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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. I look pretty good in tights, Matt - how about you?
  2. Lasagne (ask Siren) / unbelievers
  3. That's what friends - and Pyrates - are for...
  4. Yeah, me too - but facts is facts... Maybe sic the Colonel after him...
  5. Yeah, but if he's hardcore, threats don't work unless you can back them up...
  6. Don't forget the cat's in the basement, Pete...
  7. Never ran into THAT Zen riddle before! Damn, now I spit coffee on the monitor again...
  8. could always just create a new account
  9. How come? You have a strange discharge? Yes...but it's an honorable discharge...
  10. I forget - can't you sign in invisibly on MSN? I know you can on Yahoo...
  11. I DO miss my FrontPage, tho, even though the code it made always needed to be cleaned up.
  12. Well, you know one sure solution - stay off IM's... ...I know, I know...get my head examined...
  13. Sorry, Matt - I don't think ANY piece of software is worth $250, let alone one I would use only for playing with a website that accounts for about 3 students a year... I'd rather get the new Age of Empires III!
  14. Thanks, luv...I should have elaborated - by "fixed up" I mean - rebuilt - as in, "I trashed the whole thing in a fit of disgust a few weeks ago and now I have to start over" I'm ok on the creating and designing end - it's just all the little details - YOU know - buttons, links, checking in different browsers, CSS, HTML, getting codes to do what you want them to... And at the same time I'm toying with the idea of starting a poetry/parody site, so my brain is jumping all over right now...
  15. I load them onto my own host and link from there.
  16. trying to get my $*@& website fixed up
  17. ...Anticipa-a-tion...
  18. ol' White 'Stache
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