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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Never oiled a snake...yet...
  2. Paper Off! Oh...thought we were playing Rock, Paper, Sc...forget it...
  3. Well, you know me, Matt - always spoiling the party...
  4. Thank you, m'lady - that's what I thought, when I saw a few of their different clips listed. Funny stuff!
  5. Well, I'm glad you're not offended. Gratuitous? No...it serves a purpose... ...one which, it seems, you either have no need of, or are unaware of. Either way, I was under the impression that this was the Pyracy Pub...I don't believe pyrates were known for their god-fearing attitudes, no matter what the "experts" among us proclaim. Thank you, Doctor. Where should I send my analysis fee? Posting the link to that video was wonderful - I really appreciate that. But if you want to pshrink me, let's start a new thread, hokey-dokey?
  6. I was patiently waiting for you to ask... If you were to take the total amount of time I spend here and compare it to the total time I spend on my work, the percentages are nowhere close to what the keyword search analysis showed. And..."written online porn"? You ain't seen nothin' yet...this isn't even softcore. If you're offended by what I write, I'll just tell you what I tell everyone else - don't read it. . It isn't as if I'm posting nudie pix of myself here, either - I think the surfers, illiterate for the most part, aren't as concerned with porn writing as they are porn images...
  7. By the way, Duchess - did you see all the variations on YouTube with that song? Puppets, cartoons, stage plays...do you know if Avenue Q is the originator of that song, or was it someone else?
  8. True...very true. Lack of focus? Whoa... No wonder I still want to live on that mountain... Just thinking out loud here, but...could all this be because your average user of the Net is in their teens / twenty-somethings? Or, are the elders in the nursing homes sneaking into the nurse's station late at night and surfing to www.bodiliciousbabes.com, too?
  9. That is...extremely scary... Don't get me wrong - I LIKE sex and money - at least, I think I did, back in the day... ...but still...
  10. OMG, that was hilarious! Thank you!
  11. I've been working on optimizing my website for the search engines, and as part of that I'm subscribed to a keyword analysis service. These are the top ten keyword searches performed for today so far... 1 porn 6476 2 pu**y 4598 3 myspace 4435 4 sex 4228 5 google 3766 6 boobs 3481 7 ebay 3463 8 yahoo 3349 9 myspace.com 3038 10 hentai 2930 Now, the Net's a wonderful invention - it holds the possibilities of bringing us all up out of the mire of our bleak existence. The Net is the repository for the greatest thoughts in history, for stimulating discussions (like at Pyracy Pub ), beautiful works of art that you can sit back and admire while you sip your coffee... ...so WHY are 50% of the searches concerned with sex? Are we THAT desparate? Are we that horny? And the other 50% are concerned with mega-corporations that cater to the lowest common denominator. (Apologies to any who used these terms today - I used MySpace today, too!) Are we that shallow? Can't we put in some more precise search terms, or is it, as I suspect, yet another case of the horde of lemmings rushing to the edge? Comments?
  12. Playing with my latest toy I bought myself - Internet radio. It's so cool - hundreds of channels, commercial free - kind of a poor man's satellite radio. What's nice is, I can use the "ambient" stations during my classes, then when everyone goes home, I flip to the hard rock channels for a while, then maybe to jazz - all from the 'puter. Ain't technology great?
  13. I know - I have more singers spinning than a Chinese acrobat has plates.
  14. Of a sort... I teach tai chi and qigong - the principles, forms, and applications - and meditation, pa kua and hsing-i (two other forms of Taoist "internal" martial arts). I also am getting an increasing number of Taoist philosophical counseling sessions (kind of like life-coaching, but with a Taoist slant). I'm also an OMD (Doctor of Oriental Medicine) and do acupuncture, acupressure, massage, prescribe Chinese herbs, and energy work. I've authored several books and numerous articles in my field and just started selling my latest effort, what I call a "semiautobiographical novelette", "The Laughing Taoist". Also starting to work on an online training module for Taoist arts which I hope to implement on my site within the next 6 months or so. I used to be God-Mod for a start-up martial arts discussion forum, but I left when my other obligations just took too much time. (They're at about 2,000 members now, so hopefully I got them off to a good start). ...all this, and the mind of a genius and the body of a Greek god!
  15. I always thought you'd end up getting my goat...
  16. ..... ..... .....ok.
  17. I grant that edged weapons have a certain artistry... ...but so much more Zen-like to create havoc without death... ...and as The Riddler (as played by Jim Carrey) said, "If you kill 'em, they won't learn nuthin'"...
  18. Whatcha' gonna do?
  19. I'm sad you were bummed yesterday. But I'm glad you're getting some sleep. Here's a poem for you... Psycho kitties at my feet Screaming for their piece of meat Feed them tuna from the can Wolf it down - now I'm their man Claws in my belly as paws do flex I'm glad they belong to my -ex.
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