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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. I'm an iron man...
  2. Btw, if possible, I would've picked "high on a mountain overlooking the ocean, lake or river." Yeah! Uhn, uhn, uhn, uhn... Yo, tha's right - we be TAO-ists, sucka'! Not a bad idea - one of my students mentioned that she had a hard time deciding between the two, since she'd read that Taoists were always near mountains, but were symbolized by water. I guess I'll re-do that question - too ambiguous. Thanks, John. YO! Reppin' "84"!!!
  3. Well, I see my role as a teacher demanding that I put forth an out-reach program. Education of the unknowing is, good or bad, the beast that must be slain in order for my business to go forward. People won't be interested in what I do if they don't know what it is... Oh, I know, I know...LOL... I had middle-aged lady come to one of my lectures on Taoist arts one time... she sat quietly through the whole half-day session, and at the end, waited for everyone else to leave. She came up to me as I was putting away my notes and she said, "Dr. Bonifonte, that was a wonderful lecture, but when do we do the aerobics?" I stood there, stunned, my brain slipping like bald tires in a Pennsylvania snowstorm. I finally got out, "HUH???" She replied, "You know - like Billy Blanks does..." She sat there 4 hours thinking I was talking about Tae Bo... I guess that explained some of the strange looks she was giving me all morning... Just be happy that it happens - don't ask why...
  4. Catwoman's a super girl!
  5. ...make that several cats and one woman...
  6. with several cats for company
  7. Reminds me of the old commercial for seat belts - the person says "I never wear them - seatbelts are too confining"...then of course, they show them all magled up in an accident. Great PR program... Labels, eh? Yeah, the same thought ran through my head...but how can you enlighten the world of the un-knowing if you don't speak their language? "Taoism for Non-Taoists" "Taoism for Non-Taoists" Copyright 2006 Sifu Dr. Philip Bonifonte - Chinese Health Institute - SifuPhil.com - All Rights Reserved - ISBN Pending This work may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or hereafter invented, without written permission of the author. ...just covering my butt for future income possibilities...
  8. I was a bit taken aback when I saw that too, Merry. I don't know about this site, but I think that unless we specifically add copyright to whatever we write here, anyone can waltz in and use it...even though as soon as you write something, it's considered your copyright, you really can't do anything about it unless you've actually made a written request to the Feds involved. I would think that supercedes any copyright this site itself has - that's probably just for design/coding issues... It just would have been nice to have received some type of acknowledgement...even a "thanks, guys"...
  9. Yeah, dem New Yawka's - ohways gotta be diff'rent! I think you're right about most of the rest of the country - there seems to be a conspiracy to settle on 7-digits...
  10. *in Yoda voice yet again* "...Give up, I do!"
  11. *in a slightly louder Yoda voice* "EXPECTATIONS - you have NOT!!!!!" *softer* "But job good, you did!" Thanks - it's the first one I've ever done.
  12. *in a Yoda voice* "Expectations - you have NOT!"
  13. ...perhaps you should... :)
  14. Hey. HEY!!!!! NO talk of marriage in the Temple, please.
  15. Not work - play...
  16. Personalized or DMV issue? New York allows 8 for vanity plates. I know that Rhode Island is only 5 spaces for DMV issues; 6 in New Mexico.
  17. Eh... Take each day as it is...don't look back, don't look too far forward. ...worked for me...
  18. Just created this little quiz - thought some folks might get a kick out of it... "How Tao Art Thou?"
  19. well, it's been around 5 years for me... ...I'm used to it.
  20. That's what you get with Cracker Jacks (still remember that dumb song)
  21. yeah - where can I get some of those drugs?
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