Well, I see my role as a teacher demanding that I put forth an out-reach program. Education of the unknowing is, good or bad, the beast that must be slain in order for my business to go forward. People won't be interested in what I do if they don't know what it is...
Oh, I know, I know...LOL...
I had middle-aged lady come to one of my lectures on Taoist arts one time... she sat quietly through the whole half-day session, and at the end, waited for everyone else to leave.
She came up to me as I was putting away my notes and she said, "Dr. Bonifonte, that was a wonderful lecture, but when do we do the aerobics?"
I stood there, stunned, my brain slipping like bald tires in a Pennsylvania snowstorm. I finally got out, "HUH???"
She replied, "You know - like Billy Blanks does..."
She sat there 4 hours thinking I was talking about Tae Bo...
I guess that explained some of the strange looks she was giving me all morning...
Just be happy that it happens - don't ask why...