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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. No, no, Jack... That's when you have the ship's wheel on your pants...
  2. Awww... Actually, I live IN the ocean... ...in a pineapple... SpongePhil Squarepants!
  3. DAMN, boy! I KNEW I liked you!
  4. falls down stairs (still not awake...)
  5. Whoa...another Natural...*batting his eyes at Dusi...*
  6. *yaaaawn..scratch, scratch...slurp. slurp* ...morning, everyone... "for girls and boys"
  7. I think it's for people like this that the expression "Here's yer sign!" was invented... I like when I'm in a public park doing t'ai chi...I'm dressed in a black t'ai chi outfit (the kind with the frog buttons and white collar)...I'm wearing black Chinese slippers...usually I'll have some students with me...we're all moving as slow as syrup in December... Someone ALWAYS comes up and says, "Is that karate?" "No, it's t'ai chi" "Oh...is that a martial art?" "Yes, it is" "How can you win a fight if you're moving that slow?" ...here's yer sign...
  8. Your Seduction Style: The Natural You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. Hmph...interesting...
  9. Buttons That Say "I Love You"...NOT!!! ...probably shouldn't wear these on your date...
  10. Congrats, luv! It better be a BIG bonus... :)
  11. Ronald "Psycho" McDonald
  12. Over 785,947,785 Served...
  13. Lots of pix...holiday pix..wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more... Still....arrrrrgh....aye?....arrrrghhhh!!!
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