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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Ahh...one of my top faves... ...Sting... Are You Male Or Female? : Pirate's Bride Describe Yourself: Rock Steady, The Mighty, The Lazarus Heart How Do Some People Feel About You? : Be Still My Beating Heart, Don't Stand So Close To Me How Do You Feel About Yourself? : I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying, Fragile, King of Pain Describe Where You Want To Be: Inside, Fields of Gold Describe What You Want To Be: Saint Augustine in Hell Describe How You Live: Consider Me Gone Describe How You Love: All Four Seasons, Fill Her Up, Love is Stronger Than Justice, Perfect Love Gone Wrong Share A Few Words Of Wisdom: When The World is Running Down, You Make The Best of What's Still Around
  2. ...but...but... It's big...we had to take the doors off their hinges when I moved in here so it would fit... ...and it took three strong guys to lift it! Now I just play it constantly...
  3. WHO you talkin' to, fool? Don't be cryin' ta ME - look how I got cast!!!
  4. Hey...at least She Still Comes Around To Love What's Left Of Me... Matt- wait'll I tell you about my organ...
  5. Whatchoo sayin', woman??? Tha's right - I PITY da fool! I gonna smash 'em, and crush 'em, and choke 'em wi' my bling!!!
  6. I'm on a roll - look out... Billy Joel... Are You Male Or Female? : An Innocent Man Describe Yourself: Angry Young Man, Big Man on Mulberry Street, I Go to Extremes How Do Some People Feel About You? : The Stranger How Do You Feel About Yourself? : New York State of Mind Describe Where You Want To Be: Allentown, Close to the Borderline, 52nd Street Describe What You Want To Be: Captain Jack LOL! Describe How You Live: Keeping the Faith, Last of the Big Time Spenders, Running on Ice Describe How You Love: A Minor Variation, Get It Right the First Time, Getting Closer, Sometimes A Fantasy Share A Few Words Of Wisdom: Leave a Tender Moment Alone, You're Only Human, Everybody Has A Dream
  7. Dang, I was gonna do Pink Floyd next... Hm... Elton John...(Album titles only - making it harder for myself LOL)) Are You Male Or Female? : A Single Man Describe Yourself: Victim of Love How Do Some People Feel About You? : Madman Across the Water How Do You Feel About Yourself? : The Fox Describe Where You Want To Be: Too Low for Zero Describe What You Want To Be: Here and There Describe How You Live: Ice on Fire Describe How You Love: Breaking Hearts Share A Few Words Of Wisdom: Don't Shoot Me, I'm Only the Piano Player
  8. Hey! - don't bogart it...
  9. Awww, shucks... YAY!!!! We've got a MISSION!!!! Now, let's see...blades, bullets, bombs, battle axes... (A gaily-painted van screeches up to Siren's house, and to the accompaniment of the theme song from "The A-Team", several well-armed pyrates spill out the doors...) ...starring... Mad Matt....as "Face" Peck Callenish Gunner....as "Howlin' Mad" Murdock Hitman....as "Hannibal" Smith ....and Pyrate Phil...as "B.A." Baracus
  10. Well, you know us guys, dear... We're "problem-solvers"...but not real good at just "shoulder-lending"...
  11. LOL - excellent!
  12. Pick a band and use their song titles to describe yourself. For example... Jethro Tull... Are you female or male: Fat Man Describe yourself: Gold-Tipped Boots, Black Jacket and Tie How do some people feel about you: Like A Tall Thin Girl How do you feel about yourself: Man of Principle Describe where you want to be: Lap of Luxury Describe what you want to be: I Don't Want To Be Me Describe how you live: Minstrel in the Gallery Describe how you love: Back-Door Angels Share a few words of wisdom: Nothing Is Easy, Protect and Survive, Roll Yer Own
  13. HERE?!? You want someone to work in THIS joint?
  14. Always be wary of 'Net sources...consider the author and their credentials.
  15. Can you cite med references that this is indeed so, or is this just personal opinion? LOL - okay, you get a point there...
  16. Not to differ with my distinguished collegue Gunner...Hell, OK, yeah, I guess I will differ on something...I'm going into Dutch Uncle mode now, or Sifu Mode, or whatever you want to call it, Siren...this is from experience, so know it's coming from a sense of concern, not just orneriness. Give a LOT of thought to implementing restraining orders, or PFA's ("Protection from Abuse"). These legal measures are just that - legal. They have NO tactical, and very little strategic, uses. Look at it this way. It's a piece of court-generated paper. A piece of paper that is rarely worth the time involved in filing it. It often as not does nothing but anger and frustrate your stalker. Now, if that's part of your strategic plan, fine. If not, I'd advise caution. Police usually respond very slowly to PFA violation problems, or, to be fair, they put that sort of call in que with every other call. No special consideration. You'll see them just as quickly (or slowly) as if you'd just called 9-1-1. The paper itself isn't thick enough to protect you, nor does your stalker probably worry much about it, since PFA violations bring laughable penalties. In order to shock you into at least considering the alternatives, there have been so many documented cases of a PFA subject becoming angered when they found out about the filing of the PFA; they went to their subject and expressed that anger, often physically. So the first drawback - it can goad and instigate... It protects you the same way an offical police report does - legally only. It won't stand next to you at night, defend you, or make sure the doors are locked. It's value lies solely in after-the-fact affairs - usually too little, too late. Again, a recorded case of PFA uselessness - a woman was found with the PFA order stuck to her chest with a Bowie knife. Not to gross you out - but maybe just shock you into having your eyes fully open if you decide to go this route. Even police, if cornered, will admit that it's useless except to the lawyers. I know - I've cornered them as part of my research. This is the same type of advice I give my self-defense seminar students, and it's been borne out by former and subsequent court cases. Yes, there's always a slim chance your stalker will be influenced to stay away because of this order...but there's a better chance, according to statistics, that he won't. Just something to think about...Callenish, bro - sorry to disagree...
  17. is falling down (sorry - having a tough time sticking to one word - I'm in "Verbose Mode"...)
  18. Ah, the Internet...bringing humans together...ya' gotta' love it...
  19. Like the pyrates ignorant of the Code, I'm pretty lame, I'm pretty lame; Like a 'puter nerd in his full geek-mode, I 'm pretty lame, I'm pretty lame; And I'm making merry like I always did “No misgivings!” I scream, like Captain Kidd Buyin' me stuff on eBay, buyin' me stuff on eBay, Counting my threads so life won't pass me by. Runnin' 'round kissin' every wench I spy, I don't belong, I don't belong Like ol' Pyratephil, he's a baby cryin', I won't last long, I won't last long I'm a Fantasy Fairie and I say it proud; If I've nothing to say, I'll say it loud. Buyin' me stuff on eBay, buyin' me stuff on eBay, Counting my threads so life won't pass me by. (Lead Break) And I'm gonna go there free... Like the fool I am and I'll always be, I'm paid per diem, I'm paid per diem They can pull the blinds but they can't snub me, I got a dream, I got a dream; Oh, I know I could share it if you'd want me to; So if you go my way, I'll go with you. Buyin' me stuff on eBay, buyin' me stuff on eBay, Counting my threads so life won't pass me by.
  20. No, lad, ye have it arse-backwards... Only REAL men could DARE ta wear tights! Those men who are..um...lacking...you know, like historical character development guys - they could never fill the tights out, in the stern OR the bow. Besides, you could wear the Officially-Licensed Mad Matt the Mauler outfit - the black polyester pants and vest set off that red rayon shirt SO well, no one in the audience will ever know you're not a real pirate! *just dripping a little sarcasm, folks - don't mind me*
  21. I'm going to work right now - later, folks
  22. DING DING DING Ladies and Gentlemen... Tonight's main attraction...tag-team action... Mad Matt the Mauler and Psycho PyratePhil... versus... The Unknown Stalker (BOOOO HISSSSSS)...
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