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Everything posted by PyratePhil

  1. Four Scrambled Yeggs
  2. LOL! It holds doors open, too...
  3. Wow - I paid $150 for ONE book, years ago... ...don't recall reading it, tho...
  4. Eh - it's not the fall that hurts ya'...
  5. I feel... all alone...
  6. Congrats! So, you just need another $5,000 or so...
  7. PIE-R8 PIE-RET PIE-RAT (my favorite, since I did a schtick with this at faire) 1ANEAR (buck an ear) CAPTJACK BLUBRD (might get confused with "blue bird", tho) REDBRD (same confusion) PYERIT PYE-RIT PYE-RAT PYE-R8 YOHOHO AVAST AHOY RENRAT RENNRAT That's all that comes to me right now - check the state MVD law about how many letters you can have - I think some states are different - in PA, it's 7. (I couldn't get SIFUPHIL - had to settle for DOCSIFU )
  8. "Who luvs ya', sweetheart?" "Crockaaaaaaa!" (his way of saying "Crocker" ) I liked Telly - wish he was still around...
  9. Huzzah, m'lady!!! Say HI to th' Queen for me....
  10. Well, not to brag, but my REAL area of expertise can't be shared on a forum...
  11. ...not as much as I used to...
  12. Here's a list of all possible professions the program offers... (Yes, I cheated - I looked at the javascript)... "digger, undertaker"; "philosopher and thinker"; "designer, engineer or craftsman"; "chemist, alchemist or poison manufacturer"; "seaman, cook or carpenter"; "jeweler or watch-maker"; "medic, surgeon or herbalist"; "shepherd, horseman or forester"; "leader, major or captain"; "librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics"; "entertainer, musician, poet or temple-dancer"; "seaman, dealer, businessman or broker"; "monk (nun), bee-keeper or lone gunman"; "writer, dramatist or organiser of rituals"; "builder of roads, bridges and docks"; "map maker, astrologer, astronomer"; "handicraftsman or mechanic"; "warrior, hunter, fisherman or executor of sacrifices"; "artist, magician or fortune teller"; "sailor or shoemaker"; "builder of houses, temples and cathedrals"; "trainer or holder of fine animals, such as birds."; "preacher, publisher or writer of ancient inscriptions"; "farmer, weaver or tailor"; "dramatist, director, musician or bard"; "banker, usurer, moneylender or judge"; "teacher, mathematician or geologist"; "dancer, singer or actor"; The program has a definite mathematical method of determining your outcome...it lists over 100 countries...some random generation...and a little calculation about your birthdate...
  13. Indiiiiiiieeeeee!!!
  14. Macbeth - Act 4, Scene 1 Sorry - I'm a classicist... "Pig pimples"
  15. Filet of fennysnake, in the cauldron boil and bake
  16. Magenta ...oops. wrong thread... MGM
  17. Yer givin' it all up, lad?!? I be hopin' ye got a backup plan, or a exit strategy, or whatever th' hell they calls it these days... No hard feelin's when ya leave there, I be hopin'...
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