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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. Patric me ole son Really? Catricity? Wasn't that in a bond movie? Pussy Galore?
  2. (cups one hand and places it behinds me ear) WHAT?
  3. Looking over the ships downed rail. Ah Tempest I see you are up and about in early fashion this day! How's the water?
  4. (yawning and with a masterful stretch and a widening stance to compensate me own weary muscles) I sees the light of day announcing work and plenty of it. I made haste into the galley for a cup of joe. Goodmorning Christine might I beg your pardens for a piece or two of fried pork strip and a scone?
  5. me morning thoughts: I having slept in the crows nest really miss me first ships duties, when I first hired on me first ship I was a lookout, I do love the sea so. (anchored off the sand bar waitin for the highest tide to swing 'er around and lie her down) I am reminded that even though we want to do something now we simple mortals always having propers perspectives realize our efforts are in strict accordances by the will of God. Well indirectly anyway as it is his master plan the seas, skies, stars, the moon and the tides as well. It is the sabbath. I believe I'll drynk to that i will! Gods ale is such a blessing.
  6. (William walks over to the chair and laying his coat and shirt aside, he rest himself in the chair.) I believe my neck and shoulder is the cause of the trouble, but mostly it is the neck. All of the pain and discomfort has settled in the larboard side making it difficult to turn me head to starboard. If it doesn't resolve itself soon I shall drift to the left. (cupping me hands so as to let the infirmary hear) I hears ye jes what we need is a captain that sails in circles eh? ( laughing hysterically)
  7. Of course, Monsigner. I should have everyone aboard learn the swivel guns in time, for the purpose of subplanting any fallen gunner. I will see as many of this crew instructed as I may and in turn, I shall expect you to train another until the knowledge is passed throughout the entire company. Now, if you will all excuse me for a moment, the good Doctor wishes to remedy my discomfort. Aye Aye good Sir. I too think we needs to pick up a few long bows fer the crows nests to be with at all times what say? I might not have mentioned a few items of weaponry i di smuggle on board I have these two short swords and these four boot knives as well I should like to turn into storage. Is there a seaman ye might have talked to abouts the maste-at-arms position to be announced
  8. Ah, the human car-wash, yes... "Good" can be SUCH a subjective term... Oh, I could very easily deny that it's true, but then Diego would yell at me again. But thanks for the thought. PiratePhil me ole son! sometimes a simple smack in the chops is heard more so than the reasoning of mere mortals. We are just that and nay to be ever with any other than that as a duty to humanity we should live our lives through our heart and give as all is there to our task. I give you my love and my admirations my friend nay not think that you have left no legacy for humanity. You have touched us all with your brain and your heart. God be with you always and grammercy!
  9. Sir william would ye mind ifin I too were too jes in the case of need be arise? Should maybe a few of us see the ins and outs of the swivel guns advantages as well?
  10. Aye Aye Sir William or should I be so bold so as to honor ye with (what might be construed as a premature to many) Aye Aye Captain! Good to be aboard!
  11. Nicholas Johnson "Cut-throat" Johnson Ye be a welcome hand aboard what now be yer ship as well. We are all even here(on board) equal rights equal shares and equal work. I saw you in the pub and thought to meself that is a seaman and will make one of the noastiest boarders ever. (i thought) now how is it that I can make interest of opportunity worth his expensive tastes work for the ship? Seems it did work and I thank ye for your alligience to the "Watch Dogs" cause. Welcome aboard and God bless yer efforts and integrity. Quartermaster lats get this ships hull claened what say? Good morning Tempest how fair thee? Sir William the vote is close to yer favor and needs no further addressing for the crew is appearantly with common goals. A glourious day it be! Huzzah!
  12. God I love you guys! Have a great weeksend and be with brains and luck in all your endeavors. Next week begins the new chapter of the Watch Dog
  13. I does hope the restaurant is open as well! (on a small note) there is this cool vendor there that I have never seen at any other faire anywhere it's the "get it off yer back" booth and the lady there sells you plates (Pirate phil you'd love this) you buy them and throw them as hard as you can into a brick wall..... It is so cool! I hope she is there!
  14. Aye! like money in the bank man is. for once withdrawl is made interest is lost ooops wrong thread God bless this ship, it's crew and the likes of all you! + ><> ><> ><> ><> ><> * <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
  15. You know yer really lucky yer daughter is as good looking as she is seein now as to how ugly ye be ! Jes kiddin! Right nice pics of the two of ye, right nice indeed!
  16. Congratulations of the most admirable of jealousy's. It is me own wish to be published in bound book. I can't wait fer the audio books release. Well done! (jes like me burgers) Well done indeed.
  17. Rougue mermaid lass that's got ta be right, take it away!
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