were yakking about the layout of the ride prior to its opening that I figured I could determine how to brace myself during certain parts of it. Well...when I went on it the last time (my 4th go on it), I failed to remember one thing... Lean to the left on the first drop...not the right (lol). I smacked the middle of my back on the side of my seat. I left with what I thought was merely a bruise or a pulled muscle, but the pain has steadily gotten worse. And I think that's the cause for bringing the pleurisy back (typically viruses bring it on, but sometimes injuries to the right places on or near your lungs can do it too). Anywhoo...I hope life's going a bit better for yah Christine, and you too Charity (ouch...yer toe!).
  18. I'm nearly succumbing to pain at the moment. I injured my back on a ride last week (the Mummy at Universal Studios FL), and it conjured up my (rare) reoccuring case of pleurisy (a lovely lung ailment). Hopefully the doctor can help me out tomorrow. For the time being, it's lots of pain killers, honey and lemon infused hot tea, and wheezing.
  19. Zam! Pow! Magic... <drinkage> Thank yah sir! ...and now that it's morning, I feel like a lush.
  20. I think I'll have a raspberry hard cider, if it's available.
  21. I won't have another decent vacation until January. I'm saving up my money for a week and a half in Kiltlan...er Scotland. Now where are my mirrored shoes...
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