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Everything posted by PyratePhil
I can't imagine. There must be something you could come up with...
That is, without a doubt, the biggest pyrate I have ever seen. I hope you at least bought him a drink... Great pic, luv - hope you have even more fun!
John Crow
Heh, heh... We fanatics have to stick together...I was lucky enough to have a spare room... You can imagine what I did for decorating...
I thought Alfred did that for him...
You! Just for that, I WILL post Part 2...
What? What'd I do now???
LOL - I was going to say that instead... Hoover (attachments? marriage? sucks? )
Didn't even know they HAD those, but I'm not surprised. Before it all got ripped off, I had quite a collection of Bat-orabilia - but never a credit card. LOL
Thank ye, m'lady.
I think if they set it up like deer season, it would bring in a LOT of revenue for the state, AND clean up the gene pool at the same time...
dinner - Cheez-It Snack Mix
Jon Mark - The Deepwood - from A Celtic Story
I guess either I'm getting old, or I missed the indoctrination lecture on how to be a putz... But you're right - there ARE little rays of "happy light" around, but mostly clouds of ignorance. *sigh* I want to be reborn as an animal waaaaay up on a mountain somewhere...
How To Be The Life Of The Forum - Part 1 - Keywords for Your Title - Have you typed away for hour upon hour on your forum, but everyone ignores you? Have you strained to come up with a brilliant new thread, only to be beat out by the dweebs that post Scripture on a daily basis? Are you dreaming of being a Moderator, because at least then people will listen to you once in a while? You aren't alone, friend. This is an affliction that strikes millions on the Internet every year. We're trying to find a cure, but there's still so much darkness before we can see the light of dawn. Our researchers are working 24/7 to combat the ever-rising tide of PI - Postus Interruptus - the horrible disease that keeps you from creating a popular thread. What can YOU do to help yourself? First, get a semi-annual PI checkup at your local ISP (Internet Service Provider). There, trained technicians will monitor your posts LIVE, and offer constructive and possibly life-saving advice. But what can you do in the "between-times"? That's the purpose of this article - to show you how, with very little effort, you too can create an interesting post, one that will result in thousands of "Views" and hundreds of "Replies"... First, let's see to the basics. Certain words in the title of your post are guaranteed to bring in the viewers. This isn't general knowledge, so we hope you can keep a secret! What are the buzz words to use? Anything having to do with a favorite beverage or food will certainly bring in the numbers - on a Pyrate board such as this, adding the word "RUM" to your post title is sure to be worth quite a few extra visitors, even if the content of your post is about hot-air ballooning. Hey, you got a hit, doesn't matter! Pornography appeals to many people, whether they'll admit it or not, so the inclusion in your title of words such as "WEE-WEE" or "BREASTS" will always bring out, at the very least, the teen vote. (NOTE: Check with your Mod/Admin - using these words in your post title may violate some silly rule or another on your board). If you really like someone on the board, perhaps you could try the old technique of putting all the salient details of your torrid affair in your post. Add the words "AFFAIR", "AFFAIRE", "ENTANGLEMENT", or "I KNOW THIS IS SO WRONG, BUT..." to your title. People, even those jaded by thousands of inane posts, are quick to read the naughty bits of your mis-spent life. Just make sure to clear it with your S/O first - this is no place for "OOPS!"... Let's see, what else - oh, yes - PUPPIES AND KITTIES - awwww, them's soooo KUTE! Be there a being so cold, that is not melted to a gooey pile of yuck at the mention of your pet's antics? Include plenty of funny titles about your best furry friend, and you'll be at the top of the "10 Top Posters" list in no time. That about wraps it up for Part 1. Watch for Part 2 - "Witty Replies and Flame Wars" - coming soon! Thank you for your time, we hope these quick tips will help you live a normal life online, and remember - PI doesn't kill posts- apathetic lurkers do! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOW AVAILABLE: On-Line study course: "Post Like A Pro" This companion course to our PostPro VI posting software is just what the doctor odered for increasing your on-line presence! Learn the ins and outs of PPP (Proper Posting Protocol); learn why "DUDEZZZZ!" is NOT the best title for your post; discover how John Schmegmeir, an unknown from Bumfling, OH, became the #1 POSTER on his forum in only 2 WEEKS!!! Only $39.95 - an exclusive offer, available for a limited time only PayPal / WorldBank / E-Check accepted.
...cruises eBay... _____________________________________________________________ Batman 1989 rare stuff Keaton Nicholson 0 $300.00 3d 2h 02m Standee - Magazines - Merlinsticker Box Buy It Now $325.00 This seller accepts PayPal - ____________________________________________________________ Batman Begins Cowl and Cape Custom Costume Prop 14 $290.00 3d 15h 20m This seller accepts PayPal ______________________________________________________________ "No bids? NO BIDS??? THAT'S RARE STUFF!!! 17 YEARS OLD!!! " *calls Alfred as he starts clicking the mouse* "Get the BatCard, Alfred - I'm going shopping..."
When Batman Is Bored... *Alone the great crime-fighter sits in the Batcave, everything quiet except for the occasional squeek of a low-flying bat. This recent trend of dropping crime rates in Gotham has just been the final straw... He brightens for a moment, then reaches for the Batphone...* *Dials 1-800-BIG-JOKE...* "Hey...it's me...yeah...I didn't get you at a bad time, did I? You sure? OK... Listen...the reason I'm calling is- what? Yeah, yeah, he's ok, he's fine...NO, I SAID he's FINE... LOOK! Leave Robin OUT of this for once, would you, please? I mean, I KNOW you have a thing for killing off all my Robins, but... What? .....ok, sure, yes, I accept your apology. Now, can you let me finish? Anyway, this whole "drop in crime" thing has me - I don't know - kinda' depressed, and I figured YOU might know what to say... Well, yeah...but it's like, what's the point, ya know? All this technology, all the training, the rep I have, and big zip to use it all on... Well, because you're an insane clown, that's why...yes...yes...yes, I KNOW I'm responsible for that! Geez, would you let it go already? OK...I'm sorry too...look, I'm really bitchy since Catwoman left town. Just don't take what I say too personally, ok? Hmm? OK....ok...yeah...I don't know, why DID he cross the road? .... (groan) ...oh, man, like you haven't told THAT one a thousand times! Come on, get some new material, would ya? ...*long pause*... ...I didn't know you felt that way...no, no, it's OK, it really is. We ALL get blue sometimes...geez...and here I am dumping on YOU... OK...tell ya what...no, don't cry...come on...who's a Big Joker now? Huh? HUH? ... ...*laughs* THAT'S my boy! Listen, I was thinking...there's an exhibition of rare comic books planned at Gotham Museum next week...yeah....oh, yeah, rare stuff...I don't know...come on, how should I know if they have "Little Lulu"? ... Anyway, I'm just thinking out loud here, but how'z about you crash the exhibit on, say, Tuesday....is 9 OK with you? ...No, AM...that night stuff is for the birds... OK, great! I'll give you 10 minutes to work the crowd...then I'll make my entrance. This is great! Why didn't we do this sooner?... ...OK...ok...yeah...uh-huh...OK, look, Jokey, I don't want to be rude, but I gotta set up for the Museum caper - my utility belt is totally blotto from that party you threw two weeks ago... ...OK....ok, I'll see you then...my best to Harley...ok....bye. *Hums as he gets up and goes to the Bat Supply Closet*
It DOES seem that way, doesn't it? Life's not fair, I guess...some get all the looks and brains... ...and some get none.
Aww, shuckies... Nope - escaped two weeks ago. Huzzah! Check yer mail. Good ta see ya, ye old Ghastly thing ye!
1. The spectators, and certainly the participants, KNOW who the "leader" is in MANY bouts - it's quite plain when one is being beaten to a pulp. 2. Mt. Rushmore - it is eroding and therefore "moving backwards" into the mountain itself. 6. Actually, if you wanted to be technical about it - Dwell, dweller, dwelling, dwelled, dwells, dwelt... Dwarf, dwarves, dwarfed, dwarfing, dwarfish, dwarfishness... Dwindle, dwindled, dwindling, dwindles Dweeb Dweevil Dwayne Dwight 7. *15* - forgot interpunct. 8. What about vacuum-packed lettuce mixed with carrots, etc.? That's processed, no?
Do you know the time of your birth, and the latitude and longitude? And do you have $5? No, but I could maybe find it in a database somewhere I could find out I could find out In pennies, I think... So, without the hour, it's all academic. Thanks for the try, tho, John. *mopes away*