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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. But remember - we MADE him that way... *sigh* ...one little mistake, and these jokers never let it go... Food for Thought: what if they re-designed Boy Scout uniforms in the style of Batman?
  2. Ah, the Eternal Struggle - not between Good and Evil, but - who's cooler, Batty or Supes? I always fall back on the line that Supes was born with his powers, already had the suit, didn't have to do squat except discover his powers at an early age and then use them. Bats? He had it rough, man. Watched his parents shot down - had to train nonstop to get into fighting shape - had to come up with all his own gadgets. Plus, of course - the deciding factor - the outfits. I mean, c'mon - red and blue with a big-ass "S"? Riiight... Basic black is SO much more fashionable, and it doesn't clash with your arch-nemesis' outfit.
  3. Cant imagine why...
  4. Continuing my 72-hour-straight-through quest to transfer to a new host (pretty much accomplished) and install a lot of new scripts and programs (pretty much accomplished pulling out whatever hair I have left). The Marquis de Sade had NOTHING on the people who invented MySQL/PhP, CGI, Perl, and all those other wonders of modern life...
  5. ....yep - or a hawk... For many years, I had an agreement with my ex- that when I die, I'd be cremated and my ashes scattered from the very top of a place called Hawk Mountain...all the hawks gather there and ride the thermals... ...guess I'll just rot in the corner of my room now...
  6. Cool times at Superhero High!
  7. Not to be a smartass know-it-all, but... ...well, yeah, ok, I WILL be a smartass know-it-all - why not? It's fun! I know Artie-baby won't be TOO PO'd at me... If the earth is rotating West to East, and the Statue of Liberty is facing East, isn't she facing the way the earth rotates? That's why she wears that crown - to keep her hair in place when the rotational winds blow...
  8. That's what y'all get for not joining the Dark Empire...
  9. It was 42 degrees this morning in Wilkes-Barre, with snow predicted in the Northern Tier. ...oh, sorry - old newspaper...*crumple, crumple*
  10. ...heh, heh...*cough, cough, drool*...be my friend? *hack*...
  11. Whipple Whipple good! Da-da-da-da-da Daaa, daaa... You must Whipple... Oh, well - sounded good in my head...
  12. Long John Silver's
  13. Eh - still - theft of intellectual property is theft - no ifs, ands, or buts. What are they - pyrates?
  14. the quarterback (ok, so I used to play)
  15. Just finished teaching a 3-hour class, so I'm just going to sit back and surf for a while
  16. "Pyracy Pub" = "Yuppy crab" LOL!
  17. Holy Halibut, Batman! What arch-fiend could THAT be???
  18. Ah, but then the only ones that would survive would be the ones that aren't stupid. ...or am I just being stupid?
  19. Did you know... ...that an anagram for "Ahoy Pirate" is "A Hairy Poet"? I didn't, until I played with this Anagram Generator
  20. I love it, Merry!
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