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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Onward...to Infinity!!!
  2. Well, you know what they say... "Eggs of a feather flock tog... ...awww, fergit it!
  3. "Too much ain't enough" ...slogan outside Lone Star Cafe in NYC
  4. UHAUL - U Hate All Us Lackeys
  5. ...you remembered...
  6. Yes, Jack...a slight sense of it...
  7. So we're still tied, 1-1...
  8. I always thought SpongeBob was world-wide, but I could be wrong... ...that happened once... ...in 1972...the 12th...at 2:34pm...
  9. Glad you like 'em, folks.
  10. LOL!!! Pistol - ever consider a career as a stand-up comedian? You've certainly got enough material...and they say the best jokes are based on real life... There's a discussion going on at another board I'm on about "this generation"...some folks think that each generation gets worse and worse - less polite, less respectful, less intelligent... I said that the older generations ALWAYS like to bitch! Remember too - I'd think most of these clerks don't WANT to be there, but HAVE to be - aren't WE bitchy at our work once in a while? Of course, that doesn't explain the failure at arithmetic...I like the "$5.03" story - I do the same thing whenever I can - just to make people's day a little more surreal...
  11. LOL! Remember MAD's "Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions"?
  12. Sorry, luv...hugs.
  13. Christine wanted me to tell you guys that she's being carried around town on the shoulders of her co-workers, that she's being treated to a seven-course dinner, and that a parade will be held in Escondido complete with ticker tape and clowns. Oh, and she got a $5 gift certificate to Pup-N-Taco...
  14. Ah, yes... The entire Paladin Press catalog of fun things to do! :angry: I always liked the "let him see you all around town in several places for only a moment" routine...they soil their knickers every time... The best one was, I admit, a bit Hollywood - left a wrapped-up fish on the sofa in his living room.
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